Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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Your Decision - to President Donald Trump and a vote in the US Congress makes us all think about ...

January 23 President of the United States approved a decree that the United States stop financing abortions outside of the country. By the way, for this bill we voted in the US House of Representatives - 238 votes in favor and only 183 votes.

Of course that has been formed already long enough movement in defense of life (pro-life movement) wholeheartedly supported the decision of Donald Trump and US House of Representatives ( ).

Of course, we fully consider ourselves members of this deeply Christian movement too. And we support the decision of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, realizing the need for national governments themselves to carry out the design and find funding sources such important for the reproduction of their nations programs and not seek the role of dependents, shifting part of the responsibility on the leadership of the leader in the intellectual and spiritual development of the nation, in this case, US guidance (albeit in part, but then actually shifted responsibility for the quality indicators of reproduction ...).

Still, the topic of abortion is much broader and covers the most serious problems of survival of modern civilization, and pay attention to it, we just have to (as it seems ...). And indeed, this problem in any country studied and sought practical solution? ... In fact, only in the industrialized world and, especially in the US. Yes, otherwise it could not be, because only on the American continent European, escaped from the layered Eurasian problems (more XYII century economist Lord Great Britain William Petit fantasized about the possibility of escape from the Eastern Empire in the Americas), I feel free. While freedom has always been and remains the most attractive illusion, but such a desirable ...

So, feel the freedom and responsibility (this RESPONSIBILITY) people in the United States started to implement their most altruistic plans and designs. So much so that the whole world had only to copy and learn ... and on the practice of family planning, especially. Margaret Sanger (1883-1966), daughter of stonecutter, has played a prominent role in the recognition of the movement for family planning not only in the US but also around the world. Her belief in the need to really fight for a prudent approach to the birth of children to the so-called family planning, has developed in a hospital in New York, where she worked as a nurse and saw the difficult conditions of life of women from poor families. Frequent childbirth, large families, overwork, clandestine abortions, ending with the death of many women and children condemned to orphanage - all this has brought M.Singler to the decision to devote her life to the struggle for the right of women to control their own reproduction, for the right to receive on this subject necessary knowledge. The latter, according to M.Singler, is one of the most important aspects of women's rights (!), As well as in our own. After working in the libraries of Great Britain, the Netherlands and France, she wrote and published in 1914 a brochure "Limiting family size» (Sanger M. Family limitation. P.5), which led all known at that time practical advice on prevention of pregnancy . In the United States illegally distributing this brochure (100 tys.ekz.), Because the law Comstock can not was no birth control, no restrictions to promote its methods.

20 years of struggle and the US Congress adopts an amendment to the law, because better plan than to carry out unsafe abortion for maternal health (the idea is simple, but the practical implementation of what has been a long road, which is not completely passed).

This is actually the main way in which to go, and Latin American countries, and in general, all the countries that want to take control of this important aspect of the reproduction of a healthy nation.

Reason seems to be winning, but 2% of girls under 20 years old children are born in the representatives of the age group 11-15 years (!). It is said that a small percentage of ... (KASUN JR The state and adolescent sexual behavior // The American family and the state / Ed by Peden JR, Glahe FR -. San Francisco (Cal), 1986.-P. 329-364.) . The same author notes: "From 1970 to 1979 circulation teenagers to services of family planning clinics has increased seven-fold. Federal spending on family planning programs in the United States increased from 1969 to 1978, 13.5 mill. to 279 million. Dollars. By 1983, costs the federal and state governments to domestic production of the means of contraception, sterilization and abortion reached 482 million dollars". He emphasizes that "as a result of government programs for regulating sexual behavior of youth pregnancy among girls in the United States began to increase ... the state program of birth control does not benefit the youth, but only contribute to the growth of incomes of those involved in their implementation. Public policy has led to the creation of a large new bureaucracy". That is, the latter is likely to happen and in Latin America, where the bureaucracy was formed, and the work really is not so much performed. And there is the traditional question, and where the money went?

