Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2016 » Август » 11 » Libanova, Ella Marlenovna - to ABI
Libanova, Ella Marlenovna - to ABI
4:15 PM

The characteristic of candidacies in the editions of American Biographic Institute from the scientist of the advice of The academy of economic sciences and business activity in Ukraine


Libanova Ella Marlenovna - Scientist in the field socio-economical, demography and the economics of labor, the academician of The national academy of sciences of Ukraine (is  elected in 2009 г.) doctor economic (with 1993 yr.)

1950 yr. - was given birth to in Kiev;

1971 yr. - finished The Kiev institute of popular economy by name D.S. Korotchenko;

1977 yr. - defended candidate thesis;

1993 yr. - defended doctoral dissertation;

With 2000 yr. as to 2005 yr. - the research adviser of President of Ukraine;

2002 yr. - is  elected by member by the-correspondent of NAS Ukraine as to specialty «The economics of labor»;

2003 yr. - assistant director as to the work of scholarship of The institute of demography and the social research of NAS Ukraine;

2007 yr. - head of institution demography and the social research f NAS Ukraine;

2009 yr. - academician the-secretary of the department of the economics of NAS Ukraine.

She is Member of «International Union demography», committee member as to the adjudication of the state Bonuses of Ukraine in the field science and technology and vice-chairman section, as well as the member of the editorial staff of journals «Ukraine: aspects of labour, «Economics and Prognostication», «Economics of industry», «Economics Ukraine», «Statistic of Ukraine»,  «Man and policy», « Social protection». Ella Marlenovna great deal works being the vice-chairman of the specialized scientist of advice as to the protection of doctoral dissertations as to specialty «the demography, the economics of labor and social policy» The institute of demography and the social research of NAS Ukraine and by the member of the specialized scientist of advice as to the protection of doctoral dissertations as to the specialty of « Statistic» Kiev national economic university by name Vadima Getmana. Except this, Ella Marlenovna was the head of working groups as to the preparation of reports «Problems poverty in the context of the politics of socioeconomic conversions and strategies reforms», of «Creation  middle class in Ukraine», «Demography situation in Ukraine: Problems and Outlooks», «Creation  and the development of the market of labor in Ukraine: Problems and outlooks Decisions», as well as of The messages of President of Ukraine to The supreme soviet (Rade) of Ukraine in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 years and by co-author The messages of President of Ukraine to The supreme soviet (Rade) of the Ukraine 2005 year, just like by co-author the series of National reports. But main, from our point of view, for representation in The reference publication of American Biographic Institute is the authorsip of Elly Marlenovny Libanovoi the methodology of the measurement of human development at the level of areas which is used of Goskomstatom Ukraine for annual calculations. Also researches carried out under leadership Elly Marlenovny for period with 2004 yr. as to 2013 yr., show the growth of well-being of the population of Ukraine, and in 18 regions of Ukraine (areas) the significance of this index grew on 30% and above. And this correlates with the results of our researches as to methodology of V.P. Kosalapova in Mariupolskom and Ivano-Franko’s regions for the quarter of eyelid, and comparing with data V.V.VOLOVICH embrace period in 33 year of : «Carried out research ... In 1977 yr. published in 1982 yr., as well as by the laboratory of the socioeconomic problems of Mariupol’s metallurgical institute in 1986-87 yryr., as well as by The research institute of the Ivano-Franko’s university of right by name King Danila Galitskogo in 2011 yr. showed obviously not that picture which await to see journalists in Ukraine.»

That is why as to the results of researches fulfiled under leadership E.M.LIBANOVOI, as well as the scientists of the Azov’s Department of Academy ES&E (A.S. Alexeenko, L.G. Sedelnikova, A.V. Vasiljєv, E.V. Kuvykina), objective conclusion which for last 25 years old East Europe qualitative understanding changed and population, real, entered into information epoch with the high level of pretensions and demands to infrastructure.

It is possible to make acquaintance with publications:

 Lіbanova E.M. Rebuilding Donbasu: Assessment socio-economical expenditures and The prioritized directions of state politics //Vіsnik NAS Ukraine. - 2015. - 11. - pp. 13-25 [Electronic resource]. - Regime access: Http://  

LіBANOVA E.M. Poverty populated Ukraine: methodology, methodology that practice analyze: monographic. - To.: KNEU, 2008. - 330 p. [Electronic resource]. - Regime to access: Http://рubliс.html

Lіbanova E.M. Compulsory Migration  Donbasu: The scales of calls for Ukraine//Vіsnik NAS Ukraine. - 2014. -- 12. - pp. 15-24. - doi: 10.15407/visn2014.12.015 [Electronic resource]. - Regime access: Http://  Lіbanova E.M. Humanism social integration and social development / Demography and socio-economics  - 2010. - 2 (14). - pp. 3- 15. - doi: 10.15407/dse2010.02.003 [Electronic resource]. - Regime access: Http://рdf

Lіbanova E.M. Demographic drifts in the context socio- development//Demography that socio economics. - 2014. - 1 (21). - pp. 9-23. - doi: 10.15407/dse2014.01.009 [Electronic resource]. - Regime to access: Http://рdf

Liudskii Development in Ukraine: Modernization social policy / region’s aspect (Collective monographic)/for ред. E.M. Lіbanovoї; Іn-t demography and social research named M.V. Ptukhi NAS Ukraine. - K., 2015. - 356 p. ISBN 978-966-02-7871-4  


That is why consider substantiated our recommendation as to candidacy Elly Marlenovny Libanovoi in your distinguished  edition.


Address: 01601, Київ-30, вул. Володимирська, 54. /

54 Volodymirskaja St., Kiev-30, 01601, Ukraine


The member of The Board of Advisers ABI,

vice-chairman of The Azov’s Department

of Academy ES&E                                                             Dr. Alexander Vasiljev

Просмотров: 816 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: CIC, Azov Academy, NAS Ukraine, Dr Alexander Vasiljev, Libanova Ella Marlenovna, ABI, IESCR, Carol Mitchell | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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