Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » Статьи » Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда

Conceptual Basis of the Socially Orientated Economy of Ukraine /Hrebenyuk, Valeriy Volodymyrovych
General Description of the Work
       Topicality of the Research Subject.
       Having declared the desire to enter into the world economic society, to develop a public society, and to develop a market economy, Ukraine has faced a very important task – to provide social-economic development through the scientific-based policy and to elaborate the mechanisms of its realization, since among the key priorities of today’s society are the following ones: the process of intensification of the social orientation of the economic systems and subordination of economic policy of a state to the tasks of human development. The times when production could be developed due to people have already passed. Modern economy demands a complex labour force, highqualified workers, and their work, in its turn, demands a deserved payment. Income of the population forms an effective demand which is the main development engine in the market economy. Therefore, the increase of the welfare is not only a result, but also an absolutely necessary condition of the economic development. This statement itself makes social tasks preferable. Due to this reason, on the current stage, there is an aim of theoretical comprehension and analysis of the essence of this function of the state as a basis for development of practical recommendation concerning introduction of mechanisms of its realization.
      We reckon, that for better understanding of the essence of the concepts "social functions of the state” and "social policy”, it is necessary to appeal to conditions of creation, formation, and evolution of such concepts, and to clarification of etymology of such categories.
     The concept "social oriented economy” is associated with the achievements of post-war German economic school, particularly, with Ludwig Erhard who supposed that in Germany in 60 years of the XX century, the classless society was already built, so called "formed society”. We often hear about "social state”, "social market economy”, "social defence” etc. Average men understand such concepts similarly and often even the same. Precondition of the development of modern social market economy is also an economy of "free pricing” with its peculiar advantages and disadvantages.
      French economist Jean Pierr Lorio has defined a "market economy” as a system where goods turnover and prices depend on the demand and supply on the free basis (free pricing). Character features of free market economy are the following ones:
 1. Private property for means of production;
2. Activity on the basis of resources economy;
3. Prising by means of free competition on the markets.
     More then two hundred years ago, a type of the economy with such features was called "free market economy”. The main principle of the economic theory of that time was the principle of "free enterprising”. It was assumed, that economy is self-sufficient formation and has all possibilities to develop freely, without any outer intervention. An "invisible hand” of the market would solve its problems itself (A. Smith).
    Except of the known advantages, "free market economy” has an essential disadvantage, in time, left on itself, it destroys and disproves its own principles – it subordinates the private property of goods’ producer to huge monopolies, in time, "free pricing” is being spoiled by monopoly. Main productive force of the society – hired labour suffers a negative influence, as a result of excessive supply of labour force, from time to time, the income of workers comes down to the level which is lower then subsistence minimum. In such a way, "free market economy” gradually leads to social upheavals, and, as a result, to impoverishment of the new sections of population. As a final result, it endangers its existence.
   By means of a durable evolution, the developed countries gradually have begun to elaborate such social-economic system which would combine advantages of the market economy, namely, the economics with a distributed responsibility (quick technical progress, stimulation of production and labour productivity on the basis of competition preservation), with simultaneous removal of defects of "free economy” (existence of monopoly, social-economic impoverishment of the workers, etc.).
    Historically, the new social-economic system, which is named "social market economy”, was formed. New system has already included the increase of a well-founded interference of the state into economic and social processes. It is admitted, that a state should maintain the operation mechanism of the competitive environment to enable the economy to operate in favour of all levels of population and does not decline, and also secures fulfilment of the Targets of the Millennium (UNO, 2000). In such a way, "social market economy” is a social-economic system, an economic basis of which is distributed responsibility which should show itself on different markets, but it could not solve a lot of social problems, therefore, it is necessary to correct the influence of a state. Such social-economic system and appropriate policy have some fundamental aims. In general, economics has to develop on the market basis; each person should receive enough freedom in the economic sphere. Personal initiative of the private entrepreneurs receives the biggest assistance and encouragement from the state, and has state intervention into functioning of "social market economy”. Main target of the social market economy is a securing of gradual development of world society, and also a creation of conditions for thorough development of citizens and satisfaction of their needs. Own welfare should not be received due to the others; goods should be distributed on the fair basis. All members of the society have to receive a certain secured subsistence minimum, adequate to person as a personality.
