Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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Your grant Carpathian Inst. Enter. "Ukraine" Univer. for training specialists will provide an opportunity reveal highly qualified teachers

Your grant Carpathian Institute

Enterprise "Ukraine" University

for training specialists will provide an opportunity

reveal highly qualified teachers.

Dear Leaders,

Our organization decided to consider for its members in 2016 - the Year of Wasily Mikhailovich Kozak - 80-year-old hero of the day, the nominee nominal Medals "Metropolitan Gothia and Kafa, St. Ignatius" (2007), Founder and first rector of the Carpathian Institute of Business "Ukraine" University, always striving for real international cooperation, and in 2006 managed to convince the professor to come to work in Hust academician of the Academy of economic Sciences of Ukraine, academician of the Academy of ES&E Russia, the author of the Law of Preservation of Labour, Dr. com., Senior Scientist, can.con.scies Valery Aleksandrovich Vasiljev.

We sincerely congratulated Wasily Mikhailovich Kazak on his 80th birthday!

Today, celebrating his great contribution to the organization of the implementation of the UN program "Garden for the Planet", not only in the Transcarpathian region!

This is probably the only real example (!!!) Rector of the University's participation in the Eastern Europe in this international project, which was headed by the Prince of Monaco and Nobel Peace Prize laureate from Africa.

Therefore, we ask you to pay attention to training opportunities for developing countries in the Carpathian "Ukraine" Institute of Entrepreneurship at the University, which today successfully manages pupil Wasily Mikhailovich Kozak, continues the tradition of real international cooperation managed to organize the effective work with the Polish universities.

Your grant "Ukraine" Carpathian Institute of Entrepreneurship at the University for the training of specialists from the countries of North Africa and Latin America, and possibly for a number of Asian countries, will make it possible to reveal such highly qualified teachers, both Ph.D. O.Revt, Master M.Lozyuk and others.


Vice-chairman of Civil international Committee

Intellectual-spiritual Unity, vice-chairman the Azov’s

Departments of Academy ES&E

Dr. Alexander V. Vasiljev


Категория: Scandinavia-Bavaria-Khust //Скандинавия-Бавария-Хуст /Мюллеры-Кумпаны-Валерий Васильев | Добавил: Vasiljev (2016-08-28) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev
Просмотров: 996 | Теги: University, CIC, Wasily Kozak, Dr Alexander V. Vasiljev, Azov Academy, Khust, Dr Ernesto Garcia | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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