Great LETTER after travel to European Union 12/06-7/07/2012 | 2:16 PM |
Respected colleagues!
Every teacher, like, considers its think about social processes which arise in modern World, exclusively important and necessary for the heads of all industrially developed countries. But, like, today this the most little error …
To me due to criminal actions one former chief* will it was necessary practically with minimal money traveling on the all Europe.
Trip it was exclusively complex to carry out, because rode in Lignano on two day (accordingly took money on this time), and I will was necessary to live in this wonderful city of Italy eleven (11) of days. Though on minimal money to live complex, but this small problems, about which can be forgotten. It is all the more, what owing to wonderfully arranged transportation system in European Union, to me not only managed to live in Lignano of eleven days but also going till Berlin (despite what the actions of mister Matskevicha N.M. thwarted the reception by me of money in the Banko-Posta of city Lignano (Italy) which were found Interpol of Italy and Ukrainian Bureau Interpol in 2011 year).
But all these complexities have one positive side which is concluded in the following. To me managed to feel the problems of the middle class of the citizens of European Union (which travels as to incorporated Europe in the second class of trains Euro-Star).
Also saw - by what larger labor is created the high living standard of the population of incorporated Europe, to which aim Poland and Ukraine. Saw - as work in Italy, when went from Latisano till Lignano 21 km. (tried to spare); Saw - by as working all families the proprietors of tourist hotels in mountains in Austria (hotel Tanafraunda), where work everything - and children, and old-men during beveled provenders (seine). Yes, well works technology (reliable and productive machines), but need also and the labor of people. And this very well, what to people exist what to make (!).
It is impossible all time on to invent all new forms of amusements and leisure and «killed» the time of employment population in this time arranging (arch naming such stagnation progress).
It is that is why, when I returned to Ukraine, again applied to those texts which Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev dictated and wrote down in December 2006 year (then Valery Alexandrovich well understood that he already abandons this World). The fact is that Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev aimed to pay attention to the most interesting his developments and scientific conclusions hoping on their using by people already ambassador his abandons … (he dictated everything, what had time on tape-recorded).
In these texts exist very interesting think relatively of proportions in distribution arrived and in distribution of amortization royalties. Also interesting and target functions, of definite Valery Vasiljev for use amortization royalties and arrived, based on economics state in East Europe in 2006 year of and macro the analysis of world economics. The significance of these correlations for strategic control, to it is my belief that opinion, - greatly (!). That is why, what they were determined Valery Vasiljev, based on 53 years old (fifty three!!) of applied work (on the enterprises of black metallurgy USSR, in Ukrainian «Gipromez», and in arranging of research as to economics on enterprises of heavy and transport machine building USSR and black metallurgy USSR with 1961 yr. to 2006 yr., as well as of macro the analysis of the development of world economic system).
Globalization - this only for the practitioner ofs science of universities process which comparatively lately began. In real economics - this process is actualized with 1829 yr., and especial, in the world the tempos of globalization processes grew ambassador 1947-50 yryr., when in USA was developed of more 650 mathematical models (!) of socioeconomic development. IN East Europe this process nudgedon 30 years old earlier - from the first model of linear programming of socioeconomic development for the first five-year plans (of development Popova on Dmitrievskikh trends which mastered Wasilii Wasilevich Leontjef). Real economics in East Europe always served geopolitical purposes, that is why social experiments were set the most widely without the some accounting of the medium-term interests of social groups and the strata of population, already not speaking about the interests of persons. But from the action of socioeconomic laws cannot save neither military conflict, neither genocide, of neither partial de-industrial no-effect branches under By slogan «political restriction». That is why those proportions which are determined specialists in East Europe will, without doubt, work and in the economics of West Europe and Americas.
It is especial, it is important to understand today, when USA will activize the processes of ecological economic development.
Questions: What percent and from what tax is necessary to furnish to on budget financing of fundamental and fundamental-applied researches? What priorities in financing of developments follows to actualize in practice? What developments should be carried out in the first place? It is like to support traditional branches and how many on them costs to furnish to facilities preserving redistributed responsibility? - agitate all heads of real economics in the states of European Union and Americas.
Because most important for modern economics - this not covered-up manual control, and the preservation of objectiveness in the distribution of orders and resources. And the preservation of such objectiveness which will sense every entrepreneur and proprietor (support at him subjective sensation of justice in the implementations of the principles of social justice in economics). And this can be achieved only at expense proportions (norms) in the distribution of real dues and, taken on the development of prioritized directions, of facilities (yes of and generally facilities which in them Egoist «transformation in cash» today can killed all levels of life and everywhere).
Simply and complex to speak and to write on these topics. We everything understand (almost everything), but away off not everything can take into account. And as then? Only bearing on highly-qualified experts who accumulate the experience of the hundreds of specialists and the results of the decades of real applied work. One of such experts, to it is my belief that opinion, is the member of The Board of The advisers of American Biographic Institute, the author of The Law of The preservation of Labor, the academician of New York Academy of Sciences, the academician of The academy of the economic sciences of Ukraine, the academician of Academy ES&E Russia, prof. University «Ukraine», cand.econ.scis., high scis empl. Valery Vasiljev, His HANDLING (4 December 2006 yr.) to you furnish to this letter. It is yours faithful,
Alexander Valerevich Vasiljev
Vice-chairman of Civil International Committee Intellectual and Spiritual Unity, Dr econ. (PhD), The honorary fellow of Academy ES&E Russia, the member of The Board of The advisers of American Biographic Institute
*This functionary is a lawyer Matskevich N.M was the adjuvant of governor Ivano-Frank’s Region and actively in 2011 year began be torn to unearned documents about his high professional level, aiming them to receive not for rub year (what is minimum for very talented people in Ukraine), and for year. Him little turns out to be the level of the candidate of forensic sciences which with larger labor fits, and he very want to have doctoral diploma. But doctoral work is necessary self to write, rather than to use «Slave’s Labour» badly payable intellective employees. And necessary this way to pass in flow minimum 5 years old, rather than for one year. About bad results these combinations spoke to not only leadership of university but also self N.M.MATSKEVICHU (being found on work in its cabinet in the flow of year, it of neither one article to write self could not, and as then became candidate of sciences – Miracles !).
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