Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 13
Dear Friend Alexander:
Certainly  there is a serious problem in Ukraine. in Spain we have peace, but the social and political (communist and socialist) environment is somewhat scrambled. King has abdicated in favor of the Crown Prince, which is very positive, but there is a crisis in Spain due to separatist movements and political parties criminals (ETA support) that were legalized and just want independence and a Third Republic. most people want peace, harmony and peace.
I think after this crisis in Ukraine all positively resolved. I hope that the European Union and the United States to influence Ukraine and Russia evolve properly use common sense. 
Просмотров: 1048 | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2014-06-13

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