Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)

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Главная » Фотоальбом » Who is Who - Alexander Vasiljev (Vasiljev-Muller) » Who is Who - Alexander V. Vasiljev-Muller » I.K.Karimov&A.V.Vasiljev-study economists
Ministry of science, higher school and technical of policy of Russian Federation
Ministry of social defence
Moscow state social Institute

To the rector" to the professor
Zukovu V.I.
Dear Vasiliy Ivanovich!
Mariupol Association is "Union of industrialists and entrepreneurship"" as well as Mariupol city executive committee, interested in preparation of specialists on specialities "Finances and credit", "Account and audit".
Taking' into account a consent chief by the sector of IELR АН Ukraine, Dr (PhD) Vasiljev Alexander Valerievich to lead this work, consider perspective creation on the base of "Institute of economical and socio-cultural researchers (SCE) of Your branch and will render a necessary assistance in the decision of all organizational QUESTIONS.
General Director I.K. Karimov
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