That's actually why Donald Trump and draws attention to the need to reduce this expenditure overseas bureaucracy that feeds at the expense of the US budget. So he did the right or not? Of course, right!

But where money funds will be used? We run the risk of not be heard, but the recommendation is still laid out.

All the life and work of Margaret Sanger suggests that her work on the transfer of the necessary knowledge to mothers, perhaps the most promising and morally irreproachable way. But not only the knowledge of American women need today, but also formed or emerging tradition, as we have seen and are seeing in the center of Asia - in Astana (Kazakhstan).

After all, it means the absence of traditions? This means that all government programs are implemented in the main part. So, after the release of the US law in 1970 on the family planning program has increased the number of institutions and services (1400 to 1968. and 2626 in 1978.) As well as the number of patients (from 863 thousands to 4.5 million. respectively). If in 1970 the majority of patients were black, aged 20 to 30 years old and have children, then in 1978 the majority of patients were white already (ANDERSON JE, COPE LG The impact of family planning program activity on fertility // Family planning perspectives . - NY, 1987. -. Vol 19, N 4. - P. 152-157). Note that the birth rate is always higher in women with low incomes, irrespective of their race. However, increased coverage of family planning programs still leads to a decrease in the birth rate for nearly all races (ANDERSON J.E., COPE L.G. p. 113). Obviously, the increase in the number of family planning clinics should reduce unintended births and unplanned pregnancy. But it is in the United States, where at the state level to take concrete steps with the support of modern medicine. However, the work of family planning clinics is it really safe for expectant mothers? The fact of the matter ... Especially because in the modern family by Ernest Burgess to the loss of the economic, safety, educational, religious and entertainment functions are developing features to meet the emotional and cultural needs (LASCH Chr. The family as a haven in a heartless world // Boston, Toronto, 1986. -P.533-543). But the economic factor determines everything and growth check with mothers of children eager to go to work (in families with children under 6 years old are 45% of mothers aged 6-13 years - 56%, and at the age of 14-17 years - 60% // AdamsC ., Winsaton K. Mothers at work: Public policies in the United States Sweden a.China -NY; L., 1980. -YII, 312 p)?... However, we must remember that all the political and religious movements around the family problems (its preservation and transformation) are the major channel through which manages to inject the vitality of most programs and movements, where citizens can express themselves. As far as the latter is important sociologists do not even seek to analyze (!!).

At the same time in the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered normal and indispensable for the parents to bring the children to the lineage of the 7th knee to prevent the birth of children in young people who are in a relationship closer than up to the 7th generation. The profound, centuries-tested tradition that came from a hoary antiquity, that by the will of a sincere admiration for the wisdom of the Great People of the Barrens. Understanding the profound validity of this custom (our research and came to the 7- links), we tried, leaning on the wisdom of the centuries, offer the leadership of this country in 2013, the birth rate incentive scheme have formed Kazakh women who already do not want to burden themselves with obligations to her husband and his family (liabilities rather succinct and no simple). Can not get away, educated woman of the family does not want to be a slave or in America or in Asia. However, and deprive themselves of motherhood, women should not. This is unacceptable in all aspects - not from the perspective of society as a whole or with individual products. What to do ? Perhaps it makes sense to use the potential of accumulated tradition, backed by its prudent funding of women who decided to give birth and raise a child. Strictly on the basis of this, we have proposed a mechanism of elite union to accelerate the formation of the intellectual and spiritual elite of the Great Nation.

It seems that there is no such tradition in Latin America, but there are layers of Christian culture by missionaries and a number of Protestant denominations in the past few centuries, has the intellectual potential of the world of culture, actively stepping up in the United States. There is the foundation!

This foundation is necessary to assess, understand what blocks are missing and start a real creative work. To work, which must include all representatives of culture and science of America. And we are convinced that they have long been ready for it - you only need to discuss term priority tasks, and for this purpose it is advisable to gather at the First World Congress of Spiritual Unity in New York, the need for which we are constantly remind the US leadership and international non-governmental organizations, starting with the g. 2001.

