Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2011 » Сентябрь » 9 » 11/09/2011 about 11/09/2001 - sorrow and HOPE
11/09/2011 about 11/09/2001 - sorrow and HOPE
7:56 PM
To the people of the USA
To the President of the USA Barrak Obbama
to Prezydentu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Bronisławu Komorowskiemu
To all relatives of lost in New York and USA of September, 11, 2011
To the Secretary General of UNO
To the members of Ungovernmental Civil Organizations registered in UNO
        The whole World of September, 11, 2011 will pray GOD for the SOULS of the lost citizens under the wreckages of building of World Shopping Center in New York. And it already there will be a tenth mournful anniversary of assassination which began the new page of fight of our Civilization for the Future.
       Exactly, then on September, 12, 2001 President-chairman of the Azov Department of Academy of economic sciences and entrepreneurial activity, academician of New York Academy of Sciences, academician of Academy of economic sciences of Ukraine, academician of Academy AES$E, doctor of commerce, cand.econ. scis., high empl., author of "Law of Preservation of Labour Valery Aleksandrovich Vasiljev gave pointing to send condolence to the prominent citizens of the World, which entered in prestige in the world Edition "Who is Who in the World" 2001 (USA).
      Grief of the American people which was exposed to the cynical and wild terrorist attack was very near us, that we all in full realized only then, when us it was revealed to about an attack on Pentagon and attempt to attack a nuclear object in the USA, but the heroic conduct of simple people in the "Boeing” doomed to death rescued the USA from the nightmare of nuclear tragedy. Eternal Memory to these real Heroes of the USA and whole World. We always will about them remember and sincerely pray GOD for their Souls in the best World.
       Then in September, 2001, especially, instants were remembered, when stood on the observational ground of World Shopping Center in New York in 1986, and before us a panorama opened up on the miracle of engineering building idea of our Civilization - on New York, on his most beautiful sky-scrapers which infused with in us a hope and confidence, that a man can overcome all difficulties and can attain all aims put before him. Then we were struck to harmonious connection of aquatic smooth surface of the Atlantic ocean with building genius of architects and with the distinguished achievement of engineering idea of Great Frenchman Efelia - Statue of Freedom which opened New Light to thousands of Europeans, and in ХХ century and to the whole World.
       A heart compressed from feeling of loss. Throwing away opportunity quietly to hope on normal progress of humanity, on progress without the foolish and wild relapses of barbarism and vandalism. What unlifting load per the HEAD was taken by all those, who planned and accomplished this assassination. What frightful fate waits the snatches of their bad and blasted SOULS! They nowhere and never already normal will find to itself. Their fate terrifies thinking everybody, realizing immortality of the human SOUL. Hardly the first letters left from Taganrog, but then already did not interfere with us to express condolence to prominent Americans, Australians, citizens of India and Canada, and also to Serbia, Spain and prominent representatives of other states. Very much it was directionally sincere and warm letters on which to the surprise some "pseudo - patriots" of Eastern Europe the World answered verses and gratitude.
       This stream of GOOD, which destroyed all foolishness and meanness of organizers of ASSASSINATION was so powerful, that him already nobody tried to stop, and only looked after how he will influence on perception of the world those, who perceived him and tried to strengthen his positive, creative constituent. Exactly, then nominee of Edition "Who is Who in the World" Valery Aleksandrovich Vasiljev advanced idea to conduct the First World Congress of Spiritual Unity in New York. This idea was sincerely supported by ten of the intellectual World persons and many consented to create Civil International Committee on preparation of World public opinion to realization of the First World Congress of Spiritual Unity in New York. Such name and it was given to our Civil International Committee.
