Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2012 » Июль » 23 » bio-fuel and to economics were to Humanity are given
bio-fuel and to economics were to Humanity are given
2:53 PM
Dear Sir,
To me not known, when can in nearest time appear in Internet, that is why want to report its opinion of the relatively very perspective deciding of leadership USA. We everything use today Internet and already do not realize our life without this achievement of humanity. But else in 1994 year we in East Europe gained letters in many months after their dispatch from West Europe.
Today 5 minutes and your letter read and in Vladivostok and in Rio-de-Janeiro. It is that is why, like, will not appear in the coming years innovation deciding who can be compared with invention and development of The Internet-technologies. By the for me the most bright acknowledgement of it effectiveness exist a few of words on the part of one of the lectures university in city Rivno which in 2009 yr. said simply and explicit: «Internet have created common Humanity ». Main for Ukrainians - these is said to in the university of East Europe!
 But today necessary ecological revolution for the rescue of this «Common Humanity» which can be compared with revolutionary deciding in information science - by invention Internet. It is name, is necessary to make the profitable and beneficial creation of alternative energy sources. We understand everything that simple limitation of earnings in environment harmful substances without the adjustment of the technologies of - this halt development (actually step back; In past). It is like, that is why all Kyoto’s protocols did not hurry to sign in USA, because they more bore patsifistical and demonstrational disposition. And here is search and the realization of decisions which really will activize research and design and all economics tune to realization schedules retaining oil and unrenewed energy sources - this perspective and necessary work. To us by everything thered seem that such deciding cannot come from military complex which is considered very conservative regarding innovation decisions for the civil branches of popular economy. But all in this world changes. And changed quotient military to its tasks. The plan of the transition of the part of ships and the parts of other means of transports in armies USA on bio-fuel - this not simple modernization, and the fundamental change of priorities in the exploratory of the many body ofs men of science of country (and in many countries NATO; And not only NATO). This great push to change the entire branches of popular economy USA and in the many countries of world. Very good deciding which will have great positive consequences for all World economics in the most nearest time.
Taking into account scales of economics USA, World hopes on quick turns. All this well understands every American man. That is why at my place no the boggle relatively of outlooks of election by the President USA of Barrack Obama. If I have right to ballot for President USA, then without doubt would ballot for the candidacy of Mr. Obama. It is name, in the period of His presidency military USA accepted such strong innovation deciding, and this about much speaks. I to pay attention to one exclusively important moment. The formulation of positive tasks as to creation and improving of the technologies of manufacturing bio-fuel before real economics is from methodological point of view shining deciding. The fact is that all main acquaintances as to economics were to Humanity are given to, just like of all ten main behests in Bible. To this concluding we with the academician of New York Academy of Sciences, by the academician of the Academy of the economic sciences of Ukraine, by the academician of Academy ES&E Russia, prof. University «Ukraine» Valery Alexandrovichem Vasiljev came in 2000-2001 years after my six monthly probation in The institutes of Poland and the discussion ones of the problems of world economics with produced Polish economist Avgustinom Voshchem. Into many this managed owing to real step in deepening of finding understanding of The Law of The preservation of Labor, as of Law having the exclusively broad spectrum of applying and, real, fundamental. On get-together with daughter in Berlin 29.06.2012 yr. beginnings its admonishments (like, the traditional duty of parents) from the description of this position (over this can be laughed, but I did not was not sure, what can come 4-5.07.2012 yr., that is why aimed to say most important …), because considered and consider this position by the most significant our intellectual achievement. It, necessary, will help all, who realizes him, especial, to the heads of real economics. Forms sensation which this POSITION in any degree was understood and in military department USA, because was carried out the formulation of positive purposes before real economics without interference with its operation. And this is alonely correct deciding. If unites the positive formulation of purposes with real healthy economics, then progress is inevitable.
Is necessary only to us all, who considers itself by explorers, to continue to work in economic theories, constantly its deepening.
With sincere respect,
Alexander Vasiljev
Просмотров: 1131 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: Dr Valery Vasiljev, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Kyoto’s protocols, barrack obama | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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