Yes, racial differences will affect them quite actively studied US sociologists, revealing significant differences, which are fixed, even the official statistics. For example, the average age of the Mexican population (Chicanos) the US is 21 years compared to 30 years for other people. Although the level of marriage Chicano corresponds to the average for the country, but the divorce they have less, how would embodies efficiency machismo model for the Hispanic population, when the head of the "king and god" of the family, the leading image of the free man's life, thinking only about how best to prove his virility (STARLES R., MIRANDE A. Racial and cultural variations among American families: A decennial rev of the lit. on thinority families // Skolnik AS, Skolnic JH Family in transition:. Rethinking marriage, sexuality, child rearing organization 5th ed - Bocnon:.. Totonto, 1986. -P 474-492).. However, research carried out back in 1975 clearly showed the opposite pattern. Moreover, many men do not share the dominant ideas in the literature about them as favorites and prefer longer be with his family. The study of Chicano families showed that the visible features of patriarchy, in fact, in the heart of the family is a woman, and the relationship between parents and children are based on softness, good feelings and confidence; Children are allowed a lot compared with the families of white and black. That is, the dominant position of women in British families we observed in 1994 in London and Huntington that somehow unites institutes families of all Europeans and immigrants from Europe (in this case - Chicano). By the way, the study of Black families in the United States showed that the slave does not seek to artificially separate the family and in the Negro quarters remained as the functioning of the Institute and with the improvement of the economic situation of blacks again raised the question of the dependence of the general economic situation and the stability of the black population of the family. By the way, 54% of Black families - complete, and the rest (!) - Without a husband and father, largely due to unemployment - 29% of blacks between the ages of 20-64 years are unemployed (McGHEE JD Negro family today and tomorrow // State of black America, 1985, -NY, 1985, -P.1-20). But that is typical - the role of women in the black family as a priority. We also observed in 2013 in Astana (Central Asia - Kazakhstan) that even with "four grandmothers and one grandfather" the role of women in the Kazakh family is also a priority, as in Germany (2012.), And in Great Britain (1994 .) ... What is this, if not a common genetically fixed and continually reproduced for our civilization type of basic relations in this extremely important for the preservation and development of our civilization institution - the family. Therefore, we share the view of US scientists that the "family study does not make sense if it is not seen as a viable institution, inherent in all segments of society» (STARLES R., MIRANDE A. p.168).

But whose problem is it? Is mainly only economists? Yes, American society has experience unsuccessful implementation is probably the most authoritative recommendations of the four winners of the award in memory of Alfred Nobel in economics - M. Friedman, George Stigler, P.Samuelsona and Dzh.Tonbi - relatively "negative income tax» (negative income tax ), which in the opinion of these scientists could replace many programs of social security cash benefit of Americans living in poverty, regardless of their marital status. They believed that the incentives for the destruction of the family should be reduced, as with the growth in operating income people - the size of state benefits will diminish and in the end, with the achievement of a certain level of income, your benefits will stop (!).

And what - we have been in the 70s carried out experiments with the introduction of a "negative income tax» (negative income tax) in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Iowa, North Carolina, which showed that the incentives to employment and the preservation of stability of the family declined more than expected (unfortunately ...). Especially disappointing results of the experiment with the introduction of a "negative income tax» (negative income tax) in Seattle and Denver in 1971-1978. - Decreased participation in the labor market and significantly increased family instability (CHRISTIANSEN GB, WILLIAMS WE Welfare, family cohesiveness and out-of-wedlock birth // The American family and the state / Ed by Peden JR, Glahe FR-San Francisco, 1986. . -P.381-424).

So, what does all of the recommendations of the macro-economists to study only in student classrooms of universities, but in real life it is necessary to use them carefully and only after the simulations and experiments relevant?

Yes and no ... First, make discoveries and found patterns of professionals of the highest caliber, in this case, the winner of the Prize Memory of Alfred Nobel in economics, not junk job, and indeed a significant contribution to our understanding of the current social and economic realities. Secondly, nor 14b. Or 15 in. Or in 16-17 cc. heads of states and financiers did not have in most cases, degrees and titles on the economy, but their decisions in an impartial examination can be regarded as an example of an integrated and balanced approach, which we all very much needed today ... but that no one has not yet learned how to learn, unfortunately .

