Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2014 » Апрель » 2 » World Anti-Crisis Plan Concept - 2/04/2014
World Anti-Crisis Plan Concept - 2/04/2014
3:37 PM
We welcome your recommendation to Draft World Anti-Crisis
Plan Concept



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Dear Александр Васильев,

On behalf of international experts of G-Global info-communication platform and the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists representing academicians and experts from 130 countries, let us express our sincere appreciation for our contribution to development of Draft World Anti-Crisis Plan (WAP) Concept.

Draft WAP Concept for UN Member States will be adopted during the
II World Anti-Crisis Conference (WAC) supported by UN resolution
# A/RES/68/201 on International Financial system and development which will be held in Astana on May 21-23 2014.

Draft World Anti-Crisis Plan Concept is based on democratic principles and aimed for the development of effective measures to overcome the financial and economic crisis as well as to prevent of future recessions, ensure long-term sustainable economic growth, create an effective and globally coordinated policy and a new global financial architecture.

Draft WAP Concept has being discussed on G-Global communicative internet platform ( since July 1, 2013. During this time participants of the G-Global platform which consist of leaders of international organizations and business corporations, scientific research institutes, non-governmental organizations, representatives of business and academia, political and public figures published 13000 reports and research papers and posted on 45 000 expert views and comments. Moreover about 300 video conferences has been held on communicative internet platform for effective development of Draft WAP Concept.

Taking into account all recommendations obtained on G-Global communicative platform and as a result of WAC outreach seminars on February 17, 2014 preliminary Draft WAP Concept was developed.

Thanks to your active assistance, on March 26, 2014 on the basis of an original project of Draft WAP Concept and discussions of world expert community on G-Global platform the consolidated Draft WAP Concept was developed.

It should be noted that effective formation of the consolidated Draft WAP Concept would not be possible without your active participation. We are deeply grateful to you and your staff for contribution to the formation of Draft WAP Concept.

We hope that you will be able to consider the consolidated Draft WAP Concept and to send your recommendations till April 25, 2014.

Please review the consolidated Draft WAP Concept and give your expert recommendations on link

Global challenges demand global actions we hope for your assistance!

Taking the chance let me invite you once again to take part in the
II WAC which is carried out from May 21 to May 23, 2014 in Astana.


President Eurasian economic Club of Scientists

Murat Karimsakov

Coordinator: Ms. Nursulu Buberbayeva,
tel: 8 (7172) 57-17-99,

Просмотров: 1052 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: Alexander Vasiljev, Dr Valery Vasiljev, N.A. Nazarbaev, Nursulu Buberbayeva, Dr Ernesto Garcia, Murat Karimsakov, World Anti-Crisis Plan Concept | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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