Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2012 » Апрель » 8 » The White House Friday, April 6, 2012 - YOUR FEDERAL TAXPAYER RECEIPT
The White House Friday, April 6, 2012 - YOUR FEDERAL TAXPAYER RECEIPT
8:32 PM
The White House Friday, April 6, 2012

Get Your Federal Taxpayer Receipt

As a taxpayer, you have a right to know how your government invests your tax payment, and that's why President Obama created the Federal Taxpayer Receipt.

Want to compare how much of your contribution in taxes goes towards education, foreign aid, or veteran's benefits?

Just enter a few pieces of information about your taxes, and the taxpayer receipt will give you a customized breakdown. You'll see exactly how your money gets spent on health care or national defense or the environment.

*Go check it out [ ]*.

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For many millionaires, however, Tax Day isn't looming. In 2009, 1,470 people who made more than $1 million paid $0 in federal income tax.

And President Obama thinks that needs to change.

That's why he's pushing for a very simple idea: Anyone who makes more than $1 million a year should pay at least the same percentage of their income in taxes as middle class families.

It's called the Buffett Rule, named after the well-known billionaire who believes he shouldn't be paying a lower tax rate than his secretary. If you want to learn more about the taxes you pay and the Buffett Rule, go to

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P.S. -- President Obama recently talked about the thinking behind the taxpayer receipt. *Hear what he had to say and calculate your own receipt [ ]*.

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Your 2011 Federal Taxpayer Receipt
       In his 2011 State of the Union Address, President Obama promised that, for the first time ever, American taxpayers would be able to go online and see exactly how their federal tax dollars are spent. The receipt launched that year and, now, we’ve updated the tool to reflect current spending. Just enter a few pieces of information about your taxes, and the taxpayer receipt will give you a breakdown of how your tax dollars are spent on priorities like education, veterans benefits, or health care.
Your Federal Taxpayer Receipt
Understand how and where your tax dollars are being spent
PROGRAMS & SERVICES                                                                      YOUR TAX PAYMENT
Social Security Tax                                                                                                                               $0
Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance                                                 $0
Medicare Tax                                                                                                                                        $0
Medicare Hospital Insurance                                                                                                             $0
Income TaxExpand All                                                                                                                            
Sub-CategoriesCollapse All Sub-Categories                                                                                        
                                       % of Total Income
                                                                                               Tax Payment                                          $0
National Defense                                                                                                                     24.9% $0
Health care                                                                                                                                23.7% $0
Job and Family Security                                                                                                         19.1% $0
Education and Job Training                                                                                                    3.6% $0
Veterans Benefits                                                                                                                      4.5% $0
Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment                                                                      2.0% $0
International Affairs                                                                                                                 1.6% $0
Science, Space, and Technology Programs                                                                          1.0% $0
Immigration, Law Enforcement, and Administration of Justice                                         2.0% $0
Agriculture                                                                                                                                0.7% $0
Community, Area, and Regional Development                                                                   0.5% $0
Response to Natural Disasters                                                                                              0.4% $0
Additional Government Programs                                                                                         7.9% $0
Net Interest                                                                                                                                8.1% $0
Белый дом пятница, 6 апреля 2012

Ваш 2011 федеральная Квитанция Налогоплательщика В его обращении президента США к Конгрессу 2011 года, президент Обама обещал, что впервые когда-либо американские налогоплательщики будут в состоянии пойти онлайн и видеть точно, как их доллары федерального налога потрачены. Квитанция начала в том году и, теперь, мы обновили инструмент, чтобы отразить текущие расходы. Только войдите в несколько сведений о своих налогах, и квитанция налогоплательщика даст Вам расстройство того, как Ваши налоговые доллары потрачены на приоритеты как образование, льготы ветеранам, или здравоохранение.
Dear Colleagues!
Your decision concerning the Receipt of the Tax bearer is exclusively perspective. This decision necessary today for creation of base of the future qualitative system reforms. Experts who have developed and realize Receipts of Tax bearers, leave very high methodological level of understanding of the social and economic processes proceeding in industrially developed countries. They have taken a huge step to creation of conditions for active self-development of the human capital (in my understanding "self-development" is an underlining the leader of a role of the person, but in the field of active influence of the state and corporate infrastructures). Concerning payment of taxes by all groups of the population, this decision which correctness is obvious. The academician, member of the Society 1817 "Heritage" of the New York Academy of Sciences, the professor of university "Ukraine", the author of the law of preservation of labour Valery Aleksandrovich Vasiljev practically since 1990 constantly underlined in all performances and articles necessity to observe this main principle of effective system of stimulation by fairly added salary.
We are glad that it is principles today You are realized !
Уважаемые Коллеги !
Ваше решение относительно Квитанции Налогоплательщика является исключительно перспективным. Это необходимое сегодня решение для создания базы будущих качественных системных реформ. Специалисты, которые разработали и реализуют Квитанции Налогоплательщиков, выходят из очень высокого методологического уровня понимания социально-экономических процессов, протекающих в индустриально развитых странах. Они сделали огромный шаг в создании условий для активного саморазвития человеческого капитала (в моём понимании «саморазвитие» - это подчеркивание ведущий роли персоны, но в поле активного воздействия государственных и корпоративных инфраструктур). Относительно оплаты налогов абсолютно всеми группами населения, то это решение, правильность которого очевидна. Академик, член Общества 1817 «Наследие» Нью-Йоркской Академии наук, профессор университета «Украина», автор закона сохранения труда Валерий Александрович Васильев практически с 1990 года постоянно подчеркивал во всех своих выступлениях и статьях необходимость соблюдать этот основной принцип эффективной системы стимулирования справедливо начисленной заработной платой.
Мы рады, что это принципы сегодня Вами реализуются.
Просмотров: 1337 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: Law Preservation of Labour, Dr Valery Vasiljev, White House, Your Federal Taxpayer Receipt, Dr A. Vasiljev-Muller, President Obama | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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