    Uncertainty of such basic concepts as "social relations”, "social policy of the state”, "social function of the state”, "social sphere” leads to a big amount of gaps in the practical activity of the state concerning solving of social problems, since social policy is inadequate to increasing of the needs of the society.
     Let’s apply to the etymology of concepts "function” and "policy”. Term "policy” is derived from Greek "politika” (state, social affairs, "polis” – state); "function” – from Latin "functio” (fulfilment, realization, i.e. activity, duty, work, outer show of qualities of any object in this system of relations). In accordance with the stated above, the role of the state in realization of social reforms should be considered not only from the point of view of elaboration of the standards and declarations, but, first of all, as a duty, a rule for introduction of social living standards. Social policy of the state should be considered as a coordinated, scientifically based system of measures, oriented on securing of appropriate conditions for fulfilment of the stated duty.
    Talking about the complexity of the process of realization of social standards declared by Ukrainian state, some "barriers” on its way should be marked.
    First of all, at the present stage, Ukraine only starts its way to the creation of civilized market relations with development of appropriate infrastructure. This is done with an aim not to come back to essentially opposed tendencies of the state with an absolute centralism (not taking into consideration the whole layer of actively working population) and dictate of mass irresponsibility (which is also called "planned economy”). Therefore, this process could not be momentary, it is necessary to go through difficult formation period. This period is a transit from one type of economic thinking to essentially new, more progressive one. However, today there already exists a legislative regulation of many social issues. It concerns, for example, working time, activity of branch trade union structures, etc. This process is being developed in the necessary direction and no time limits should be determined.
     Secondly, today there exist an essence uncertainty, and, therefore, imperfect idea of a social sphere in general. Till now, one uses literature (of analysis of some official documents) where it is considered as a totality of institutions and systems of non-production character which provide services in the sphere of culture, health protection, etc. Such understanding leads to artificial conflict situations and improper practical orientation, since the production, as a main sphere of a vital activity of the society, in such a condition, is out of the limits of the social sphere. Therefore, if social sphere is considered only as a totality of non-productive establishments which provide social services, then a lot of phenomena which are also constituent parts of such a sphere are left unattended by the state institutions which elaborate a social policy and are responsible for its implementation. The result of such sponsored theorization in the notion of social sphere is the existence of big amount of gaps in a practical activity concerning solving of social issues, since social policy is inadequate concerning problems of the society. Therefore, to our mind, at the present stage, the most important task is to clarify the "competence” of the state concerning regulation of the social processes, and also the rights and obligations of the state in the process of fulfilment of its social function. First of all, it concerns the solving of the problems which threaten the integrity or even the existence of the society (securing of sufficient level of living for each person, prevention of poverty and excessive income differentiation of the population, etc.).
      Thirdly, as a result of unfavourable conditions for a self-realization of social potential of a person, the fulfilment of an effective social policy is slowed down. Here, the main motive power is a development of social-status relations on the basis of the formation of average class. Historical experience witnesses that a democratic society is possible only providing the support of the citizens which in material plan do not depend on power itself, but, at the same time, they may create economic and social-political pre-conditions for support of the state and existing social institutions in the society. "Vectors” of all social-economic transformations should be subordinated to the interests of those, the most numeral levels of the population, which in western sociology and politology are determined as an "average class”. Exactly this part of the population in any country has always been and now is a reliable basis for social-economic, market-democratic transformations in the social society. Western model of the average class characterizes it as an economically active part of the population which have appropriate for a person of the XXI century level of material welfare. They reach it with their own labour, understanding their social and economic interests and do everything for their full realization.
    In consideration of the issue of development of economics on the market basis with high social standards, it is necessary to pay attention to the role of small business as a basis of social transformations and guarantee of irreversibility of positive processes. Nowadays, a problem of social responsibility of the business has obtained a high importance, and necessity to increase of social investments of enterprising activity. It should be said, that this problem concerns not only state institutions, which realize social policy, international organizations or financial establishments – it is an obligation of entrepreneurs themselves (businessmen) and other multiple representatives of social society. It should be said, that this problem concerns not only state institutions, which realize social policy, international organizations or financial establishments – it is an obligation of entrepreneurs themselves (businessmen) and other multiple representatives of social society. Among other constituent parts of the social role of the small enterprises, it is necessary to mention its contribution to softening of inevitable property inequality, support of socially sensitive levels of the population, change of the property structure, regulation of employment of the population on the local level and as a buffer zone of competitive economics which is able to soften the results of structural changes inside of it.
