Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2014 » Сентябрь » 29 » $ 3 trillions - Probably specifically comment on this nightmare does not make sense
$ 3 trillions - Probably specifically comment on this nightmare does not make sense
11:06 PM

By analogy with the great Briton William Petty - Suppose that in value as one of the deceased military is estimated at 400 thousand. Dollars (in 1999. Single immigrant in the United States of Doctor of Science, we evaluated 600 thousand. Dollars, so - presumably the figure generally justified ), and real losses in killed about 5,000 people Slavs (Russian and Ukrainian). It turns out the amount equal to 2 000 000 thousand. Dollars, ie $ 2 trillion. If all the losses in the infrastructure and civilian population estimated at half of the actual military losses, you get another $ 1 trillion. And that we are entering a figure of $ 3 trillion, which is almost the total annual GDP of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine ... and, most of all, there is a lower threshold for expert evaluation ... (by the way, the GDP of the world economy 72 trillion dollars). Probably specifically comment on this nightmare does not make sense ... 

Просмотров: 1184 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: 3 trillions $, Donbass, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller | Рейтинг: 5.0/3 |
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