Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2011 » Апрель » 15 » Katyn-Smolensk - 1940-2010 We will be remember ... 3-10.04.2011 Stanislaw
Katyn-Smolensk - 1940-2010 We will be remember ... 3-10.04.2011 Stanislaw
3:39 PM

Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Bronislawu Komarowski

Dear Sir,

I will be remember:
I was writen "I want to be Katyn 3.04.2011 with You ...", but I cannot to go in Smolensk and 10.04.2011 ...

I am all these days prayed to GOD for the Souls of all Great Poland, lost under Katyn in 1940 and lost under Smolensk in 2010. Certainly, among these Great People there were my relatives. Nobody will want me to explain why these two Great Men (will look photos, which add) are so alike, but an answer lies on a surface.
If to confront the dates of life of Eudoxia Timofeevna Cherniavskaya (my grandmother) and Pan Ryszard Kaczorowski, then is obviously, that the most considerable events in their lives about which memory was saved in our family happened practically synchronously. And soldiery authorities in Eastern Europe to these personalities also was practically professed interest in one and also time ! But it is material for separate, serious work.
And today allow me to express deep condolence to You, as to President of the Great European country of Rechipospolitoy-Poland, which at the beginning ХХ of century lost part of talented with high spirituality Citizens which knows and will remember the whole World. Each of 96 lost under Smolensk will remember on canonization Ioanna Paul II in Cathedral Saint Peter in Vatican (Rome).
All of them gave the lives for the best future of this imperfect World. We never about them will forget ! Memory about them will allow us not to do errors today and in the future!

All Yours Alexander Vasiljev-Muller
From Stanislaw (modern Ivano-Frankivsk with 1962)
Просмотров: 1227 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: Smolensk in 2010, Evdokia Cherniavskaya, Katyn in 1940, Bronislawu Komarowski, Stanislaw, Maria Kachinskaya, Leh Kachinskiy, Ryszard Kaczorowski | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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