      Scientists-economists occupy a significant place in forming of a unified concept of small enterprising development, namely: Z. Varnaliy, V. Syzonenko, L. Vorotina, S. Mochernyy, D. Lyapin, V. Podsolenko, V. Yakovlyev, A. Busygin, V. Vasylyev, O. Turetskyy, etc. Scientific works of famous Ukrainian economists N. Chumachenko, I. Lokinova, V. Geyts, A. Galchunskyy, and O. Kuzhel draw our attention to the separate issues of enterprising development in the conditions of formation of market economics. Scientists of the USA, first of all F. Chayek [3], P. Drucker [23], P. Samuelson, D. Rechmen, M. Mekson [11], and others have made an inestimable contribution to the research and systematization of the theory of enterprising. For the last years, in Ukraine, the basis for formation of the unified model of enterprising development is the range of methodological approaches of the leading native and foreign economists, practical recommendations of experts-analytics of the sector of a small business.
     Moreover, nowadays, a lot of theoretical and applied issues of the development of small enterprising remain unsolved, which makes the implementation of the systematic approach impossible, first of all, in state regulation and support of the subjects of small enterprising. Ukraine has also problems in bringing of national classification of the subjects of small enterprising into conformity with the classification of EU (Recommendation 2003/361/ЕU dated 06.05.2003).
    Not taking into consideration a big amount of investigations of theoretic-methodological basis of the activity and development of small enterprises, including in Ukraine, it should be said, that among scientists, specialists of bodies of executive power, and subjects of enterprising activity there is no unified meaning about the most effective realization of the factors of organization, economic, and legal character. Therefore, for example in Ukraine, there are different approaches to the estimation of effectiveness of small enterprising activity which function under the conditions of simplified taxation system, accounting, and reporting. Among the issues which belong to discussion ones are also the ways of financial-credit support of the small enterprises activity, levers of indirect correction of their activity, and many others.
    Taking into consideration the Targets of the Millennium, the aim of the research is an elaboration of the modern methodologically based concept of creation of the competitive economics with a distributed responsibility which fully uses the potential of the subjects of small enterprising (SSE).
    In the process of investigation, it is necessary to consider the following issues:
- to examine the main tendencies and problems of development of small enterprising in transformation period of the economics development which is directed to prioritive functioning of industrial-financial groups (IFG) on the world markets;
- taking into consideration the retrospective analysis of the development of small business in the USA and developed economics of the European Union to predict the changes in solving of social-economic issues by small enterprising of cluster and general types;
- to ground the use of integral index of labour profitability while analysing the efficiency of functioning of the small enterprises both in general system, and in the integrated formings with "soft” and "holding” business performing.
- to define the essence of such categories as "efficiency” and "social-economic efficiency” of small business from the point of view of microsystem analysis;
 - to show the appropriateness to concern the activity of the leadership of small enterprises from the point of view of innovation and operation approaches;
- to define the ways of improvement of mental-psychological climate in the society due to creation of small enterprises with the aim of social effect realization;
- to reveal the modern tendencies of the increase of social responsibility of small business in the conditions of overcoming of world financial crisis.
     Stage of Issue Elaboration.
