Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » Статьи » Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда

HANDLING - Deliverance - 4 December 2006 year - Dr Valery Vasiljev
HANDLING - Deliverance
/4 December 2006 year/
Dear Gentlemen, Comrades, Inhabitants of Earth !
I apply to you with deliverance (on my observation relatively High style - father emphasized _ will « clever, clever …», and if something will not so, «after will throw away everything what not need»; Passed six years old and none words cannot throw away, every ad rem and will lend latitude imagery, about performed work and made conclusions … Wisdom is realized not quick; and handling «Inhabitants of Earth» begins to cause the associations of appurtenant to universe, but, apparent, not at all …).
Developed by us positions, in finishing of developments to the end, can decide the questions of the formation of economics and sociology on modern rails, what will allow [to provide] the calm development of society.
Modern position bears evidence about what society our pitches level scorching developments, despite all attempts of it stabilization.
So drops culture, stopping scientific researches …
Further [coordination] consists in what is necessary everything - what is created Man, in order it was furnished to on the development of society, on the development of economics, on the stabilization of the social position of the member of society.
It is so received as a result manufacturing, incomes must correctly be distributed. By us in the first part published on Web-Page in Spain, is shown, as can be achieved maximal incomes on enterprises and as these incomes necessary to distribute between state structures, entrepreneurs and employments.
So incomes from amortization royalties (been created amortization royalties) should be used generally on the further development of manufacturing, in other words on modernization and the creation of new main funds, partially on cultivation of science, on the increase of intellectual level employments.
Incomes from profit must be used for: Partially for the development of the intellectual level of society, on tuition, on institutes and another things, [as well as] on the partial content of the aesthetic needs of the part of population: Proprietors, entrepreneurs. This will give possibility to stabilize [situation]. To cease excessive, to nobody not necessary deposits which in most cases do not work, and only are lure for various criminal [of elements]. That is why consider necessary to add hereto that already is developed and published following scheme of the distribution of incomes.
So 25% per cent (this exist in the works) of amortization royalties must go in tax on real assets or in tax on capital. From 8 till 60% the per cent of incomes from profit must behave in budget state*.
Capital which will be amassed for the further development of manufacturing, in other words capital which will be postponed on bank deposit, must too be amortized and according to bring definite income to state. That is why we consider it necessary to introduce the position of - the order 50-70% (of per cent) from [forwarded on the bank deposit of amortization] must go in tax to state. The stayed quantity of capital must go on the development of manufacturing, mastering of new technologies and the types of production, mastering Space** etc.
It is natural, what larger attention must pay to improving of Earth, to in other words the improvement of the state of earthly surface, of refining atmosphere, to the creation of many defense devices.
All this will carry out hereto that our society can discontinue the destruction of near-Earth’s areas of space, to set the normal operation of bosom, in other words refining waters, [to arrange] annihilation harmful residues from manufacturing, to cease using of principal natural fossils in the form of the fuel. It is so, this touches gas, oils which are raw material for chemical industry in the creation of various new materials for the creation of easy formidable products.
Instead this must now try to pass on on the types of energy which creates to us nature. It is name, on energy wind, solar and aqueous without that, in order to annihilate earthly surface, as this was made in development constructing of electric stations on rivers ***.
The development of nuclear energy, of nuclear energetic has sense in that case, if we shall be able to attain the trouble-free operation of these aggregations [having turned particular attention on harmful residues from manufacturing].
If society now will find methods, as this residues from manufacturing, harmful residues from manufacturing lending deadly extractions, to turn into useful residues from manufacturing without creation special depots …****
Here is of main task which follows, like, to decide …****
Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev
The professor of University «Ukraine», cand.econ.scis, high scis empl., Dr com., the member of The Board of The advisers of American Biographic Institute, the author of The Law of The preservation of Labor, the member of International biographic center in Cambridge, academician New York Academy of Science, the academician of The academy of the economic sciences of Ukraine, the academician of Academy ES&E Russia, President-chairman of the Azov’s Department of The academy of economic sciences and business activity, the Director of Institution of economical and socio-cultural researches named Olga Vladimirovny Wasilievoj-Catholic, The chairman of Civil international committee intellectual and spiritual unity (Spain, India, Canada, Serbia, Ukraine, Australia), the citizen of city Khusta with the status «Child War» (buried 13 December 2006 yr. on Greek-Catholic cemetery on «Castle Mountains»)
*Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev its research and design in economics fulfilled principally on the enterprises of black metallurgy USSR, and this branch of popular economy with the larger volume of main funds which earlier greatly affected pricing tier. What these funds be amortized and morally antiquated - certain, they influence on coefficient of the payoff of funds and the row of other indicators. It is however, the concentration of manufacturing and larger manufacturing capacities in much condition the low share of wage in first cost which does not let even set question, about complete using arrived and amortizations directly in departments. This, leading in 50 years XX st. branch, today must become the donor of high-tech group the branches of popular economy (certain, not for the account of the level of life of metallurgists). And this wonderfully understands Valery Alexandrovich pointing at the expediency of the high level of the exclusion of facilities by aerarian methods from previously main for the branch economics with the outlook of their investing in high technologies (through the mechanism of state redistribution for East Europe). So here is this level of the exclusion of income actually optimal for this branch not only in East Europe but also in America. It is advisable to verify having analyzed work steel industry USA, but only necessary to analyze not the level of aerarian taxation (its only must take into account), and the level of the redistribution of facilities indoor TNC or indoor Industrial-financial group (depending on dominating organizational form for that enterprise).
