Preparing for Hurricane Sandy- 29/10/12 The White House | 10:26 AM |
Memory Bill Green, former Congressman Tornado Testing on Fortitude To me, to as
inhabitant of Central Europe, difficultly complete to realize that horror and
that grief which experience the 1000s of people in And because these natural cataclysms rather frequently experience on fortitude American continent. But, what interesting, they began to visit and «Old Europe». What is it? Development, develops and changes not only human community but also encircling its the World of nature. This World constantly sets all new and new tasks before Man. Us, as constantly testing and ask, and what new You, the inhabitants of Earth, understood and what new decisions can propose Your intellect after arduous and unequivocal work of the think? To realize not only adversarial but also positive role TORNADO and to manage with him live - this, actual, great as to complexity task which costs before the humanity intellect. Could people today, at least partial, its to decide? Most people will reply unique that NO. But I would not scurried with such categorical answer … Let's appreciate
formed situation with consequences last TORNADO which pastly as to the Who
stopped abolitionary force last TORNADO in On this question nobody meanwhile does not try to reply. Is considered, what search of correct answer blind-alley. Many consider that we meanwhile can only more-less successfully fantasy and not above ... But then than to explain possibility Malfarov (Clergyman) in Prikarpate for time withhold the onset of showers or even to cause rain? It is so, Malfar Nechaev helped Ruslane to take off clip, and as soon as survey was completed went rain (fact is widely known). And this not agitation for izoterizm, and meanwhile not capable of explanation from the positions of official academic science facts (that is why about them not it is said). But already capable of explanation with scientific not of orthodox state academic positions facts. Though them and ascribe to academicians social, of rather than state academies, but this great step to real understanding formed situations. It is so, what lent these explanations? Real practical outcomes which were detected in what in drought in one of steppe areas leadership went on unexpected deciding and invited Clergymen which really cajoled out at nature rain (!). But, what they such serious and incomprehensible made? Nothing peculiar. They simply asked Natural forces observing agelong traditions. And these forces went on get-together actively expressed request for the rescue of crop, of and actually labor of people and nature. Take notice which rescued the labor not of only people of but also nature. It is by the way, else Great Economist and The Lord of Great Britain Viliam Peti in 1662 year the first fundamentally substantiated the interaction of three factors of manufacturing, name: Labor, lands of and capital. But only in 1999 year the academician of New York Academy of Sciences, the member of the Board of The advisers of American Biographic Institute, the member of International Biographic Center in Cambridge, the doctor of commerce, cand. econ. scies, h.scies.empl. Valery Vasiljev formulated and substantiated the existence of The law of The preservation of Labor. And in 2003 year it came to the conclusion about it more broad general disposition. It is name, what nature enabling grain to grow in ripe plant and to give to from it from 15 till 25 grains, too commits work and this work also tends to persist. That is why not only for man «all wealth from labor» (what pronouncedly in «Bible») but also for all Earth its development and willing is concluded in labor manifested of and subtle worlds; In their harmonious interaction. So here is - this harmony and restored the active requests of team Clergymen to the mighty force of nature. And this positive coordination of labor expenditures managed them to restore and to retain the labor of people and nature. Actually they worked generally positive direction and contributed creation the common labor of man and nature. This view can be assuredly called by modern real systems approach which creates. And hence follows very simple and comprehensible idea - if people concernedly in its mass begin to want positive coordination in the conservation of the labor expenditures of man and nature, then possibly achievement this creation coordination in our with deep reciprocal ties and with tight reciprocal dependence Wide World. Is necessary to emphasize that what we perceive as catastrophic for the separate regions of The earth of phenomenon, actually are the necessary labor activity of nature for the conservation of optimal surroundings on earth on the whole for humanity. Tornado - this
actually great active labor of natural forces which is fulfiled for сбалансированности natural phenomenons. In past
milleniums, and possibly and in more remote times people on the territories of All weight, and or rather, of 80% this cargo on itself today took American continent. But disbalance in the development of our civilization cause the necessity of natural forces to raise its activity of at the beginning XXI st. and already underground pyramids of and other similar purposes erection do not rescue Central Europe - Ukraine, Poland, Germany and another states. That is why appear already local whirlwinds and more frequently overflows that one that another European country and similar events. Real situation
complex all over the world, but the nation of the United states toing thank its
principally honest (not playful) to behavior to labor, to globalization and ecological problems caused real support at
the Nations of Wide World. It is impossible do not respect choice by Nation It is that is why,
when appeared the hazard of destructions from next TORNADO, about which learnt
all World, millions people sincerely wanted that, in order this cataclysm not
of given significant damage and human sacrifices to nation It is so, who