    Uncertainty and unconformity of general accepted criteria of the relation of the enterprises with the sphere of small business has led to essential differences in estimating of the size of average and small enterprises which makes comparison of their activity on the interregional level impossible. For example, in the European Union, an enterprise is considered as a small one if the number of employees is less then fifty, in the USA – if less then five hundred, etc. The same situation is with the volume of the annual balance. In Ukraine, the enterprise is considered as a small one if the volume of gross income from realization of the products (work, services) for a financial year is less then 70 million UAH, yet, in the European Union – if less then 10 million Euro. What is the reason? Lots of specialists have tried to give the answer for this question. Among them S.Borner, Christopher A. Bartlett, Paul A. David, Edward Denison, Rudiger Dornbusch, Lawrence Franko, Peter H. Gray, Albert O. Hirschman, Michael E. Porter, and many others. Yet, they still were not successful in elaborating of a generally accepted criterion for the division of enterprises for small, average, and big. Most likely, it is possible, since, not taking into consideration different approaches concerning the one and the other enterprise or the one and the other category of size, the scientists of almost all the countries have found a common language while analysing the enterprises activity and, without controversies, have distinguished them as small, average, and big. What is the determinant criterion? Certainly, the determinant feature is not a size or a number of employees, but, most probably, the influence of one or another enterprise on the social environment, on the satisfaction of the needs of a certain level (quantitative dimension) of the population, and on the level of solving of essential social issues. The specialists, almost without mistakes, perceive this, and other criteria play the part of auxiliary.
      On the small enterprises, a special attention is drawn to the innovation and operational approaches to the solving of the issues of enterprise management. The works of V. Tereshchenko, which analyze the experience of the production organization in the USA and describe on the scientific basis the process of leadership, but there is no unnecessary accent on the innovation in the process of executing of the common administrative actions, occupy an essential place. This fact proves the existence of the law of conservation of work (1999) and its action in the process of production. Yet, the action of this law is not considered under the condition of interaction of small enterprises in clusters and in industrial-financial groups, development of which, lately, take place in Eastern Europe the most rapidly.
     At the same time, the crisis of the third and forth technological structure acquires expansion in the countries of CIS and lagging from not only European Countries, but also countries of Southern America, increases. In such countries as Ukraine and Byelorussia, this crisis only makes its first steps. It almost has not touched the wide range of population yet in such an extent, as the mass media reports. Under such circumstances, the traditional approach to the development of small enterprises with slogan "overcoming of the crisis by means of its development” would not give the expected results. And we reckon that, in the first place, it is due to wrong aim for a small business, particularly, only receiving of income without any real steps towards recovery from the recession.
    For example, in Ukraine all crisis management measures are mercilessly criticized by the specialists of all parliament fractions. Therefore, their positive impulse weakens on the stage of forming of such measures. Now, they almost does not influence the real economic sector which exists due to non-conformity with institutional norms and rules of play, and are unattractive to collaboration with industrial-financial groups (IFG) of the developed countries. Inconsolable perspective for the economics of Ukraine can be seen while getting familiar with the National Strategy of Development "Ukraine – 2015” which was created by the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Demographic and Social Investigations of NAS of Ukraine, and regional branch of the National Institution of Strategic Investigations in the city of Kharkiv under the President of Ukraine. Specialists and experts in the sphere of economics, politics, law, humanitarian and social development have the same point of view. It is based enough in the research "Strategic Challenges to the Society and Economics of Ukraine in XXth Century” edited by Academician of NAS of Ukraine V. M. Geyts, Academician of NAS of Ukraine V. P. Semynozhenko, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine B. S. Kvasyuk. See document 432 at
    There also less important methodological but very important practical issues for a small business which are related to providing bank services for a small business. The needs and ways of improvement of the accounting, analysis, and planning of the bank activity are considered in the works such native authors as: O. D. Zaruba, A. V. Kalina, G. V. Mytrofanov, L. O. Prymostka, K. Ye. Rayevskyy, R. I. Tyrkalo, Z. I. Shchybyvolok, and such foreign scientists as: O. V. Kukushkina, Yu. S. Maslyenchenkov, V. Ye. Cherkasov, A. D. Shcherbakov. There are also more young scientists who more or less have researched the specified this issues, among them: Ruslan Nabok [48], Roman Chumak [52], Volochov Viktor [43] which also have examined the issue of the correlation of administrative accounting and income of the bank establishments. Such famous native scientists have devoted their works to the issues of organization and methodology of administrative accounting as: M. V. Kuzhelnyy, A. M. Moroz, M. S. Pushkar, V. I. Rychakivskyy, M. I. Savluk, M. G. Chumachenko, and some foreign ones: M. Vebera, K. Druri, T. P. Karpova, T. Scoun, A. D. Sheremet, U. Sheffer, and others.
