Главная » Статьи » Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры |
Democracy needs to be supported executing whole Millenniums and constantly protecting human rights: for this purpose every day work International Biographic Center in Cambridge, American Biographic Institute and Civil International Committee We in these Bulletins of our public regulation was put itself for a purpose to give readers the most unfolded imagination about the level of guidance by these establishments, concentrated on the first leaders - on personality from Western Europe, Dr Ernesto Garcia and on personality from East Europe, Dr Valery Vasiljev. In relation to that how many in economic science Dr Valery Vasiljev had time to do from a row before the printed bulletins it is possible to make objective imagination, and relatively Dr Ernesto Garcia we yet need to do informative addition. And addition needs to be done recognition those events which acquainted these prominent people, and it, above all things, actions on defending of human rights. And indeed, which are yet most essential for every member of society of right than Human Rights ? Who can give the example of major rights for the World Society ? Persons interested us not to find. Maybe and anybody would consider from guidance of East Europe to say something touchy in relation to Human Rights in public, but he have children also, and after that as with a candle stood in a church, repeating the studied prayer the day before, already and understanding of interdependence is present and a dislike for inferior people feeling a bit. Yet a bit and can this creature will begin something to understand from Bible. But it already at level very bold fantasy... will not begin probably ... By nothing to understand. Not a single organ for this purpose in it did not remain a "managers animal”. These organs disappeared … did not work and disappeared, however necessary. So there is this biological construction for overcooking of meal, trying for its 40-45 years (anymore its does not maintain on Earth) to understand, and why it in general is produced from modern East «GULAGU» to look, as live in the countries of Europe. Is nothing changed and does not wish to change, so why to look at that unattainable ? And can hope that someone will find a way to the real changes all will be justified and then ... MIRACLE is needed, as usual all expect him, and that is why nothing is done and farther ... Expect … So, when millions on North-East expect stubbornly, personalities are most spiritually developed in Europe try to help those little changes at consciousness insignificant, but while yet existing, groups of specialists in the East and to give them to understand sweep existence of our general civilization, and main - to help them to find itself in labour on achievement of this purpose. Such not indifferent specialist on Spain is Dr Ernesto Garcia. But what uneasy nature this talented doctor which constantly takes part in conferences and scientific meetings has (!). He from 1991 to on 1994 voluntarily (above the state) carries out the duties of leader of Rehabilitation cerebral service ASPACE-ARAGON, then from 2001 for 2004r. manages the Rehabilitation social center, and from January in 2003 for 2005r. yet Server co-ordinates the group of Progress of Social Quality of Rehabilitation Subsection of University Hospital of Migel' and others like that. That is why this Man began to socialize with ungovernmental organizations in Geneva, which searched and search ways to the collaboration between people which tried to set copulas with Citizens of the World (those who itself considers such and has warrants on it). And we also in this organization sent letters to Geneva, when only began to work in our Committee on proposal of Dr Ernesto Garcia, but then began working other way - on the leadthrough of independent actions. But without these contacts we would not succeed to go out on the that level of understanding, which was attained all of us in 2005. If labour is sincere and has for an object to good purpose, it is need always to People. Need all of those letters, and appeals which prepared Dr Ernesto Garcia. They all presently in the Internet - space in those 476 Documents which for these years we all prepared. And they work and will work, while problem questions which rise in them will not decide. And main - Dr Ernesto Garcia is not afraid consistently to defend of principle position of PATRIOT of All of Spain, but not one some its parts ! And this work began not in 2004, but far before, when began Dr Ernesto Garcia collaboration with civil organizations «Trust» in Geneva (!). And You can see this work on the main page of Civil International Committee on the Web-Page www.cic-wsc.org, where on the basic languages of United Nations will read a Document «From Heart to Heart», which was able to appear only due to long-term activity of Dr Ernesto Garcia, which began yet after long to 1999 and our suggestion from Collections of research workers and Cossacks in Nikol'skom (modern Volodarsk) to conduct Congress of Spiritual Consent on the American continent. And farther there is such Document of «We of want to of Know», where position of democratic Spain is expressly expounded in a thesis: «We want to Know - Memory, Dignity, Justice» (Forum for Civil Research of Attack on March, 11 2004 in Madrid Documents). To it nothing is needed to add. Position and task is clear. In fact correctly registers in a document, what Dr Ernesto Garcia placed on the pages of magazine of Civil International Committee, that «beginning from 1978 Spain is fully a democratic region, in which every habitant can fully enjoy those freedoms which enjoy in any European region». In good time, it is marked that in North Ireland habitants can only dream about such position which is well-to-do territory of Basques. And more main all, to our opinion, - that practically all of victims of Basques are not nationalists (!). Purpose of Batasuny and him political branch, as thinking author to the document, that being daughter's