Methodological study of the need to develop the right strategic vision | 7:57 AM |
Aigerim Aikenova ЭБ-314/2 Moldirkoz Osipova ЭБ-314/2 Zybek Samuratova ЭБ-307/2 Methodological study of the need to develop the right strategic vision: to provide our joint achievements in enhancing competitiveness. Today, a lot of talk about the need to think of strategies not only states, but also for multinational corporations and firms. However, many feel that this is a passing fad and a discussion of these documents affects just a guide. But this is not the case. Theorists of social and economic thought, a theorem of Thomas, the essence of which the student Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin, Robert Merton formulated in such a way - "a public definition of the situation (prophecies or predictions) become an integral part of the situation and thus affect the subsequent events."The famous materialist philosopher and founder of the social contract theory, Thomas Hobbes came to a similar conclusion - "prophecies often been the cause of the predicted events. The experiment confirmed the theoretical developments. So, in 1938, on the eve of All Saints Day in the U.S. on October 30 carried out a radio broadcast radio show on Wells' War of the Worlds. " Although traditionally all had to wait for the draw, but more than 1.2 million people have believed in the invasion and rushed out of New York. It took weeks to reverse the effects of panic.But it is a fact rather demonstrate the possibility of impact on people, and not a positive impact on the implementation of socio-ekonomicheskigodevelopment. Experience in implementing the strategic decisions of our country - this is a new level of implementation of theoretical concepts Russian subjective socio-economic school. Therefore, the development of strategic plans and broad discussion of them in order to implement a forward strategy of development of the state - is a very promising and necessary work each intensively developing society. And we want to focus on the following main results of the development of Kazakhstan, as well as the challenges that face the nation on the road to 2050. THAT INTEGRATES US /instead of the CHARTER and DECLARATION /
We, Citizens of the States signing the General Declaration of human rights, professed by General Assembly of the United Nations December 10, 1948, adhere to humanist views and we have large heritage of political traditions and ideals (respect of freedom and supremance of law), we aim to make first steps to balanced intelligently - spiritual growth(increase) of our CIVILIZATION.
1. We are integrated by tendency to actual respect and observance(holding) of the Convention about a protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms changed and supplemented by the Minutes № 11 in tracking of the Padding minutes and the Minutes №№ 4,6 and 7, by engaging attention of world community to the facts, known for us, of violation(disturbance) this basic for development of democratic institutes in a world of the document.
2. We are integrated by tendency to actuate search practically of significant humanist ideas and initiatives, directional on acceleration of intelligently - spiritual growth(increase) in all locales of a world, by engaging to discussion and moving out of the innovation solutions of the most broad layers of the experts and spiritual leaders, by discussion of the most composite problems of development with highly moral representatives of administrative elite of a world.
3. Us integrates denial of a terror in all its forms(shapes) both developments and tendency to render moral and spiritual support to all victims of acts of terrorism, all national and international institutes, which one aim to put an insuperable screen to the terrorists and their ideologists, and also all persons which have tested as physical, and moral degrading and discrimination.
4. We are integrated by sincere tendency to achievement of perception by all people one another, as brothers; by the integrated unified purpose of harmonic and crisis-free intelligently - spiritual growth(increase) - on the basis of preservation of all cultures, existing on ground, and cultural phenomenas. Only they also are actual achievement of our CIVILIZATION, and in competitive development which one all of us resided and we discover sources of own self-development.
5. We are integrated by tendency to organize per the nearest years the First World-wide Congress of a Spiritual Unification in New York, having conducted the matched preparatory shares at regional levels, which one should be by the character of a unification intellectual(intelligent) and spiritual powers of mankind on a threshold of an output(exit) of the Humanity, as reasonable and moral force for limits NOOSPHERA of the Earth and all Solar system.
6. We are integrated by careful attitude(relation) to intelligently - spiritual heritage of all cultures and doctrines, to maximum full implementation of the law of an non-destroy intelligently - spiritual labour, to preservation of grateful MEMORY about all outstanding scientifics and cultural figures of Europe and World, to revival of principles of the Natural Right and Economia (Vizantia) in international attitudes(relations) at all levels.
7. We are integrated by tendency to decide today all of the complexety problems of development, instead of to put aside problems for the solution to our children and grandsons, boosting strength and uncertainty of the people hereafter. And we see actual escaping of stagnation and apathy in those or diverse spheres of activity and in this or that locale of a world in acceleration of globalization of the processes on the high intelligently - moral base of achievements of human thought.
Mariupol-Zaragoza – 2004
«There is no person, which one would be as an Island, in itself: each person is a part of Continent, part of a Land; and if by a Wave the coast Rock will communicate in the sea, becomes less Europe, and also, if collapsed the edge (boundarouse) of Cape or will destroy the Lock thy or Friend thy; the mors of each person detracts also me, wherefore I am unified with all Mankind, that is why do not ask never, till comas the Bell rings: It rings on YOU.» John Donn, XVII century ------------------------------------------ | |
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