    Not taking into consideration a big amount of publications concerning the issues of accounting and analysis in bank establishments, still, there are lack of works which are devoted to the complex study of methods of accounting of income and expenses of a bank (particularly, administrative accounting), their analysis, planning, and forecasting. V. Buryak and V. Volochov state, that one of the main features of the administrative accounting is the fact, that all the expenses are divided into two main types:
a) marginal (variable);
b) permanent.
    The definition of marginal (variable) and permanent expanses as a specified above concepts which are used in economics of small enterprise. A perfect and meaningful addition to the interpretation of the concept "variable expanses in bank activity” is a following thought: "usually in administrative accounting correct enough is an assumption that the marginal expanses for a unit of provided service are the same for each additional unit”.
    Essential contribution to the elaboration of conceptual approaches to development and administration of small business is made by the higher leaders of industrially developed countries. The measures of "Reyganomika” in the USA of the President Ronald Reygan, program of Margaret Thatcher in England, program of Small Business Support in 2003 in the USA at times of President George Bush and others may be concerned as an example of such positive influence.
    At the same time, the analysis of the literary sources and world practice allows us to make a conclusion, that there no conceptual basis for a development of economics with an absolute use of possibilities of small enterprise and business in a world economic science. This fact makes the process of attraction of positive experience with its adaptation to the conditions of Ukraine more difficult.
    Subject of the research – determination of the tendencies and contradictions in a social-market economics with analysis of positive experience of use of small enterprising and business for reaching of stable development.
    Object of the research – the economics of Ukraine with peculiar features of the economics of post-Soviet society in the state of inconsistent reconstruction and under the conditions of social-politic pressure.
    Methodological and theoretic basis of the work are the results of the research in economic theory and in econometrics of the latest years, particularly of such Laureates of the Nobel prize in economics as: Saymon Kuznec (1971), Wassily Leontief (1973), Leonid V. Kantorovich (1975), Gerard Debreu (1983), Sir Richard Stone (1984), Robert Solow (1987), Harry M. Markowits (1990), Gary S. Becker (1992), Robert Lucas (1995), Robert C. Merton (1997), Robert A. Mundell (1999), James J. Heckman (2000), George A. Akerlof (2001), Vernon L. Smith (2002), and others. We consider a proving of action of the fundamental law of economics – Law of Labour Conservation (Vasylyev O. V., 1999-2003) in reaching of an effective work of a small enterprising and business as a modern basis of the main conclusions. Moreover, we determine the appropriateness of the law of non-destroying of intellectual-moral work while development of organization structure of small enterprises and mechanisms of correlation of small enterprises and industrial-financial groups (IFG). The scientific works of prof. Goutam Dutta (India), prof. Frank L. (Canada), prof. Pritviraj Chattopadhyay (New Zealand) are used in the thesis.
    Scientific novelty of the research is in a complex analysis of the problems of forming of conceptual basis of social-market economics, in establishing of general regularities and contradictions, specific features and their development in the period of inconsistent transformation of the economics to the conditions of economics of the distributed responsibility. Well-founded and established concept of the changes in solving of social-economic issues by small enterprising of cluster and general types with an aim of reaching of prioritive functioning of industrial-financial groups (IFG) on the world market.
    New results of the researches may be formulated as the following:
   1. the main tendencies and problems of the development of the subjects of a small enterprising in transformational period of economics development which is directed to prioritive functioning of industrial-financial groups (IFG) on the world markets are established;
    2. the changes in solving of social-economic issues of small enterprising of cluster and general types are forecasted;
    3. the use of integral index of labor profitability while analyzing of the efficiency of functioning of small and average enterprises, both in general system, and in integrated forming with "soft” and "holding” business management is based;
    4. the essence of the categories of "efficiency”, "socially-economic efficiency” of small business from the point of view of microsystematic analysis is determined;
   5. the appropriateness of examination of the activity of the leadership of small enterprises from the point of view of innovational and operational approaches is based;
   6. the ways of improvement of moral-psychological climate in the society due to creation of small enterprises with the aim of receiving of a social effect are determined;
   7. the modern tendencies of the increase of social responsibility of small business under the conditions of overcoming of financial crisis are revealed;
   8. the action of the Law of Labor Conservation (Vasylyev O. V. 1999-2003) in the reaching of the efficient work of small enterprising and business is shown;
    9. the appropriateness of the regard of the law of indestructibility of the intellectual-moral work in the process of development of organization structures of small enterprising and mechanisms of the collaboration of small enterprises and industrial-financial groups (IFG) is determined.
