Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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" Atlantida" of Carpathians : sources of sacral architecture Central Europe
Dr-eng. Alexander Vasiljev-Muller
" Atlantida" of Carpathians : sources of sacral architecture
Central Europe

         Displacing attention is on artificial creations on considerable territory of Carpathians in Івано-Франківщині, which counted 4000-8000 years. Setting of these building is compared to setting of Large Pyramid in Egypt.
       Keywords: "Atlantida" of Carpathians, law of Nodestroy of intellectually-spiritual labour, laser technology, unknown technologies.

       Raising of problem. Large payment in understanding humanity of sources of modern civilization was done nevertheless by research workers, as Zakariy Sitchin, which after 30 of years of persistent labour printed a revolutionary for consciousness of humanity monograph the "Twelfth planet", and then four -" Chronology of Earth", and Alan Elford, which in a monograph "Gods of new millennium" (1996) gave it a shot to ground influence of changes of прецесії of earthly axis, when a transition was carried out from the era of Taurus to the era of Ram (4 thousand years to now), on the use of Stonehand (England) and Machu-Pickchu in Peru. Much new and interesting these authors made attempt tell to the World, but a "little trinket" did not seize, namely facts of the use of humanity of almost inexhaustible possibilities of our planet a previous race.
       Analysis of the last researches and publications. Today in descriptions for the tourists of Large Pyramid does not have Refs.s on labour of Alan Elford and Zakariy Sitchin, but is only mentions about Pharaohs and description of wandering of their mummies. But it does not diminish inscrutability of construction of Pyramid, not clearness of the found channels for placing of cables and bits and pieces of destruction of the equipment set in Pyramid. At this time about bits and pieces of age-old power building in Carpathians specialists which can give modern hypothesesat the level of the XXI century it is not talked . For all who visits Carpathians traditional there are brochures, where such explanations are printed: "Rocky sights of Sokilskiy mountains are accompanied by rich local folklore-legendary tradition, related to the ancient temples, offenses of BiloGod and BlackGod, by king by Guzul, activity of Oleksa Dovbush. By caves, by numerous treasures and others like that. The various over-stone's images of people and animals, symbols and signs, testify that in antiquity these objects served as a mestome for sending of religious cults, and also had the calendar-astronomic setting (Nichola Kugutjak, Institute of history, ethnology and archaeology of Carpathians of the Prykarpattya national university the name of Wasyl Stefanyk).  And all in such spirit - "The Lesivsk's temple is located on distance a 2 km. From small vill. Pryslop of vil. Velykyj Rozen of Kosivskij of district. On territory of sight is: rock under the name of Devils Finger (Besivskiy stone), the top of which reminds made schematic image of head of bird ; oblatory stone diameter an over 6 m; rocky Brama-type complex with an annex (N. Kugutjak). The looks of Nicholas Kugutjaka are divided by the director of Institute of tourism of the Prykarpattya national university the name of Wasyl Stefanyk, doctor of historical sciences Volodymyr Stepanovich Velykochij together with Savchukom, Boris Petrovichem, doctor of historical sciences, professor, by the manager of department of tourism and study of a particular region of Institute of tourism and Popovichem, Serhij Ivanovich, a candidate of historical sciences, professor, first pro-rector of Institute of tourism of Federation of trade unions of Ukraine (Kyiv), had wrote "Rocks of Dovbusha (Pic. 3.17) is sight of nature, located levels a 668 m above a sea level not far away from the village of Bubnishe in Valley.. From archaeological data, to distribution of christianity here was heathen kapishe, and later here, probably, a christian monastery was founded in XVIII of century (Іvano-Frankivshyna tourist: study-methodical edition / Volodymyr Velykochij; the Prykarpattya national university of the name of Wasyl Stefanyk. -- Ivano-Frankivsk: publishing House of the Prykarpattya national university of the name of Wasyl Stefanyk, 2011. - 120 p). All of it can be read only with a large sadness, because when scientists do not wish to see artificiality of creation of artfacts stored sometimes (!), then it except for confusion causes no feelings.
