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We ALL views with gravest concern events unfolding in Turkey. |
To the founder of objective labor economic school, to the author of the Law of the preservation of labor, to the doctor of commerce, cand.econ.scies., h.s.empl., to the academician of The academy of the economic sciences of Ukraine, to the professor of CIB The University of «Ukraine» Valery Alexandrovichu Vasiljev 10 July 2016 yr. 87 years old would be executed.
Litawa-Gothia-Odessa//Литва-Готия-Дженестра /Pavel Antonovich Vasiljev & Pelagej Danilovna Polansky |
Просмотров: 780 |
Добавил: Vasiljev |
Дата: 2016-07-11
And everything began Litovskie Princes, offsprings Normanov who the first actualized in Europe the principles of the creation of Confederation state on purely treaty basis which only in 1950 year began be actualized in Europe Zhanom Mone and Adenaurom which created The community of coal and steel (!). That is why Khajibei, and modern Odessa, is the definite symbol of the possibility of successful integration not only in the scales of Europe but also all Asia and all World. Costs to recall the contracts of Litovskikh Princes with the successors of Golden horde - Krymskimi Khanami Gireyami. All in this world world is repeated, but only on new level and with more deep contents - with to aim in WILLING already not on decades, and on centuries! А всё начинали Литовские Князья, потомки Норманов, которые первыми реализовали в Европе принципы создания конфедеративного государства на чисто договорной основе, что только в 1950 году началось реализовываться в Европе Жаном Моне и Аденауром, которые создали Сообщество угля и стали (!). Поэтому Хаджибей, а современная Одесса, является определённым символом возможности успешной интеграции не только в масштабах Европы, но и всей Азии и всего Мира. Стоит вспомнить договора Литовских Князей с наследниками Золотой Орды - Крымскими Ханами Гиреями. Всё в этом мире повторяется, но только на новом уровне и с более глубоким содержанием - с устремленностью в БУДУЩЕЕ уже не на десятилетия, а на столетия !
Litawa-Gothia-Odessa//Литва-Готия-Дженестра /Pavel Antonovich Vasiljev & Pelagej Danilovna Polansky |
Просмотров: 935 |
Добавил: Vasiljev |
Дата: 2015-08-03
Litawa-Gothia-Odessa//Литва-Готия-Дженестра /Pavel Antonovich Vasiljev & Pelagej Danilovna Polansky |
Просмотров: 3253 |
Добавил: Vasiljev |
Дата: 2011-08-29
We want to offer to the architects to use experience of prominent specialists of the first centuries of Christianity, namely: To make all bath-houses (top ) of Churches out of hard breeds of tree. Even if to make out of stone, then inwardly necessarily to do wooden revetment which must go out on a cross. To use the proportions of Churches-violins to realization of scientific researches on the improvement of correlations. To modernize all modern cathedrals, placing in domes the special revetment from the hard breeds of tree.
Litawa-Gothia-Odessa//Литва-Готия-Дженестра /Pavel Antonovich Vasiljev & Pelagej Danilovna Polansky |
Просмотров: 3157 |
Добавил: Vasiljev |
Дата: 2011-07-31
Analysing principles of construction 16 churches of Lemkiv’s Land you can clearly see, that all builders saved basic principles of building of bath-houses!
Really, it is needed it was to bring up masters in inviolability of building proportions, speaking about church canons. Because all that is now perceived as traditional elements for the decoration of church building, carried the deeper rational loading in actual fact . Therefore maintenance of proportions was really a necessity for the sake of achievement planned of Europeans of effect spiritual leaders. That deep and invincible result which humanity purposefully arrives at already 2000 years.
It we see also at building of bell towers, especially, on Lemkiv’s Land.
Litawa-Gothia-Odessa//Литва-Готия-Дженестра /Pavel Antonovich Vasiljev & Pelagej Danilovna Polansky |
Просмотров: 3856 |
Добавил: Vasiljev |
Дата: 2011-07-25
These knowledge really have for humanity almost absolute character on this stage of development, because on what sufficient causes from them renounced. And not so much from knowledge, but only from their use. But it is impossible to society to be developed only one-sided. If there were technological knowledge of such level, knowledge of universe and place of man in him also understood in a very high level which we, hope, however keep in some traditional institute.
Building must provide possibility to socialize christians with higher forces, that their prayers heard.
Litawa-Gothia-Odessa//Литва-Готия-Дженестра /Pavel Antonovich Vasiljev & Pelagej Danilovna Polansky |
Просмотров: 2844 |
Добавил: Vasiljev |
Дата: 2011-07-23
Invite in magic Heart of Carpathians - - on Gucul-Land - to Church of Christmas of The Most Holy Mother of GOD in Vorohta (ХУІІІ of century, Cadastre plan in 1831) and to Church of Christmas of Mother of GOD in Krivorivna (in 1818 open) and to "Power Age-old Building" on Sokilsk’s Mountains .
Litawa-Gothia-Odessa//Литва-Готия-Дженестра /Pavel Antonovich Vasiljev & Pelagej Danilovna Polansky |
Просмотров: 1845 |
Добавил: Vasiljev |
Дата: 2011-06-17
"All let done decently and thoroughly» because
«God is God of not disorder, but world» (1 Kor. 14,40,33) This testament of Sainted Peter can be executed only thanking a hierarchy marks in the doctoral dissertation - «ISTORIKO-YURIDICHNIY DEVELOPMENT of DECISIONS of DECISIONS of KOBRINSKOGO (in 1626) ZAMOYSKOGO (in 1720) AND LVOV (in 1891) SYNODS AS SOURCES of PARTIKULYARNOGO RIGHT for KKSC» (in 2006) Mitroforniy protopresviter father Ivan Michael Lutskiy.
Indeed it was much given to Humanity, very much (!). Only sincere, working above the intellectual and spiritual development Christians can have imagination about that Large Purpose, which stands before all of us and which will be opened out in the future before our descendants in this harmonious and very perfect World. In the World, which we all cognize and surprised his complication and boundlessness of those possibilities which unfolded before everybody. "Все нехай діється пристойно і докладно», тому що «Бог є Бог не безладу, а миру» (1 Кор. 14,40,33) Цей заповіт Святого Петра можна виконати тільки завдячуючи ієрархії – наголошує у своїй докторській дисертації «ІСТОРИКО-ЮРИДИЧНИЙ РОЗВИТОК РІШЕНЬ ПОСТАНОВ КОБРИНСЬКОГО (1626 р.), ЗАМОЙСЬКОГО (1720 р.) ТА ЛЬВІВСЬКОГО (1891 р.) СИНОДІВ ЯК ДЖЕРЕЛ ПАРТИКУЛЯРНОГО ПРАВА ККСЦ» (2006 р.) Митрофорний протопресвітер о. Іван Михайлович Луцький. Дійсно багато було дано Людству, дуже багато (!). Тільки щирі, працюючи над своїм інтелектуальним та духовним розвитком християни можуть мати уяву про ту Велику Ціль, яка стоїть перед всіма нами і яка буде розгортатися у майбутньому перед нашими нащадками у цьому гармонійному і дуже досконалому Світі. У Світі, який ми всі пізнаємо і дивуємося його складності і безмежності тих можливостей, які розгорнутими перед кожною людиною. Але на яких засадах створювати цей МИР (Світ) і подолати безлад ?
Litawa-Gothia-Odessa//Литва-Готия-Дженестра /Pavel Antonovich Vasiljev & Pelagej Danilovna Polansky |
Просмотров: 1369 |
Добавил: Vasiljev |
Дата: 2010-03-10
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