Practical Essence of the Work
    The practical essence of the researches consists of the possibility of use of the received results in practice of small enterprising development, organization of the efficiency of correlation of small business with industrial financial groups (IFG), of positive influence on the system of values of civil society and of attitude of the average class, and also of practical suggestions concerning the creation of innovational enterprising under the conditions of inconsistent transformation of the post-Soviet society.
    Certain suggestions concerning financial supply of the development of the system of small enterprising through the bank sector, particularly, improvement of the administrative accounting in ensuring of the profitability of a commercial bank may be concerned as a practical essence of the researches .
    Statements and conclusions of the thesis research have practical direction and may be used for correction of the programs of social-economic development both on a regional and on an interregional level, for determination of the strategies of national development on a macro- and micro levels, and also for creation of the basis of balanced and stable functioning of economic system.
    The final one would provide a practical realization of the Target of Millennium (UNO, 2000).
     Realization of the results of the research and their approbation.
    The results of the research and practical suggestions of the author are included into scientific reports of the State Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit, and also Institute of a world economics of NAS of Ukraine. They were appropriately estimated on the II International Scientific-Practical Conference "Problems and Mechanisms of Reproduction of Resource Potential in the Context of Euro integration” (19-20 October 2006, National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, city of Rivne), on the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Corporal Administration in Ukraine: Management, finances, and Audit” (4-5 May 2006, NUWMNRU, Rivne), on All-Ukrainian Teaching Scientific-Practical Conference "Financial System in Ukraine: Formation and Development” (20-21 April 2007, National University of Ostroh Academy), on All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Financial System of Ukraine: Formation and Development” (16-17 May 2008 National University of Ostroh Academy), on III International Scientific-Practical Conference "Problems and Mechanisms of Reproduction of Resource Potential in the Contest of Euro integration” (9-10 October 2008, NUWMNRU, Rivne). They have made a basis of succession of the lectures which are read by an author in a State Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine (Rivne branch) and in private high educational establishment "European University”.
      On the basis of the author’s researches, 9 works are printed (total volume of 8 printed sheets), number of the thesises and speeches.
     Thesis structure: aims and tasks of the research have determined the logic and structure of the work:   
     Chapter 1. Theoretic-Methodological Basis of the Research of the Development of the Small Enterprising and Business.
       1.1. Conceptual Approaches Concerning the Role of Small Enterprising in a Social Economics.
       1.2. Place of the Small Enterprises in State Economics.
      1.3. Theoretic-Methodological Approaches to the Determination of Economic Efficiency of a Small Enterprising.
      Chapter 2. Tendencies of the Development of a Small Enterprising.
      2.1. The Necessity of the Development of Small Enterprising as a Specific Sector of Economics of Ukraine.
      2.2. Social-Economic Efficiency of Small Enterprising: Methodical Aspect.
     2.3. Small Enterprising in Socially Oriented Market Economics.
     Chapter 3. Small Enterprising in Ukraine from the Point of View of Worldwide Civilization Improvements.
      3.1. Formation of Average Class in Ukraine – the Most Important Task for a Small Business.
     3.2. Securing of the Activity of Small Enterprises Due to Improvement of Administrative Accounting of Financial-Credit Establishments.
     3.3. Formation of Innovational Small Enterprising in Ukraine.
    3.4. Social Responsibility of the Business in a Civil Society.
    Practice of Implementation of the Results of the Research and Conclusions.
   List of Used Literature.
   List of Printed Works of the Author in Specialized Editions Proved by the Presidium of VAK of Ukraine.
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Категория: Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Добавил: Vasiljev (2010-07-01) | Автор: Hrebenyuk, Valeriy Volodymyrovych
Просмотров: 1053 | Комментарии: 1 | Теги: Law of Preservation of Labour, Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Wassily Leontief, Hrebenyuk, Dr Valery Vasiljev, Valeriy Volodymyrovych, Saymon Kuznec | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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