slackened last TORNADO? In the first place, the conscientious LABOR of nation It is so, what will struggle with whirlwinds information through Internet? No, not only … Rational engineering-intellectual-spiritual labor the basis of overcoming of the problems of development It is real, when we realize the possibilities of the influence of the positive desires of the 1000s of people (emphasize - positive), the pride of felled us and our idea stops and does not go further. But shall overcome our intellectual laziness and shall pay attention to widely known facts as to telekinesis (are fixed on cinema film powers by view to shift unlarger subjects). These experiments can actualize very gifted men and their on Earth unmuch. One man on million or else less. But can be used these capabilities, not for films, and in practical activity, name, in manufacturing of goods and services of? It is like, meanwhile no. Experiments were conducted with little boxes and other shallow subjects at a distance several centimeters others words as records to telekinesis. Except, the demonstration of rare capabilities and manifested in the real material world of force think - neither practically need for people and encircling the world of consequences is not looked through. And Descending from «methodological heights generalization» to our concrete a matter of - the reductions of abolitionary consequences TORNADO, we make fundamental conclusion: Is necessary to find the engineering-intellectual mechanisms of optimal influence on natural phenomena. Why, name, engineering-intellectual mechanisms, rather than to develop and to enchance extrasensory capabilities? This away off not simple question. And replying to it today too known, especial, when we begin to realize all history of creation «European «Babylons», because it is name, on the engineering-intellectual-creation way of the development of intellectual-spiritual capabilities is furnished to today Humanity. This for humanist very good topic and want to write the hundreds of the pages of the substantiations of this conclusion, but shall stop itself (all the more, what understanding of the necessity of such direction of work think already exist!) for deciding pragmatic necessary to us of tasks - in the first place, of the rescue of the lives of simple people hitting natural cataclysms. We shall try to answer question using engineering-intellectual mechanisms, except barrages and dams which whether else could to oppose people to abolitionary force TORNADO? Answer is negative. No, nothing, except the passive forms of protection did not find of wide application (do not want to speak of the folly of directed explosions which generally can set on feature existence entire continents) in modern World. And it is not bad, and very well! Do not annihilate The Labor of Nature, and to arrange local resistance to the destruction of The Labor of people - here is on what should be furnished to pragmatic, of engineering decision (!). As to such way of passive resistance and necessary to go, but only him developing. Direction of growths also indicated to us self whirlwinds, and or rather studies of their interaction with ground level. Explorers noticed that after itself TORNADO leave intermittent traces, as if on its way they all time bounce, the slightly respecting separate districts of its trajectory of motion. The most interesting is connected again with rural economy («all from Earth» and our acquaintances). On wheat fields the traces of whirlwinds remind from broken plants «Circle» the diameter a few of metres with By rays-streaks broken plants spent from «Circle». It is like, our task and will enlarge a few height of «Leap» whirlwind and length these «Leap» having created pseudo-surface (false surface with border as to circle), over which would storm TORNADO. But as this to carry out? Deciding exist sense to search on extremely technological directions which have unquestionable practical significance which is sustained by the decades of operationalization that innovation finding. It is first, exist sense mild to separate (or rather, to make a few of strata) the lower part of whirlwind (TORNADO) from 95-98% mass working in TORNADO air (in the middle and upper strata of atmosphere). As it is possible this make? Is necessary to to slip in to main mass rotated in
cone air over have rotated strata by this whirlwind at ground level. I
emphasize, will not destroy TORNADO, and on to slip in to upper and middle
strata over lower metres in 100-150 over earth (and possibly and over 70- It is second, last, by much will seem by impracticable task. That is why all my proposals as to atomization from the planes of butter which by me were made after acquaintance with danger last TORNADO territory USA, like, were perceived with smile. Even proposals to situate the sources of buttery aerosol on peaks or on energy wind installations as to the propinquity of farms are not perceived fairly seriously (such fate every important for the idea practice; Repulses simplicity). But, when mentally begin to model the work of these airbrushes that make sure, what pseudo-plane (false plane) by these airbrushes is not created. That is why effect from aerosol maybe, unfortunately, insignificant. It is so, what, real, no acceptable deciding? And we are unable to find the ways of carrying of aerosol on demanded height in given place? Can. And this
innovation deciding uses humanity with 1815 yr., when General Zasyadko, of
Ukrainian origin, learnt from old Cossack in Paris ( The technology of the start-up of such rockets
is mastered in all armies of world. To
provide the aerosol atomization on given height this entirely decided
technological engineering problem. Can be even provided the circular plane of
atomization from Then effect slide practically on 100% is provided. It is certain, everybody TORNADO unique, but experiment need. It is especial, is necessary will experiment with the creation pseudo of-planes. Though in this case, main – to follow basic principles. At the beginning this article was said to, what is necessary to realize not only adversarial but also positive role TORNADO and to manage with him living. And we see Humanity canning fairly much to make on the fairways of deciding of this a matter of. Deciding her not on the ways of the creation of engineering-intellectual mechanisms, and sooner on the ways of collective extrasensory influence toing thank Internet to-technologies and mass-scale facilities service lines. Struggle for the
reduction of abolitionary influence last TORNADO in It is name, of this collective extrasensory influence brought down the force of cataclysm (Tornado), saved people and material values. But to us is necessary to decide problems on the arterial ways of the development of our civilization, name, on the ways of the creation of engineering-intellectual mechanisms of the reduction of the negative influence OF THE LABOR of Nature on actualized in buildings, constructions and in infrastructure THE LABOR of people. For the carrying
out of this task we suggest to consider the possibility of the creation pseudo
of-planes over earth not exceeding 150- We hope that our
proposals will interest specialists of and our cooperative will be necessary
and in With sincere respect, Alexander Valerevich Vasiljev Director
of Institution of economical and socio-cultural researches named Olga Wladimirovny
Wasilevoi-Catholic (assignee DESMC The academy of science of Stanislaw (Ivano-Frankovsk with 1962 yr.) 2.09.2012 yr. Прикрепления: Картинка 1 | |
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