Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2012 » Октябрь » 22 » Prof. Yaroslaw Ivanovich Soloviu from C.A. Mitchell, Governing Board of Editors ABI - Definitive Professional Reference Book
Prof. Yaroslaw Ivanovich Soloviu from C.A. Mitchell, Governing Board of Editors ABI - Definitive Professional Reference Book
3:24 PM
We all are very thankful to guidance
of American Biographic Institute !

September 21, 2012

Prof.Yaroslaw Ivanovich Solovij 

You have been chosen exclusively for inclusion in a new Definitive Professional Reference Book

Dear Prof. Solovij,

You have been personally nominated by the Editorial Board to appear in a new reference book, specifically aimed at Leading Professionals throughout the world. The International Dictionary of Professionals has been developed to fill a gap in the reference field because the achievements of individuals such as yourself need the wider recognition that this publication will offer through its worldwide distribution.

The American Biographical Institute is one of the world's foremost, independent authorities and publishers of reference books that recognize outstanding individuals. The ABI has published more than 200 editions in 45 years. You have been singled out among thousands of men and women we researched for the 2013 Executive Edition. Congratulations!

Equally important to our awareness of your achievements, is your knowledge of the Institute's undertakings for almost half a century. Please complete the enclosed questionnaire, as your reply to this invitation is vitally important to the recognition of your accomplishments, accomplishments that serve as an inspiration for success and a benchmark to others. Visit   to learn more about the important work of the Institute.

Purchase of the volume is not a pre-requisite for inclusion; you have already been nominated for the Executive Edition of this exceptional book about respected professionals. However, those included are offered pre-publication pricing on the volume to assure copies are reserved for them. A reservation form is on the reverse of the questionnaire. In addition, we are offering a specially designed wall plaque that is a tribute to your career resulting in selection for the International Dictionary of Professionals. Both volume and plaque, the Key of Professional Success, will enhance your office -orpersonal home library Celebrate your accomplishments with your clients, peers and family.

I look forward to hearing from you by November 10, 2012, or as close to this date as possible. A proof of your entry will be sent to you immediately as a confirmation of your inclusion.


C.A. Mitchell

Governing Board of Editors

P.S. Please take this opportunity to further promote your peers with our nomination process as described overleaf. This may be your sole opportunity to reply to our invitation.

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Просмотров: 1355 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: Prof. Yaroslaw Ivanovich Solovij, Definitive Professional Reference B, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, C.A. Mitchell - Governing Board of | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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