Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2016 » Январь » 31 » Rebuilding The department of NAS Ukraine in Donetsk’s region (Bakhmut/Bulavinsk/Artemovsk - Mariupol - Kramatorsk)
Rebuilding The department of NAS Ukraine in Donetsk’s region (Bakhmut/Bulavinsk/Artemovsk - Mariupol - Kramatorsk)
11:28 AM

Scientist The advice of The academy of economic sciences and business activity in Ukraine

(Scientist The advice of Azov’s Department of Academy ES&E)


EXTRACT FROM THE DECREE (26/3-226/8-15-2016)

of The presidium of the Azov’s Department of Academy ES&E


26.01.2016 yr.                                                                                              city  Artemovsk


Formed modern situation supposes the search of nonstandard decisions to conservation and to the development of school ofs science not only in Ukraine but also in all East Europe. This found reflection in The substantiations of Rebuilding The department of socioeconomic analysis and the advancements of investition projects of NAS Ukraine in Donetsk’s region (Bakhmut/Bulavinsk/Artemovsk - Mariupol - Kramatorsk)/ the realisation of the aim of The first vice-president and The main scientist of the secretary of NAS Ukraine, the academician of NAS Ukraine Anatolia Petrovicha Shpaka and the vice-president of NAS Ukraine, the director of Institution of the economics of NAS Ukraine, The academician of NAS Ukraine Ivana Illarionovicha Lukinova/on behalf of the scientist of the advice of The academy of economic sciences and business activity in Ukraine of and The institute of economical and socio-cultural  researches (assignee DESMC The academy of science of Ukraine).

The trained projects of substantiations were officially furnished to The first vice president of The national academy of sciences of Ukraine, to the academician of NAS Ukraine Vladimir  Pavlovich Gorbulinu 12 November 2015 year (NВ-1-11/12) on matching (was planned to improve them and to furnish to The President of NAS Ukraine, to Honorable Citizen Mariupol, to the academician of NAS Ukraine Borisu Evgenevichu Patonu).

In January 2016 yr. by us is  received letter (from 05.01.2016yr. for N226/8-15) for the signature of Vladimir Pavlovicha Gorbulina, The first vice-president of NAS Ukraine, the academician of NAS Ukraine, the trained by Department of the economics of NAS Ukraine (Scens. Secr. S.I.Kniazev), in which actually is  led project «The map of highway» the realisation of our initiative.

In it concretely is  indicated, what according to the decree of The cabinet of ministers of Ukraine from 01.03.2014yr. for N65 «About the parsimony of state facilities and exception budget embezzlements» is forbidden to carry out measures as to the creation of budget organizations. Also is  made reference to The law of Ukraine «О The state budget of Ukraine on 2016 year”, in which compared with previous period is  envisaged the significant contraction of expenditures on scientific and technical sphere, in particular, and on financing of The national academy of sciences of Ukraine.


All this speaks of what deciding of this question us should be carried out at the level of The cabinet of ministers of Ukraine and at the level of The supreme soviet (Rada) of Ukraine. For the creation of academic independent subdivisions AS and NAS Ukraine this was usual practice and in USSR, and in independent Ukraine. And this practice, as see, completely was retained and in 2016 year. This very well, what Presidium of NAS Ukraine turned our attention on concrete Decrees and Laws 2014-2015 yryr. having indicated actually in what documents is  necessary to enter fitting amendments.

That is why all Substantiations of Rebuilding The department of socioeconomic analysis and the advancements of infestation projects of NAS Ukraine in Donetsk’s region (Bakhmut/Bulavinsk/Artemovsk - Mariupol - Kramatorsk)/ the realisation of the aim of The first vice-president and The main scientist of the secretary of NAS Ukraine, the academician of NAS Ukraine Anatolia Petrovicha Shpaka and the vice-president of NAS Ukraine, the director of Institution of the economics of NAS Ukraine, The academician of NAS Ukraine Ivana Illarionovicha Lukinova/ to us advisable to prepare on the name of The prime minister of Ukraine Arseniya Petrovicha Yatseniuka and The chairman of The supreme soviet (RADA) of Ukraine V.B.GROISMANA.

However, this initiative cannot already emanate only from social, of scientific and academic organisations supposing silent support on the part of local authorities and regional State Administration. All materials is  necessary to adjust with the leadership of Artemovsk/Bakhmuta, of Mariupol and Kramatorsk, having attained the support of Donetsk’s regional Administration, because name, on them will lie responsibility for ensuring of the work of The department of socioeconomic analysis and the advancements of infestation projects of NAS Ukraine in Donetsk’s region.

Also to us is  necessary maximal to engage all had in our disposal (on territories not control DNR and LNR) intellectual resources, that is why is  arrived at a decision:


1.          To activize the work OF AGENCY of AD of AES&E in city. Artemovsk created on the basis of Artemovsk’s museum, of The Donetsk’s university of economics and law, Mariupol’s Agencies of AO of AES&E and The institute of economical and socio-cultural  researches (assignee DESMC The academy of science of Ukraine);


  1. To acquaint leadership city Artemovsk (Bakhmuta), city Mariupol and city Kramatorsk  with trained us by projects of Substantiations and to ask to give to specialists from administrations in enterprising group as to Rebuilding The departments of socioeconomic analysis and the advancements of infestation projects of NAS Ukraine in Donetsk’s regoin (Bakhmut/Bulavinsk/Artemovsk - Mariupol - Kramatorsk);


  1. To carry out fitting augmented sittings - the research seminars of enterprising group as to the discussion on of the projects of The substantiations of Rebuilding The department of socioeconomic analysis and the advancements of infestation projects of NAS Ukraine in Donetsk’s region (Bakhmut/Bulavinsk/Artemovsk - Mariupol - Kramatorsk) and as to their results to arrange shall meet-meeting with the leadership of Donetsk’s regional State Administration.


Vice-chairman of the Azov’s Department of Academy of ES&E,

director IESCR, prof. Don. Univer. of Econ.&Law, Dr econ.,

high scies. empl., cand.techn.scies.




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N 226/8 – 15  from 05.01.2016 yr.

                                                        Dr economical science

A.V. Vasiljev

6, Uvileynaya St., Fl.6

City Seversk

Artemovskiy area,

Donetsk’s region



Dear   Alexander   Valerievich !


It is relative Yours letter from 12.11.2015 NB-1-11/12 about of Rebuilding The department of socioeconomic analysis and the advancements of infestation projects of NAS Ukraine in Donetsk’s region instruct.

It is today according to the decree of The cabinet of ministers of Ukraine from 01.03.2014yr. for N65 «About the parsimony of state facilities and exception budget embezzlements» is forbidden to carry out measures as to the creation of budget organizations.

It is besides  The law of Ukraine «О The state budget of Ukraine on 2016 year”, in which compared with previous period is  envisaged the significant contraction of expenditures on scientific and technical sphere, in particular, and on financing of The national academy of sciences of Ukraine.



The first vice president

of The national academy of sciences of Ukraine,

the academician of NAS Ukraine                                          V.  P. Gorbulin


Kniazev S.I.

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