Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)

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The main(basic) aspects of economics In countries of European and Asian Unions /Vasiljev A.V&Vasiljev V.A
[ Скачать с сервера (73.0 Kb) ] 2012-11-13, 6:34 PM

Vasiljev A.V.1

Vasiljev V.A.2




The main(basic) aspects of economics

In countries of European and Asian Unions



Considering a system of universe, the scientists mark availability of three  constituents of a national wealth both separate locales, and world as a whole.

The world(global) national wealth by expert estimations by the beginning of XXI centuries consist of 64 % of the human capital, 16 % of the physical (material) capital and 20 % of the natural capital.

The modern economic science should find the factors and criterions, which one will supply(ensure) creation of the values to the peoples pursuant to a volume and frame of a national wealth of locale.

Only usage by each ethnic of the main(basic) articles of a national wealth with maximum engaging of the own human capital can prevent constant tendency an authority of a propertying part of society to new the social and economical division of a world.

By the main(basic) reasons of crises and the origins of armed conflicts happening in past historical periods and arising now are mismatch of rising unsatisfied needs(requirements) in one locales and overproduction of material benefits in other locales.

The transition of the majority of countries of world community to non controllable(uncontrolled) market relationships had have the results which are created by the conditions of lacks of control and capabilities of development of shadow industrial and market frames.  It is possible because we have not the objective social - true of methodological works, which  have founded on optimum estimated parameters(indexes). That specially acutely is felt in countries with developing economics.



1 The vice-chairman of the Azov Department of AES&E, chairman of Scientific advice of IESCR, Dr econ. (PhD), Cand. Теchn. Sciences, High  scientific employee on " Sociology of a transactions and economic sociology ", Honorary Member AES&E of Russia, academician New York  Academy  of  Sciences.

2 Presidents - Chairmen of the Azov Department of AES&E, Cand. Econ. Sciences, High scientific employee, doctor of commerce, academician AES&E of Russia, AES of Ukraine, New York  Academy  of  Sciences.                                                             

(Full Text appendix)

Категория: Article | Добавил: Vasiljev | Теги: Azov D. of AES&E, Law NON-Destroy of Spiritual - inte, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Law Preservation Labour, Dr Valery Vasiljev
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