Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2015 » Январь » 18 » To Metropolitan Onufrij - Tue, 13 Jan 2015 - Nadia Savchenko
To Metropolitan Onufrij - Tue, 13 Jan 2015 - Nadia Savchenko
11:52 AM

FROM: Alexander Vasiljev


DATE: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 20:49:24 +0300

To Metropolitan Onufrij 

Your Priesthood!

Allow me to express to you sincere gratitude for rendered moral SUPPORT to Nadia/Hope Viktorovne Savchenko which today conducts unequal struggle for willing not of only Ukraine and Russian Federation of but also all Europe according positive influence on all world community.
Your sincere attention and beatification to this Great Woman created orthodox faith in the hearts of 1000s of Christians  East Europe (from Brest till Vladivostok) and causes us all to recall act of bravery orthodox Christian GREAT Armies Worldwide Mongolo-Gothas Empire under Nazareth 3 September 1260 yr. redeeming by its "collective sacrifice" baseness and treachery tamplierov-mstislavichej having enabled European Civilization to cope with this "inner disease" and to retain up to the present time our complex, contradictory, but alone for us World.

For Nadia/Hope Viktorovnu conducts struggle today really all WORLD, from Serbia till Canada and from Spain till Australia.

You are adjured to most merciful GOD, to in order presented Hadia exemption and lent robust health, forces, of patience and bravery!

We to thank you for it! And with its side express to you personally deep respect and hope which all ambitious plans of state constructing in Ukraine will be fulfiled, and everything Christian Churches  to attain the consent as to the principal questions of the spiritual revival of The great Nation of The Europe of UKRAINIANS. It is name, on the achievement of this purpose were furnished to the efforts of the scientists of Ukraine as to carrying out: Government subject areas: 4.4.14. " " on 2011-2015 yryr. (1994-1999) And this work they actively will continue, taking into account that gigantic great steps in apperception for the account of "moral mobilization" (Gevara, Wien) which made the Ukraine nation in 2014 yr. and continues this unique spiritual constructing and in 2015 yr. 


Alexander Valerevich Vasiljev 

Vice-Chairman Civil International Committee //

Просмотров: 952 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: Nadia Savchenko, Dr Alexander Vasiljev, Metropolitan Onufrij, Che-Gevara, CIC, Wien, Hunger for FREEDOM, spain, Dr Ernesto Garcia, Ukraine | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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