**In 2006 yr. Practically else was not of publications in departmental seal about using of the private investments of enterprises for activizing of mastering of nearby Space, that is why indication Valery Alexandrovicha on such direction of financing for the account of the facilities of enterprise and today sounds modern.
***Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev had in light of particular fact (frequently him discussed), name, the irrational using of the aqueous resources of Dnipro, and remained under water the great squares of agricultural lands in Ukraine which constantly emphasized its father Alexander Pavlovich Vasiljev, the head of government Land control Kirovograd’s region (1943-1965 yryr., participant special project in 1942-43 yryr. under Stalingrad.
**** Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev transfered dramatical (due to inflammation easy) pain and him was very difficult to speak, and doctors in the hospital of city Khusta practically did not cure Valery Alexandrovicha with status «Child War» (?) who assisted in annihilation mines on Volga in 1942 yr.; And only waited when heart ambassador transfered infarct will not withstand, that is why of a few words was bad said (they in square brackets), of and in the end handling to me fail take apart of the conclusions of two proposals in tape-recorder record.
Brief comment
Unfortunately, conclusion Valery Alexandrovicha from 4 December 2006 yr. - « Modern position bears evidence about what society our pitches level scorching developments, despite all attempts of it stabilization.», apparent, objective.
Really - «… So drops culture, stopping scientific researches …» and exit meanwhile leadership does not see and in 2012 yr. (judging by unceased to political Shou and continuation reservedly confrontational geopolitical, what it is great reduces the cultural climate of all civilization).
It is necessary to make, real «Heroic efforts» (J.B. Clark validly attributed the creation of even simple abstract models in economics to «Heroic efforts»), in order this process to stop. We shall note that priority of tasks which cost before superior leadership, is expressed extremely distinctly - « is necessary everything - what is created Man» to direct «on the development of society, on the development of economics, on the stabilization of the social position of the member of society». Over all His labor activity in East Europe Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev struggled for of «on the stabilization of the social position every ordinary member of society» at the cost of His social position, of His tranquility and living standard. So worked He on «Izor’s Plant» in Sent-Pitersbourg, so His related to Kazakh’s men in Jambul’s Region (Kazakhstan), so His related to workers and colleagues in city Kirovograd and in city Mariupol. Fail break and to humiliate «Man» in this descendant Artemiya Vasiljevicha Vasiljev (Kumpana), last secretary Zaporozh’s Sechi, Friend Great Koshevogo Petra Kalnyshevskogo and one of three deputies forwarded Cossack’s Advice in 1757 yr. to Sent-Pitersbourg for Verifying of autonomy Cossacks is -ready in Russian Empire.
It is apparent, biggest efforts necessary to make, in order not go on temptation to simplify economic theory having passed on on «theoretic equal replacement» (Dzarasov), on doctrines new-institualists (Ronald Kouz, D.UOLLIS, D.NORT, R.POZNER), on theory «new political economy» (K.ERROU, J.Бiukenen, G.TALLOK, M.OLSON, Gunnar K.MIURDAL). AND THEN, as being due to such theoretical simple, to abandon improving of the normative basis of the branches of popular economy paying off the employee of only a few above cost of living having abandoned the complex calculations of real labor input. Maybe is spared labor of managers (why to consider in behalf of 3-4% income), but is lost main - sensation by the representatives of employments all social groups of the justice of the assessment of real labor input and the possibilities of their objective collation for operative, of the medium-term and long-term planning of the development of manufacturing and societies. And it is it is impossible to assume neither in East, neither in West Europe, neither in America, because waiver of intellectual baggage which intensively was created scientists by economists and managers over the century of - this inadmissible action even on uncontained time. The loss of frames and the continuity of investigation, when exist understanding, of impossibility such annihilation of intellectual capital, it is impossible to assume neither in one national economics.
This essential idea which aimed given till the leadership of industrially developed countries and the states of East Europe Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev over all last 23 years old. It is especial, this work He activated after opening by him of Law of The Preservation of Labor in 1999 year. He also showed by calculations the virtual observance of The Law of The Preservation of Labor in 2003 year in using of modern technological processes (Look: and Doc 54, 55  ).
It is effective to work this intellectual capital can only in the condition of preservation revised by the time of approach to the assessment of the contribution of entrepreneurs, of employments and the producers of equipment and manufacturing infrastructure. And this is actualized in ensuring of prophetical enterprises and the effectiveness of using of amortization royalties. It is possible much taken from profits and amortization royalties, but everything must submit to optimizing correlations. Because, Valery Alexandrovich offered to abandon podokhodnyi tax, because it screens very many, whereas work with real amortization and profit will lend far and away more for the conservation of the objectiveness of the assessment of real labor input.
