Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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On the Occasion of the Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - We ALL in CIC Wish HAPPY !

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06/09/2016 05:23 PM EDT

On the Occasion of the Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
June 9, 2016


On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I offer our best wishes to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and all the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as you celebrate Her Majesty’s official birthday on June 11.

Through numerous Presidents and Prime Ministers, Queen Elizabeth has been a reassuring constant presence, a symbol of stability through unsettled times and of the enduring strength of the special relationship between our two countries. In similar fashion, the strong ties of the special relationship between our two countries are a steadying force in a turbulent and unpredictable world.

Connections between our countries transcend our vital economic, diplomatic, and military relations. The British and American peoples are connected through common values, common history, and common language. In the more than six decades of Queen Elizabeth’s reign, generations on both sides of the Atlantic have continuously renewed the bonds that tie us together. Our students learn in each other’s classrooms; our scientists share laboratories to collaborate on groundbreaking discoveries; our entrepreneurs inspire each other to greater innovation; and our militaries fight side by side in the world’s toughest conflicts. In short, just as President Obama has said he is inspired by the Queen, the British and American people help each other excel beyond what either would be without the other.

As the people of the United Kingdom mark this special day, I join the American people in extending congratulations and most sincere good wishes to Her Majesty the Queen and the British people.


My Dear Friend Dr Ernecto,

You're absolutely right ... 
But this fantasy follows an unknown chapter in the history of England (the British Empire), as very distant ancestors of its leaders (the royal line) involved in the realization of the European project in the 13th century - in the creation of Norman-Mongolskoy Empire !!

I apologize for such fantasies (very brave), but maybe it's not fantasy?
Royal Dynasty of Great Britain is impossible to create not one but two of the Empire in our civilization ...
And it is very progressive and innovative !!!

ALL Yours Alexander


Но из этой фантазии следует и неизвестная страница истории Англии (Британской Империи), т.к. очень далёкие предки её руководителей (королевская линия) участвовали в реализации Европейского проекта в 13 столетии - в создании Нормано-Монгольской Империи !!

Прошу извинить меня за такие фантазии (очень смелые), но может быть это и не фантазии ?
Королевская династия Великой Британии получается создала не одну а две Империи в нашей цивилизации ...
И очень прогрессивные и инновационные !

Категория: Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Добавил: Vasiljev (2016-06-10) | Автор: John Kerry
Просмотров: 1092 | Теги: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Dr Alexander Vasiljev, John Kerry, Dr Ernesto Garcia | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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