Главная » Статьи » Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда |
Неизвестные факты биографии Написано много о семье и жизни одного из самых старейших учёных Восточной Европы, академике Борисе Евгеньевиче Патоне. Многим учёным в Национальной академии наук Украины посчастливилось с ним встречаться и они сохраняли и сохраняют благодарную память о беседах с этим неординарным, исключительно работоспособным и ответственном руководителе украинской науки. Как всегда журналисты склонны к сенсациям и обнародованию мало приятных фактов. Спрашивается, ну какое имеет значение сегодня с какой медалью окончил школу великий человек? И как-бы для удовлетворения какого-то мелко эгоистического завистливого любопытства, констатирует журналистка "Радио СВОБОДА", что Борис Евгеньевич не получил медали после окончания школы ... и т.п. Да кому это сегодня интересно получил он тогда медаль или нет ?! Если бы все медалисты становились академиками, то никакого бюджета не хватило бы на содержание такой "награждённой" академической элиты. Нам как-то ближе те искренние воспоминания 80-х годов талантливого литейщика, кандидата технических наук Сергея Ивановича Плис, который встречаясь с Валерием Александровичем Васильевым (дружили с институтской скамьи) рассказывал, как он вместе с Борисом Патоном учился в школе. Они вместе ходили в одну школу и вместе жили в одном доме "Общества политкаторжан" (оказывается было и такое общество, имевшее свои дома). После этих рассказов личность Бориса Евгеньевича становилась роднее и по житейски понятнее ... Нам становилось как-то теплее, когда заинтересованно слушали и узнавали, что по прошествии многих лет Борис Евгеньевич не забыл школьную дружбу и, когда Сергей Иванович подготовил к защите кандидатскую диссертацию, то помог преодолеть ненужные формальности и защита прошла успешно. А ведь дистанция между директором академического института в Киеве, Президентом украинской академии наук, дважды Героем Социалистического Труда и рядовым преподавателем из Мариупольского металлургического института позволяла проявить "забывчивость", о которой никто и никогда не узнал бы. А кто-то удивляется долгим годам жизни учёного ! Человек, не забывающий друзей не потому, что они ему должны помочь в карьере, а потому, что они ДРУЖИЛИ - должен долго жить и плодотворно работать ... Чему мы с Вами и являемся свидетелями в первой четверти ХХ1 столетия, т.к. покинуть этот мир на 102 году жизни - это реальная НАГРАДА за Порядочность, Честность и ТРУД. !! Wise decision of city leaders We always remembered this episode of the manifestation of real FRIENDSHIP later, when we tried to preserve the structure of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Mariupol, instilling in us hope for a positive decision by Kiev. And then the leadership of Mariupol seriously helped us when it found facts in the biography of academician Boris Evgenievich Paton related to Mariupol. And the decision was made very timely in 1998 to award the title of Honorary Citizen of Mariupol for outstanding services to the city to the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician Boris Evgenievich Paton. Everything is decided by people, and there has always been a struggle for highly qualified personnel and for their attention to the problems of the region. Therefore, the attention of this outstanding scientist and organizer of science to the city was ensured by the wise decision of the city leadership. It is interesting that the decision taken then still works today, despite all the negative events in Donbas. Dozens of letters and reports addressed to the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician, Honorary Citizen of Mariupol Boris Evgenievich Paton did not go unnoticed ... The leadership of science of Ukraine did not forget about the initiative of the Chief Scientific Secretary and First Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician Anatoly Petrovich Shpak from 1991 on the feasibility of creating in the Donbass an independent research department of economic and social research with a focus on assistance in the implementation of entrepreneurial projects. Then the staff and wages from the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Labor of the State Committee of Labor of Ukraine were transferred to this department in Mariupol to the Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (director, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Nikolai Grigorievich Chumachenko). After this epoch-making decision for the scientists of Mariupol and Donbass, there were many events, both positive and negative. Even two years (1996-1997). An independent section of the Academic Council of the Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (director, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.K. Mamutov) worked in Mariupol, which included not only scientists from Mariupol, but also scientists from Berdyansk and Donetsk, and in 1997 the Mariupol division of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine worked according to an independent research plan. Then the baton was transferred in 1999 to the Azov branch of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship (the decision of the general meeting of the ACADEMY in Moscow and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine), and in 2019 the Institute of Eastern Europe (Lviv) created the Department of Economic and Ethnic Affairs in Donbas. social research and promotion of investment projects of the Institute of Eastern Europe, thereby realizing the idea of Anatoly Petrovich Shpak. It took 28 years from decision to implementation, and all this time, Boris Evgenievich Paton was sent reports, research plans and preprints of reports - therefore, on October 12, 2019, the plan of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine was implemented. The formation of this organizational structure was going on with great trials, but thanks to the Honorary Citizen of Mariupol in the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Donbass, everything consisted (even despite the consequences of the armed conflict). Wonders ?! No, just the implementation in practice of the law of non-destruction of intellectual and spiritual labor. And the law of the indestructibility of intellectual and spiritual labor states that intellectual and spiritual labor is capitalized and, without being destroyed, is transformed into cultural phenomena, progressively complicating the structure of needs, creating new and embracing ever wider layers of the population, ensuring the irreversibility of positive civilizational processes (proved by the law of large numbers by analogy with the law of P.L. Lavrov on the conditions of instability of civilization), in societies located according to L.N. Gumilev in the phases of formation and maturity, being realized as the “law of the invisible hand” of Adam Smith in social development up to the akmatic phase. As you can see, the decision of the leadership of Mariupol in 1998 practically worked in terms of implementing this law, which was formulated in the implementation of the most important state topics approved by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Obviously, there is no escape from the influence of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and its President. And what a great fortune we all lived and created while experiencing this positive influence, always hoping for the authority of a real scientist who headed the ACADEMY, academician, Honorary Citizen of Mariupol Boris Evgenievich Paton! Yes, the era of Evgeny Oskarovich Paton and Boris Evgenievich Paton has passed, but the best that they managed to do and preserve remains and will continue to grow and develop. But how all this will be done depends on us. We will try to WORK as the Paton family did, and then they will talk about our time with THANKS ... Источник: http://www.cic-wsc.org | |
Категория: Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Добавил: Vasiljev (2020-08-31) | Автор: A.Vasiljev, M.Lozuk | |
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