                  Photo 1. In Carpathians in Stanislawäs district (photo N.Kugutjaka) - "Ceiling technological to the tunnel", but to talk that did it only for realization of ceremonies - not to respect it our Fathers. And in general, to see such not clear primitivism wherein him does not have and it could not be.
        In general to see in every large stone which is put with some not clear to the doctors of historical sciences by a purpose, but with an obvious orientation under a certain corner on open part of sky, sacral work of art and offenses of "Divine OldMather" is the already not scientific suiting, to our opinion.
       Clearly, that to give critical remarks easily, and to promulgate more sound explanations for the found bits and pieces of "Atlantida" of Carpathians heavier, but we will make attempt.
       Raising of task. Therefore for the purpose of research put from positions of modern opinion, namely to the law of unrendering of intellectually-spiritual гтраці harmless, to explain the origin of stored sometimes on large territory of Carpathians in the Ivano-Frankivsk area of artificial аrtfacts of intellectually-productive activity of humanity 4000-8000 years to the volume.
         Exposition of basic material of researches. in 29.12.2009 at scientific international conference in the Ivano-Frankivsk university of right the name of. King Danylo Galychina in a lecture the "Alternative sources of the future : we marked Workshop of Civilizations", that "In Ukrainian Carpathians, presumably, always tendons of race of humanity. By the way, specialists already a long ago enough found near the small town of Королево in Zakarpattia the almost oldest settlement of man in Europe. But their place in development of civilizations on Earth presumably more more considerable and more more interesting for researchers, than it was considered before".
         Then we came to really new vision of артефактів which was saved in Carpathians. Essence of our conception consists in that the race of humanity in those times (4000-8000 years to the volume) used energy more mighty, than burned, hydrogen (on Alan Elford). On this opinion we were pointed by next lines from "Myths of Kury", which were found on Shumerskij, Arcadskij and Assirijskij languages: "..Ninurta was disappointed, that war made off a peaceful agreement, but not complete defeat of opponent. Therefore he outpoured all fury on an equipment which remained in Екуре. Looking over in an apartment "stones" (it can crystals were ? It is an idea of our), Ninurta bossed, that with them to do - to destroy or take with itself.
        Possibly, in the apartment of "tsarina" he found "Stone (SHAM) of Fate" of - stone with a red tint. Ninurta ordered to break out him and destroy. He explained that force of stone had been used, "him to take a captive, kill, to watch after him, to kill". This stone is described in a poem which is sacred to Goddess Ninhursag, thus - "He gives force, as a lion on which nobody dare dangers". Presently an enigmatic niche in the "chamber of tsarina" is empty, and her setting it can not explain in any way. Farther Nonurta rose on the Large gallery to the "chamber of tsar". There he found GUG is "Stone which found direction". "Then, in a that day, definited of fate, Ninurta fished out the stone of GUG from a niche and broke up it". He ordered also to destroy запірні devices with three signs: SU of -" the Vertical stone", KA.SHUR.RA is the "Frightful, Clean stone which opens" and SAG.KAL is the "Hard stone which is ahead". Then, returning on the Large gallery, Ninurta broke and destroyed, as considered necessary, varicoloured "stones" which created the effect of rainbow. In text name 22 from these pair of stones, whether crystals, names other did not succeed to be taken apart. Presently in the walls of Large Pyramid, above the corner of the Large gallery, is 27 pair of empty niches, and another pair - on the Large step".
Picture 1. Placing of "chambers of tsar and tsarina", where no mummies were never found, but found "many air mines" - narrow channels - 8x8 inches (20x20 cm.).
         Thus our personal interest in stones has deep basis. Especially, it became for us indisputable after the first our having a special purpose expedition in 18.05.2011 on Sokilskij mountains in the district of village Babyn. That we saw there, did not leave us at a calmness and already will leave never.