Difficultly will convince leadership, at least of one industrially developed country in the expediency of waiver of podokhodnyi tax, but to carry out analytical calculations can be tried. We shall receive, truth, of approximate evaluation, but they, like, will show the perspectivity of suggested by Valery Alexandrovichem approach, because it methodologically more right. Very significant facilities offers taken from the branches of heavy machine building Valery Alexandrovich, without which impossible to actualize transformations economies in East Europe:
   -25% (of per cent; this is reflected in Internet - the publications) of amortization royalties must go in tax on capital;
    -From 8 till 60% (of the per cent) of incomes from profit must behave in the budget of state (or the reduced budget of industrial-financial group);
   -The order 50-70% (of per cent) from forwarded on the amortization bank deposit must go in tax to state (or the reduced budget of industrial-financial group).
But, if is found specialist in The statistics office of labor USA and will perform calculations, based on recommendations Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev that will receive results which will not essential differ from existing real position in industry USA, because today questions of accelerated transformation national economies agitate all developed countries (to me, theres seem that am not mistaken).
So and should be, because to leadership USA managed to retain real economics, and Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev managed to develop such methodology of the calculation of objective labor input as to the principal items of processing of metals and alloys which its applying for the various technologies of manufacturing of definite article of manufacture will lend practically one and the same the volumes of comparable the expenditures of labor. And this practically reflected objectively existing (natural, though even created by the various types of labor) regularities in manufacturing reflected V.A.Vasiljev in developed the technical-economic methodology of the calculations of labor expenditures. It is name, last and will lend possibility to establish maximally objective prices for in manufacturing of article of manufacture, of node, of aggregation or constructions. To this necessary modern economics or no?
That is why can be valid supposed that suggested by V.A.Vasiljev the norms of royalties will reflect really existing position in economics with distributed responsibility (not all for nothing He was conducted its analysis over several years old), name, in economics USA. But it is necessary to verify …
And here is regarding priorities exist sense to stop more in detail, because in their determining Valery Alexandrovich see far and away years old forward, have understood formed tendencies. He very correctly determined priorities in using of amortization royalties, in the following succession:
    -On modernization and the creation of new main funds;
   -Partially on cultivation of science;
   -Partially on the increase of intellectual level employments.
Difficultly something to add to such modern taking into account of accelerated intellectualization labor, to the distribution of priorities in using of facilities from active unequivocal labor activity. Is necessary to remember - amortization fund too is created actually alive labor which must bear on science and on the employee's intellect. And such scale priorities, like, will not change and by the end of XXI century.
However the most serious changes proposed Valery Alexandrovich in distribution arrived: -Partially for the development of the intellectual level of society;
    -On tuition;
     -On institutes and another things;
    -On the partial content of the aesthetic needs of the part of population: Proprietors, entrepreneurs.
He proposed, in the first place, to direct its on the intellectual development of society on the whole, second, on tuition, in third, on institutes. And only on fourth place set of the aesthetic needs of proprietors and entrepreneurs. With such distribution will not soon will agree even in the most industrially developed countries and even in countries with socio oriented economics (Germany, Sweden). But tendency is detected, to it is my belief that opinion, correct. I hope, to such distribution arrived will go world economics, because at it no another exit in the constantly turned higher ratio of human capacity in the national wealth of society (from 60% in 1970 yr. and till 75% in 2000 yr.). To but society are necessary global larger purposes. That is why Valery Alexandrovich points at necessity:
   -To give consideration improvement atmospheres to and the creation of defense devices on Earth;
    -To cease using of principal natural fossils in the form of the fuel;
    -To arrange improvement waters and annihilation harmful residues from manufacturing;
    -To attain the trouble-free operation of the aggregations of nuclear energetics.
Deciding of these key problems will allow, according to the opinion of Valery Alexandrovich to finding society to discontinue the destruction of near-Earth Space and to set the normal operation of the bosom of Earth and mastering Space.
Everything simply and even where-that can seem naive, but the priority of key problems earns attention. Because to pay attention «to improving of Earth» deciding the tasks of improvement atmosphere and the creations of defense devices on Earth, are not set meanwhile as prioritized neither one political force in Europe to and America. And another way of the preservation of near-Earth Space and the suspension of depravation ecosystems nobody meanwhile did not propose.
It is real, really causes Valerii Alexandrovich to think … and not only colleagues in universities, because problems are formulated on latest for man and scientist «border».
It is like, to us all, «Inhabitants of Earth», already is necessary, at least sometimes, be conceived about near-Earth Space …, responsibility for which it will be necessary very by much soon to feel (not to one philosophers to realize «this happy»).
As will be grandsons to envy our simple, from their point of view, to problems!!! It is especial, when really will begin be palmed off for the broad masses of the population of Earth the forecasts of Group of Klark and professor Oleg Andreevich Tureckij (ONU named I.I. Mechnikova, Odessa, 2012).
Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Dr econ. (PhD)

Категория: Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Добавил: Vasiljev (2012-07-31) | Автор: Valery Vasiljev
Просмотров: 1539 | Теги: Oleg Andreevich Tureckij, Group of Klark, Dr Valery Vasiljev, Profit, amortization royalties, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Law Preservation Labour | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
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