Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2012 » Июль » 9 » The first large tour BISMARKA - Second Part
The first large tour BISMARKA - Second Part
2:48 PM

The first large tour BISMARKA 

Continuation - from Italy in Germany and Poland - tour in Munich, to Berlin, to Poznan and to Warsaw

 Problems at accompanying BISMARKA were so much continued in time (him spoke in Lignano, what they are ended only 12.07.2012., what realisation of aim - of intersection Atlantic everything was postponed. Alexandr was have to return to Warsaw, but it this already decided to carry out through Germany. This BISMARCK perceived reservedly and with «тевтонским» merit. Nowhere not going … it will be necessary to spend time in country, with which so much of hopes connect beautiful women of Italy. That is why, what even BISMARCK knows, who credits all European union and where can be met opulent and industrious men insisting Is  ready-арийцев. Maybe women of Italy are mistaken? BISMARCK decided and this to verify. ...

It is especial, interesting BISMARKU was beside Bundestaga who on the part of startled by its odd and simple beauty and, especial, to close all offsprings of germans by inscription «Dem Dechlanden Volke» (look Photo 39). Beside Bundestaga came final acknowledgement BISMARKA, as self for-Photo Celibate all SHOU which were, exist and will.

It causes sincere and неконъюнктурную симпатию at all insisting немок. And because German nation conducts its ancestry from glorious Is  ready (Gods, as them called in 271 year Getto/of Dacca). It is that is why, can be spoken that BISMARCK already seems nice hereby потомственным BOGINYAM who on our Earth were embodied in talented, industrious and exclusively kind немках (look Photo 40).

Its triumphal Way as to FAN TO-ZONES Euro-2012 Bismarck began else in Kiev. There on it from large love to see female student-translators who send on work in the state of обсуживающего personnel Euro-2012 (look photo 41). But even on this photograph eminent, what security BISMARKA in Kiev was guaranteed (as пристально watch them and accompanying «всегда safe”).

That is why FAN-ZONE Euro-2012 in Poznan did not astonish BISMARKA. But young and very nice girls the-cops of this FAN-ZONE did not leave BISMARKA indifferent. And girls answered him the same. Yes and as can be remained indifferent to the self beautiful young Celibate of Europe BISMARKU which does not insist on transformation formed relations in SHOU (look photo 42).

But Poznan … this European city with beautiful and ancient history which causes tourists with larger respect to relate to efforts горожан as to its conservation (see photo 43). But BISMARCK already obviously got tired from impressions which on it calved in last fortnight. But such fate of travellers _ insisting content from seen comes, most, already subsequently at fire-place, when отдохнувший and reassured путник considers photographs and marginal notes.

For BISMARKA record were replaced of various type grasses which grow on lawns of that city. And nice to note that lawns of Poznan him liked. The urban authorities of Poznan care, in order grass in their city was as to taste BISMARKAM. This pleases …, especial, BISMARKA. But BISMARCK would be refused from its image, if it of and him accompanying Alexandr did not pay attention to the high musical culture of Poznan, where with great love is  set Memorial Shopenu (look. Photo 44).

WITH Shopenom in Poland is  connected so much and poles remember and carefully preserve memory about it the geniuses of music which constantly хочется to listen it music.

 Possibility послушать music will appear at BISMARKA in Warsaw, where even лавочки on central street Marshalkovskoi play music Shopena. This BISMARCK did not see neither in Berlin, neither in Padua, neither in Udine. That is why BISMARCK so looks forward to seeing Warsaw which too accepts Euro-2012 and in it also exist very larger and beautiful FAN-ZONE. BISMARCK decided коллекционировать impressions about FAN THE-ZONES of Poland and Ukraine.

 Following репортаж about tour BISMARKA from one of the most beautiful and warm cities of Europe _ from Warsaw which very seriously made arrangements for admittance Euro-2012. Central stadium attracted to itself the attention of tourists else in 2011 year (look Photo 45).

From this bridge (from the same place) opens the panorama of all Warsaw which вроде would not changes by decades. Only accrue altitudinal buildings, but show this photograph to people who were in Warsaw 50 years old ago and they will learn this «второй Paris Europe» (look Photo 46), but modern and always renewed. The france propinquity feels every pole, because can listen and to see in Poland French programs on separate French channel. In such conditions to study language one your heart's content.

But what to show BISMARKU in Warsaw, except FAN-ZONE? It is possibly, him will like technician in The museum of The armed forces of Poland? But only what? Can be seen the unique samples of tanks which exist only in Poland, as for example, distinguished «Sherman» (Sherman M4 AI) which modestly costs aside of more powerful machines (see photo 47). And can be seen coastal and корабельные guns which обороняли Polish state on Baltic Sea (look Photo 48).

It is however, the most interesting exposition in this museum for accompanying BISMARKA Alexandra was connected with aircraft in the years of second world war, where afraid  Polish fliers to … «in Battle for Anglia». Any deep parts in soul touch трогает this exposition unlarger, but such romantic-beautiful exposition (see photo 49, 50).


But, like, all this finding BISMARKU will not very interesting. We and in 2012 yr. we know not all truth about Second World War, and only sincerely on all continents adjuring about souls безвременно ушедших from this World which then to speak of BISMARKE … Him will be closer grass at Fontana (look Photo 51) and grass in Park Skaryshevskogo by him. I.Ya. Raderevskego (look Photo 52). And because, what enormous amount of people perceive all problems of our Civilization at the level small from Stanislaw (modern Ivano-Frankovsk) Celibate number Rub - BISMARKA (!).

Them are only necessary portion of grass (food) and many waters (better of beer) … and all! 

(to be continued … tour in ...)


Wrote down - accompanying BISMARKA Alexander Vasiljev (Vasiljev-Muller)

 Hotel «Leh» in Poznan (Poland)

 1.07.2012 (7520)

Просмотров: 1672 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: Baltic Sea, BISMARK, Hotel «Leh» in Poznan, Warsaw, Dr A. Vasiljev-Muller | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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