         That stone which Robert showed us - "Kashyckij stone", or "Head of tiger" - testifies indisputably, that it is bits and pieces of age-old engineering building.
Photo 2. A. V. Vasiljev-Muller in 18.05.2011 "Final part of engineering building with проточками for circulation of liquid" (Sokiljskis mountains, near vil. Babyn; Kosiv).
         Us in 2009 nobody could convince, .and after 18.05.2011 though and not thinking, that these are artificial educations,! what have very not simple role. you only look at the location of this construction and on that, how the presented last stone. Why an interval is needed was between the last stone and basis ? Why a pin area is such small ? Specialists on a laser technique can to it give reasonable enough explanations, if to bring over them to the collaboration.
Photo 3. And such minimum contact stands stone of millennium !
Photo 4. All these sandy "rocks" (they from the treated sandstones) artificial; they were laid layer after a layer, and in a middle the done net of channels !!

         Possibly these bits and pieces are our chance to revive ecologically clean technology of receipt of energy for humanity and to save ecological balance of planet.
Photo 5. Sandy blocks from a 3-7 tone and anymore strike all, who sees them; on them enormous amount of tracks of treatment (hi-tech treatment)!!
Photo of 6 и 7. It is possible to see not only connection in a net from the network of channels, and insertions  from stones in these channels !!

         Really, the study of bits and pieces of these engineerings building can give very much for modern high-tech, because never to that end trips were carried out to Carpathians. All these building stand in mountains to which not so it is simple to be reached. And main - alongside there was not intensive building from a stone, that saved the enormous amount of artfacts.
Photo 10. Enormous amount of outputs of channels in blocks, which the made building (Photo of  A.V. Vasiljev-Muller; 18.05.2011 yr.) is from.
       In 2000 by us was the formulated law of unrendering intellectually of spiritual labour harmless on the example of analysis of socio-economic processes of the last centuries. But this law, on our modern look, more wide character of application which is confirmed by our finds in Carpathians has really. Really, that high level of development of humanity, which was on Earth in a historically remote period did not pass to no purpose, and main is his achievement possibly on the modern understanding of physical and chemical processes to revive and find new yet to nobody unknown verges, both in theoretical aspects and in the applied, especially technological directions of application.
        Intellectually-spiritual labour of humanity, which created these enormous hi-tech building in Carpathians not rendered by harmless, - there are artificial артефакти which open a new page in scientifically-technological development of our civilization. And main - we already can understand our talented пращурів... - it is only needed to wish it.
       Conclusions. We consider that setting of found artificial артефактів can not be especially scientific (observatories for to tourist boulevards and others like that) or sacral (капища after М. Кугутяком, В. Великочиєм ect al), but carries productive character with the use of high and to us as yet unknown technologies.

            Actually we 18.05.2011 p. confirmed the conclusions of lecture of 29.12.2009 :
           1. Carpathians, give the key to cognition age-old to the cluster of macrotechnologies. It is necessary to study it to the
specialists of different directions. In the first turn, to the physicists and engineers.
          2. Stones are had large power force which 4000-8000 thousand years to our time were able to use, and, possibly, not so much
crystals, and connection mattered with earth.
         Mainly - our attitude toward the "phenomenon of Carpathians" became deeper. We saw the real ways revivals of high-tech, which
humanity "forgot" on some time.
        And the value of Carpathians became clear us, both in Ukraine and in Poland (Татри), for modern civilization.
      1. Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Discovery -I saw these engineerings constructions !  2011.
      2. Alexander V. Vasiljev-Muller Alternative sources of the future: Workshops of Civilizations  2009.
       3. Элфорд Алан Ф. Боги нового тысячелетия. -М.: Вече, 1998.- 528 с. (Великие тайны)
      4. Івано-Франківщина туристична: навчально-методичне видання/ Володимир Великочий ; Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя
Стефаника. - Івано-Франківськ : Видавництво Прикарпатського національного
університету імені Василя Стефаника, 2011. - 120 с

Категория: Litawa-Gothia-Odessa//Литва-Готия-Дженестра /Pavel Antonovich Vasiljev & Pelagej Danilovna Polansky | Добавил: Vasiljev (2011-08-29) | Автор: Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller
Просмотров: 3239 | Теги: unknown technologies, Atlantida of Carpathians, laser technology, Babilon, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, intellectually-spiritual labour, Babyn | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
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