        Already ten years we aim to spread this global and very necessary to the World idea among the intellectual persons of practically entire countries. Tens of appeals and letters is written with it was Chairman of Committee by Valery Aleksandrovich Vasiljev to 12.12.2006 yr, which to the last breathing aimed to increase the number of supporters and activists of realization of this grandiose project in Ukraine and, especially, in Europe. Caught up the relay race of high service to unity of all high-intellectuals and highly-spiritual representatives of intellectual elite of the World in 2006. Prominent Spanish is Doctor Ernesto Garcia. He with deep respect behaved to the request of Valery Aleksandrovich Vasiljev to lead Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity. And today this Committee not only placed tens of the advanced studies and hundreds of interesting materials of scientific conferences on the site but also lifted on new, really, international level Higher Reward of the Azov Department of AES$E - Nominal Medal of "Metropolitan Gotii and Cafa, Saint Ignatius", and also international academic Prime Kumpana, which with 1996 12 talented youths of scientists were already awarded with for highly skilled scientific developments and lectures on international scientific conferences with participation AES&E and Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity (brief name of our Committee).
        In spite of complications and obstacle to Doctor Ernesto Garcia it was succeeded in 2011 to organize not only handing of prestige Diploma of Laureate of Prime Kumpana in Stanislaw (modern Ivano-Frankivsk) but also to obtain money Bonus, in forming of which took part Banks of Ukraine and International Investment Fund Pioneer in the nearest to Ukraine state of European Union - in Poland, strategic partner of Ukraine. Already Laureate of Bonus Kumpana, Ph.D., candidate of political sciences Uliana Romanovna Lukach will with reality and deep respect behave to this reward, as due to Investment Fund Pioneer in forming of money Bonus of Prime financial Institutes of European Union took part and Its on organization of financing continues practice of Nobel Institute (!). In general, material stimulation it can not fall into oblivion, and handing of deeds and souvenirs must be complemented by the drop of the "real FREEDOM" which is given by financial resources. It in 2010-2011 it succeeded us all to realize, for what we are sincerely thankful to all Bank workers of Bank of PEKAO SA and Ivano-Frankivsk branch of CREDO of Bank, senior officials of office of President of Poland and, especially, to Prezydentu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Bronisławu Komorowskiemu, which heads managing European Union today, for understanding and support.
        Estimating all have made over the years, we make sure, that progress is inexorable. That the victims of September, 11, 2001 are not vain and civilization did the real step forward. Our Committee from the side sincerely tried to be to the useful people, and main - saved IDEA of realization of World Congress of Spiritual Unity in New York, in city which gradually becomes the symbol of fight against all unreceptive to new ideas, obsolete and wild in the Human association.
       On September, 11, 2011 we with all American people will set fire candles in Memory of Heroes of September, 11, 2001. We will remember all Heroes which rescued all of us in this day ! We will ask GOD to grant them to the Souls the Pease and Rest on eternal times for their Exploit in the name our Civilization. We will pray GOD for all relatives of lost on September, 11, 2001 and for all American soldiery lost from hands of terrorists for these ten years.
       We will pray GOD so sincerely, as it was done 11.10.2009 on square of Saint Peter after five canonized Saints by Roman Pope Benedict ХYI in the Cathedral of Saint Peter – Zygmunt Szczensny Felinski, Francisco Coll y Guitart, Jozef Damiaan de Veuster, Rafael Arnaiz Baron, Marie de la Croix Jugan, as prayed on beatification Ivan Paul Second 1.05.2011 in Rome together by Roman Pope Benedict ХYI and as the souls of President of Leha Kachinskiego, his wife Maria Kachinskaja prayed for the peace and all of them 96 comrade-in-armses after a tragedy under Smolensk in 2010. It is been us for whom to study to love GOD. And it is been us for whom to Ask GOD. And we know that never on Earth time of absence of prominent fighters will come for the Future of Humanity, which we will be to help all forces .
With deep sympathy, sorrow and HOPE,
Vice-chairman CIC                                   Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller
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Просмотров: 1289 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: NEW YORK, Roman Pope Benedict ХYI, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Dr Valery Vasiljev, Z.Felinski, Bronisławu Komorowskiemu, Dr Ernesto Garcia, 11-09-2001 | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
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