Yes, we have a lot of specific recommendations on the taxation of income, property and capital (both production and financial), to form a balanced budget, in compliance with the principles of social justice at the expense of the competent conduct of planning and economic activity, based on objective indicators of labor costs and a series of indicators of the profitability of labor (there are already several options for this index), use the concept of social-status incentives, etc. All of them have been published in the Units №№ 11-55 Civil International Committee of R&DE, Azov Department of the Academy of ES&E and the Institute economic and socio-cultural studies, as well as sites ,,

Many of our recommendations today, in principle, used in Eastern European countries, but can be expected to use them immediately after their publication or presentation of senior management? Of course not ... They would be waiting in the Ukraine destiny of a "negative income tax" of the US. And why ? And because the profession of the head of more intellectual hard work than the investigator-practice or economic theorist. And until you realize the process is not simple understanding and awareness of the real situation and the possibilities of its positive development of the personality is not fearful of the responsibility and taking care of all the risks - you can not make any real step in the practice of business. That's why the majority of scientists are not destined to see the realization of its analytical work. Because too hard to combine a scientist, manager and, really, highly moral, understood and accepted as the truth of the sacred knowledge man. It is said that entrepreneurial skills sufficiently limited resource (it needs to grow and take care of), but even more scarce resource and, in practice, the weight of the gold cadres of senior management (the level of heads of corporations, enterprises more than 10 thousand employees, management of banks and large insurance companies, first the heads of ministries and departments). Understand people (colleagues and subordinates), to be able to configure them for specific dates of the corporation objectives, showing real courage of responsibility and unobtrusive but steady style of highly moral behavior for decades - is a huge moral and psychological stress, which stand can only be well-trained person with desirable hereditary stable psyche. In fact - this is the highest level, the so-called service (as ministers of the Church would say) and the manifestations of pragmatic altruism in the national, and today, and on a global scale.

That is why the actual passing of scientific and practical forums are engaged in practice, only the fixation of ideas and recommendations (very good, if such ideas are actually ... to have more qualification level of repetitions and presentations). We have seen this situation access to the joint efforts of these scientists and researchers with high moral prognostic assessment of present and future intellectual and spiritual leaders of our civilization, analyzing the experience of the First World Congress of Spiritual Concord in Alma-Ata (1992). Then there was a whole series of initiatives to involve in this work of intellectual and spiritual elite of North and South America - a proposal to hold the Second Congress of Spiritual Concord in Cuba in Havana (Volodarskoe village, Donetsk region 1999.); the proposal to hold this Congress in Brasilia (Kyiv, 2000); the proposal for the First World Congress of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity in New York in 2001 (Taganrog, Mariupol, 2001). But sixteen years later after we prepare for our Website of the Civil International Committee for the preparation of world public opinion to the first World Congress of Intellectual and Spiritual Concord in New York  about 700 documents we have realized that you need to maximize pragmatic orientation of our initiatives. Namely, it is necessary to involve in discussions the highest level of professional management of the global economy (national governments and international organizations). With this organization, the Forum practical value will increase many times. But really achieve it?

Evaluating the first serious steps US President Donald Trump as custom solutions and positive direction, and we will try to continue the creative initiatives at the international level and to show, unconventional approach. We propose to hold the first World Congress of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity, of course, in New York, which invite not only academic and intellectual-spiritual elite of the world, but also senior management of multinational corporations and international organizations, who will be able to listen to all the most important reports and academic and corporate science, as well as performances of intellectual and spiritual leaders, asking them appropriate questions during the debate * to assess the prospects of a proposal, a particular initiative. But to complete the discussion of all ideas and initiatives made by senior leaders of the world economy already take place in Davos, i.e. First World Congress of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity in New York can be considered as the first stage of the Great Davos (!).

