Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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lives for the triumph of Christian values in May 1223 and September 3, 1260 under Nazareth

To all members of Civil international Board Intellectual and Spiritual Edineniya created for

 preparing of world collective opinion to arranging of The first World congress Spiritual Edineniya in Niu York


To the members of Civil social organizations, organization connected with The body of Conjoined Nations and operating as to the disposal of the global goals of Humanity Select by nation US to new President to Donaldu Tramp



Dear Citizens of the most dynamically developing countries of the world, respected leader, a respected Donald Trump!


In this difficult and stressful year, when world culture opposes the initiators of the world psychological war, we considered it expedient not to prepare several documents (one to 11.09.2018, the other to 12.11.2018, the third to 12.12.2018), paying attention to the world elites to our activity and striving to be worthy of the sacrifices that the people of the USA suffered on September 11, 2001, to our thanks to the spiritually developed, creative personalities found by the “Who is Who” publishing house (USA) for their sincere support for creating the Civic International Committee I & D Edine Preparing world public opinion for the First World Congress of Spiritual Unity in New York, our grief in relation to the premature departure from this world of Academician of the New York Academy of Sciences and Ukrainian AES Valery Aleksandrovich Vasilyev, and decided to turn public attention to the date December 19, 1999 (!) and try to celebrate it in the best traditions of Christianity - THANKS TO ALL of whom we are obliged on this earth to make the date of December 19th significant and pivotal in understanding historical events that took place on the bank of Kalki, which flows into the Kalmius, and then into Meotida - the Sea of ​​Azov.

And we are all with you owe very, very many sincere, spiritually developed leaders and devotees of science and culture, who managed to support us in almost all countries of the World. This is George W. Bush (junior), who, as president of the United States in 2001, was able to appreciate our sincere desire to make global socio-economic forecasts of the development of the world economy (an appeal from Warsaw (Poland) to the President of the New York Academy of Sciences in 2001) and most importantly - to morally support its initiators. By the way, only in 2009, economists in Eastern Europe began to discuss similar initiatives. This is also the Nobel Prize Winner in memory of Alfred Nobel in economics in 1973, Vasily Leontiev, who as early as 1990 highly appreciated the development of economists in the Azov region and invited them to take part in the international competition for convertibility of the ruble, which received F.Fors Forward certificate for their proposals, For their part, they devoted the most science-intensive doctoral dissertation to V.Leontiev in 1992, and the calculations of deficit-free budgets - to the memory of V.V.Leontiev already in 2001. This is the President of the New York Academy of Sciences Robert Nichols, whose attention to the New York Academy of Sciences, Academician Valery Vasilyev, as well as to all the candidates that he felt it necessary to recommend to the New York Academy of Sciences (Poyarkov et al.), has given strength Valery Alexandrovich perform calculations unique, visually confirming the existence of the Law of Conservation of Labor in the global economy.

This is also the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Miroslav Mossakovsky, who in 2001 supported the intellectual and spiritual initiatives of the Azov branch of the Academy ENiPA and the Institute of Economic and Socio-Cultural Research, which prepared the monograph “Podstawowe zalozenia i uzasadnienie, nowego podejscia” (Ludowi Polskemu-izezdnienie, nowego podejscia ”(Ludowi Polskemu-i-zasadnienie, nowego podejscia” (Ludowi Polskemu-i-zasadnienie, nowego podejscia) "(Ludowi Polskymusymiemuzemiusya, izezemnie, and uzasnienie," (Ludowi Polski-izezdnienie) Azov Academy, IESCR, Ciechanow-Warszawa, 2001.– s.196) in Warsaw in 2001, which initiated the awarding of scientists of Poland with economists with the Medal of Metropolitan Gothia and Kaf, St. Ignatius. This is also the head of the New York Academy of Sciences, Bill Green, who in 2000 accepted the economists of Mariupol as members of the Heritage of 1817 Society of the New York Academy of Sciences and sincerely wanted to organize their performance at a briefing in New York.

This is the director of the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, Nichols Lau, who not only included the author of the Law of Conservation of Labor, Academician Valery Alexandrovich Vasilyev as an IBC member in Cambridge, but also invited him to the International Forum in Dublin. By the way, academician Valery Vasilyev sincerely thanked Sir Nichols Lau for this invitation.

This is also the President of the Union of Economists of Cuba, Dr. Vitiero Castro, who in 1997 in Havana at the Congress of the Union of Economists of Latin America and the Caribbean and at the 10th Congress of professional economists of the countries of Central America and the Caribbean, signed an open-ended agreement with the ESKI Institute, which recognized the priority of Ukrainian economists in a number of scientific fields in the economy, working under the guidance of N.G. Chumachenko.

This is Vyacheslav Maksimovich Chernovil, who at the Second World Forum of Ukrainians in 1997 announced to its participants that in 1999 scientists from Priazovia would celebrate the 145th anniversary of the heroic defense of Priazovia by hereditary ataman officers of the Azov Army (formed from the Cossacks of the Transdanian-Zaporozhskaya Sich in 1828).

This is also the head of the American Biographical Institute highly appreciated the achievements of the economists of the Azov region and the scientists of Eastern Europe who were attentive to their recommendations in the Institute nomination (ABI).

And this allowed December 19, 1999 not only to hold a conference-general meeting of the academic council of the Azov branch of the Academy ENiPD in the village. Volodarskoe (ancient Nikolskoe), where the origins of the actions to return the Danubian Cossacks to their ancestral lands in the Kalmius Palanka in 1828-1831, as well as the reasons for the resettlement of these hereditary warriors to the Kuban in 1865-1866, were disclosed. (but not all - managed to leave the land of the Army of Azov for the Cossacks !!). And all the victories over the Imperial bureaucracy were won by political methods, without human sacrifice. And it really is worth a lot ...

But the main thing - the holding of this conference - the meeting of the Academic Council of AENiPD SA marked a revival in the heart of the Norman-Goth Confederation CALMOUS (CALMOUCS) of interest in probably the most beautiful and significant page in the history of Christian civilization in Europe over these 2,000 years. Namely, on the lands of the Norman-Gothic triangle Bakhmut / Taganrog / Mariupol, events occurred that accelerated the formation of Europe as innovative workshops of our civilization. ; ; ;

Therefore, it is precisely to this date that we want to attract the attention of all intellectuals in Europe, Asia, America, as well as in Africa and Australia. The events of 1223 on the shores of Kalki all over the world had a significant impact, and the event of December 19, 1999 had an understanding of the historical TRUTH, which already gives strength to thousands of descendants of the invincible knights of Europe - the Normans / Goths / Kazakov.

To all who cherish the HISTORICAL TRUTH, we invite at 20-00 UTC to turn our prayers to the Lord for the rest of the spirit of the Great Europeans - the Warriors of the Normans / Ready / Cossacks who gave their lives for the triumph of Christian values ​​in May 1223 and September 3, 1260 under Nazareth.




Honorary Chairman of the Civil International Committee

Intellectual and Spiritual Union, Doctor

Ernesto Garcia

Chairman of the Civil International Committee

Intellectual and Spiritual Unity, Deputy. the chairman

Azov branch of AENiPD, doctor Alexander Vasilyev


Deputy Chairman of the Civil International Committee

Intellectual and Spiritual Union

Julio Atanse

Категория: Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Добавил: Vasiljev (2018-12-16) | Автор: A.Vasiljev,E.Garcia
Просмотров: 697 | Теги: lives for the triumph of Christian , A.Vasiljev, E.Garcia, 1260 under Nazareth | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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