Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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Atlantis or Troy - to "Seversky MOUNTAINS"

Atlantis or Troy - to "Seversky MOUNTAINS"?! 

Amazing things happen in our quiet peaceful life, when almost no serious effort OPEN whole unknown world history chapter (!). 
But these discoveries are made not by chance - it has to go to the decade ...

Seversk town near " Troy - Seversky Atlantis " (photo from space )

You can check all the hypotheses , but rather to assess the reasoning researchers , based on photographs of all ground targets from space. And that goes for our hypotheses regarding man-made " Seversky MOUNTAINS ." And this comparison comes to us after reading 30/03/2014g . with real earthy " facilities " , just do not raise a hand to write it natural objects , as their artificial character creation is evident. Especially , it becomes apparent when the remains of a stone structures on the " ridges " embankments total surveyed area. When these buildings were made ?
We do not find mention of them almost in any historical written document , as well as on the entire prehistoric engineering complexes in the Carpathian Mountains and the Alps. And it says that these structures at least 4000 years ( so we think ) .
Over the past millennium are very few artifacts in the form of any residue treated stones or products from them , but the most striking that these artifacts can be found today !

District "man-made earth mounds" on satellite pictures

Viewed 30/03/2014, the district "Seversky MOUNTAINS" 

Yes it works only because nobody could imagine or conceive or explain the emergence of "Seversky MOUNTAINS" work any civilization, because not understand the purpose of creating such an engineering object. Yes, and we are today, despite the most rapid flight of fancy, can not without serious study of all earthen historical and architectural complex nominate less reasonable hypothesis. One can talk about this or that scientific fantasies "Seversky MOUNTAINS." That's what we did (we are able to dream)


The boldest scientific hypothesis - "fantasy" of the Seversky in 2014 

But these fantasies really have reason. Look at photos of "earthen ridge" and the obvious artifact surveyed with vertices:

Artifact (sohranivshiysya!!)

Who can deny the artificial nature of these shafts?!

These photographs convince more than about any scientific text or a cascade of hypotheses about the Atlanteans or aliens. Actually , probably all been created on the ground in close enough antiquity , namely, in the interim period from the creation of the world - in the period of 7000 years , since previously adopted by Russia in the chronology we live today in the year 7522 from the creation of the world . That such calendar used Hannibal Alexander Pushkin Sheberh background and most likely not a coincidence ...

Vasiliev , Alexander V.
Seversk , Artemovskii area Donbass
31.03.2014 ( 7522 ) yr.

Категория: The Earth Freedom /Земля Свободы - Казачьи Вольности - Задунайская Сечь - Азовское казачье войско | Добавил: Vasiljev (2014-03-31) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev
Просмотров: 1440 | Теги: Energy sources of the future, TROY, Alexander Vasiljev, Atlantis, Северск - Артёмовский район Донбасс, Carpathian region, AD AES&E, Seversk, IESCR | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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