And it will be from a methodological and practical point of view, the proper organization of research programs and projects of stabilization in the global world-economy with the elaboration of a cluster of indicative development programs for national economies and for the international public associations. In fact, in the second stage of the Great Davos leaders of the world economy will go from generalizations and search patterns of development at the regional level and the global economy to seek and to maximize the use of patterns and strengths in the development of national economies with the benchmark yield on the forward-looking indicators of the global world economy. In fact, a similar exercise carried out in 1999, President-Chairman of the Azov Department of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Business, academician AES&E Russia, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Economic Sciences and Academician of the New York Academy of Sciences, member of the International Biographical Center (IBC) in Cambridge, a member advisers of the Board  of American Biographic Institute (ABI), the author of the Law of preservation of Labour, commerce Dr., Ph.D., senior researcher. professor at the University "Ukraine" Valery Vasiljev, when he proposed the wording and his understanding of the Law of Preservation of Labor, when, instead of searching for new variables unaccounted for generalizing the laws passed to the accounting of the huge variety of real-life life cycle of goods and services in the world economy (global informatization allows you to do so today), which actually allowed to evaluate an innovative component of a creative suggestions, inventions, innovations (!!!).

We can only try to convey our message to the leadership of the United Nations (UN), to the US President, Donald Trump and his administration, to the President and the Parliament of the European Union and to the leadership of all countries interested in building confidence and peace in XXI century.


We sincerely hope that our proposal will be heard and new steps to control the global economy will make a world of a qualitatively higher level of methodological work of economists, financiers, entrepreneurs, bankers, managers of national economies and international organizations. But, of course, we understand what a great work will have to carry out the analysis of a particular state of the national economies as a whole by a single procedure with access to real indicative plans for all UN member states.

However, and no other way - without effort will not have any positive results. Combinators seek only destruction and degradation that today see everything ...


With sincere respect and hope for understanding,




Dr. Ernesto Garcia (Spain, Zaragoza), chairman of the Civil international Committee Intellectual and Spiritual Unity; Dr. Alexander Vasiljev (Ukraine, Donetsk’s region, Seversk), vice-chairman of the Civil International Committee of I&SE, vice-chairman of the Azov Department  Academy ES&E; high.scies.empl..IESCR Marina Tuzovskaja (Ukraine, Lvov), the Secretary of the Civil International Committee of I&SE, the scientific secretary of the Academy of Azov Department ES&E 



* Our experience of participating in the discussions and round tables at the First Congress of Spiritual Concord in Alma-Ata in 1992 .; international, organized by the Commission of the European Union Scientific and Practical Conference, at its expense and at its invitation in Chisinau (Moldova) in 1997 .; at international scientific conferences in Foros (Yalta), financed by the European Union in 1997 - 2000 .; general meetings of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Business Russia during 1995-1999 .; general meetings of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine in 1998-2000., 2004 .; at international scientific conferences of the Warsaw University in Warsaw (Poland) Research Center for East European Studies in 2000-2001. and the international scientific-practical conference IBMER in Kielce in 2001 .; YI to the Congress of the Association of Scientists Economists of Latin America and the Caribbean, and at the 10th Congress of the professional economists in Central America and the Caribbean in Havana (Cuba) in 1997 .; at the Astana Economic Forum (Astana, Kazakhstan) in 2013 ... it makes it safe to say that you can not and do not need to replace information technology lively discussion of specialists and professionals, in which (and only there) are often born and the real depth of awareness and capacious a lot of aspect perception of complex socio-economic reality with an understanding of the main vectors of its development in the future. That is, it happened at a round table in Astana (Kazakhstan) in 2013, which was attended by the Laureate Award in Memory of Alfred Nobel in economics 1999 yr. Robert Alexander Mandell (his part, really, a lot of give and raised the bar discussing economic issues). These and so many well-organized discussion so much teach and remain in the memory of participants, almost a lifetime ...

Категория: Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Добавил: Vasiljev (2017-02-20) | Автор: E.Garcia, A.Vasiljev
Просмотров: 1404 | Теги: first stage of the Great Davos, Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Domald Tramp, Ernesyo Garciam | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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