Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2013 » Июнь » 11 » 2013/6/9 - ERNESTO LUIS GARCIA Y GARCIA-11/06/2013
2013/6/9 - ERNESTO LUIS GARCIA Y GARCIA-11/06/2013
6:12 PM

My Dear Friend Dr Ernesto,

I send Post-mail (5/06/2013 NRR011574226KZ) to You on the adress Hospital
the Big Programm YI Astana's Economical Forum ang my last
Unit-CIC-AzovAcademy-Institute ... I want that You are feelling membership
this FORUM (read my long Letter in note). We with You have made many
materials for Internet-World that these Forums will be (!!), I think it!
I HOPE on the GOD ... and PRAY for YOU, my Dear Ernesto.
All Yours Alexander Vasiljev-Muller (Vasilbaev ...jock)
Astana, University

My Dear  Friend Dr Ernesto,

I have known that all WELL ... 

All Yours Alexander Vasiljev
Astana, University
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