«Twenty Steps to Society General Labour» N.A.NAZARBAEVA | 8:11 AM |
From «Philosophy Letters» P.YA.CHAADAEVA and «Historical Letters» P.L.LAVROVA till «Twenty Steps to Society General Labour» N.A.NAZARBAEVA
Is considered, what philosophy generally does not interest «Broad masses», but then why with 1826 yr. all intellectual elite have readied «Philosophy Letters» Petra Yakolevicha Chaadaeva, and with 1861 yr. «Historical Letters» Petra Lavrovicha Lavrova? It is like, not due to not correspondence from life manifests permanent interest to produced to break-throughs philosophical design think produced the thinkers of The humanity of last centuries. The depth of conclusions Petra Yakovlevicha Chaadaeva cannot leave nobody indifferent, who at least one time read them. And moral impetration substantiated Petrom Lavrovichem Lavrovym not only lifted the Russia youth in 70 years of XIX century on the act of bravery of in the cause the development of Russian Nation to but also today vitally need all Commonwealth of independent states committing quick break-through in WILLING. But how real to build WORLD on the shoulders of intellectual-spiritual Titans’ Humanity? The hundreds of sociologists, politics and economists searched and search replying to this question. And it is impossible to say that their search is of no effect. But only nobody does not try to actualize their elite and in many Vanguard-Rare model. Do not captivate people their overburdened by the subjectivism of the scheme of social interaction, and "dissert on philosophical topics” apropos of and without motive only repulses life-size politicians of and the organizers of manufacturing from acquaintance with the achievements of humanists. By unattainable ideal was presented banding in one person of insisting scientist of humanist and real politics. But life lend gift to us such unique case and promulgation for the nation of Kazakhstan suddenly became the document of global general-culture significance, and virtual, by theoretical-methodological and designly-instrumental basement for the real alteration of the socio-social relations of modern civilization. Much will be of programs and strategic initiatives, but the fundamental positions of the concept of The society of General Labor will stay already once for all in basis the intellectual-spiritual achievements of Humanity. On this labor will refer and philosophers, and economists not only today but also in decades, and the heads of all levels by him will use, by as real made time by the program of concrete state constructing. On what account we make such conclusion? Because self work «The Social modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty Steps to Society General Labour» does not comprise of and fifty pages and maybe it is possible in several proposals lend deep substantiation? Not simply it is possible, and necessary. Insisting the philosophical-sense-bearing truth of life does not require the hundreds of the pages of text and is understood by all people, as generally it is said, by heart, but actually that deep common to all mankind mind which is considered by basis "life”. That is why these a few proposals cost of the hundreds of the pages of substantiations with the 1000s of reference toes the authorities of the thinkers of various epochs. «Now became evident illuzation the concept of consumer society which was widely spread from 60 years of past century. Today all world with particular acuity was sure, what this ideology of consumption turned out to be devastating. Its generated mass-scale social "life for strange account” in the various countries of world and is one of the principal causes of global crisis. To this false idea which by no means cannot be actualized not only all over the world, but even in developed countries, can be found design alternative. And such alternative is the idea of Society General Labour» (N.A.NAZARBAEV, Astana, 2012). But all citizens UIS with particular attention are attributed to following words: «We in larger degree brought down level "life for strange account”. To that is why Kazakhstan to as leader of social reforms important to take on itself initiative and to develop the integral model of social modernisation, attractive to all our partners as to Eurasians integration.» (N.A.NAZARBAEV, Astana, 2012). Not only for itself Kazakhstan aims to carry out social modernisation! For all us in Commonwealth of independent states conducts Kazakh nation this modernisation, distinctly carrying out her as to all directions of socioeconomic and state constructing, of have made twenty concrete errands of President Kazakhstan N.A.NAZARBAEVA. What maybe more concrete, pragmatic and impressing for us, by participant concrete general-civilization activity in The Eurasia Center?! That is why document «The Social modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty Steps to Society General Labour» President Republic Kazakhstan, Dr econ. PhD., prof. Nursultana Abishevicha Nazarbaeva will also demanding intellectual elite, as «Philosophy Letters» (P.YA.CHAADAEV) and as «Historical Letters» (P.L.LAVROV), not only scientists and heads but also all finding its way in living the Youth of Commonwealth of independent states.
Alexander Vasiljev, 20.04.7521 yr. from created Wide World, Astana, University P.S. Break-through in WILLING tremendous! And especial, this scientist economist understands having got acquainted with «Twenty Steps to Society General Labour», professor, Dr econ PhD. Nursultana Abishevicha Nazarbaeva, and wash enthusiastic assessment part colleagues (!). It is by the way, in Bible we also shall find distinct indication «All wealth from Labour», from reference to which began as to and my doctoral dissertation economics in 1992yr., dedicated to The produced economist of Russia and Americas Vasiliiu Vasilevichu Leontevu, just like my monographs 1991 yr. But one matter to say and to write about main labor in the formation of national wealth and the riches of World, and other to embark upon the realisation of this position having lent the objective analysis of the concept of consumer society (realisation which on definite stage was nevertheless historically absolved). From general methodological idea till concrete realisation is the distance of great size. Two 1000s years old ago was said to, what «All wealth from Labour», and only today in The Eurasia center appeared Leader and state embarking upon the concrete realisation of this position to and CONSTRUCTING of The society of General Labor. In order there did not speak, and Humanity have clever and sees real exit from the problems of development on the way of deeply moral behavior to every man, in not dependence on it capabilities and possibilities preserving the threads of the social ties of man with society through LABOUR, through that activity which is necessary to people who preserves in man pride from consciousness its need and significance. It is real, Great break-through in WILLING! Larger Honor to be by participant this creating activity. | |
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