association to justify crimes before society, namely to carry out pressure these on unnationalistic « Basques’» of citizens. On the whole policy of concessions to the terrorists abandons nobody indifferent. A pact which consists with terrorists as though foresees a collaboration with this organization of police (!!?). The patriots of Spain underline that violence some diminished, but not halted. Organization imposes totalitarianism actually. Therefore in Spain many consider that Government of Zapatero yields after a concession, and actually gradually capitulates before terrorists – «it is not the World process, but process of surrender». They consider that «discussion of problem of Basques in Strasburg it is another concession of Government Zapatero. And National Party in which today about 40 % Spanish electorate against such position. And as a result of agreements of all of progressive forces a document «FOR FREEDOMS. WILL INFLICT a defeat ETA TOGETHER, And not In negotiations» appears, it already considerable success. Especially as more than 60 civil public organizations (67) joined in with this action, and 18 from them was Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity together with organization «Citizens for Freedom (Barcelona)», By the association of the «Professional police (APGC)», by organization of «Inhabitants Kordovy for Freedoms» and other. All of it was expounded in a press-release for a press and became property of all of not only Spain but also whole World. It is better to reflect fineness of the modern state of fight from ETTA difficultly! And appeal to study the pas and «will not again repeat this error» pain answers in the heart of every Ukrainian, the Natives of which outlived «golodomory», and to which for the least freedom in the observance of cultural traditions it was very expensive to pay a «contribution all of native leaders». It is Therefore desirable to exclaim with all of honest Spanishes - «has nothing, that it is possible to discuss from ETA !», it is impossible nothing to discuss with killers and terrorists - it is an axiom which it is necessary to watch. Exactly, that is why we are all of members of Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity support National Party in its fight against terrorists and in the maintainance of Memory about the innocent victims of terrorists. All of people can see our general appeal in Document 330 on www.cic-wsc.org , what was also geared-up Dr Ernesto Garcia. Very not simply today in Spain. Unity is needed in a fight against terrorism, that is why on February, 5 collections pass. On them invite Socialistic Party to change the policy in attitude to toward ETA, and main - to leave off to be finished say with terrorists. Without this association round national characters (flag, hymn) nothing, probably, by a democratic way, attaining will not be succeeded. Therefore Dr Ernesto Garcia all of materials which show the fight of powers-light against forces of darkness in the policy of Spain, places for an acquaintance the intellectual World persons on the electronic page of Committee (see Document-331 on www.cic-wsc.org ). There You can see Royal Decree which touches national characters. We sincerely feel with all Spanishes which are striven for unity of country, but very model interview from Kastilii of Martha Gimez de Castro (Marta Gumez de of Castro). Before brings Dr Ernesto Garcia him in this document. In fact all of questions to the hymn or to yet some to the attribute - it only causes for creation of «wave of ununderstanding», and to the affected embarrassment. Martha Gimez de Kastro understood it and marks: «Unsuccessfully, it that President Sapatero passes in all of his statements, always embarrassed, intentionally embarrassed.» Is there what exit from all of «political», «near- political», «pseudo-political» statements, public fears and «forced agreements» ? What to do the honest people of Spain ? It is a question of all of post-war years. To search a decision, leaning against scientific approaches. And there is not other decision ! As well it understands Dr Ernesto Garcia (!), that is why he places announcing scientific conference «DOCUMENTS of NATIONAL And REGIONAL PARLIAMENTS In EUROPEAN BUSINESSES And In CONTROL of LEGISLATION of EUROPEAN UNION", which must was take a place in Zaragoza on February, 18, and also about a scientific seminar the «State of American Constitutionalism» which also must was take a place in Zaragoza, but already on February, 15 in 2007. Yes, only on these ways it is possible to find a more or less acceptable decision, as good that such specialists work in Spain, as Dr Ernesto Garcia. But, that for us all most interestingly and it is important – the motion «11 Each month: January 2007» united in the unique gust to the true practically all the Spanish World. People in Caracas (Venezuela) in a gloomy, grey, rainy day going, to request illumination of crimes, carried out on April, 11 in 2002 in Venezuela. They also required a true about terrible attempts on 11 March, 2004 in Madrid (!). And these collections passed under a motto there «can not be freedom without justice, and it is not possible to carry out justice through oblivion». And someone in Ukraine wants to forget «GOLODOMORY». A comment is superfluous. It is possible and needed much to write about unity the cultures of the Spanish World, but we were most staggered by Great simplicity and Depth of collections conducted in Ov'edo 1200 habitants, in which an official appeal was read by Khose Antonio Fernandes, constabulary, father of killed ETTA Ireny. Six years passed after departure in the Best World of his daughter ! Weakness of honest people and of his voice - this was the most eloquent speech which was heard, as a sentence to all of terrorists and their inspirers. Yes, we are all of representatives often ungrateful society in a debt before such people (!). As not alike collections which passed one on other (not felt destroyed initiative of command). General only purpose - to honour those, that prematurely quit our World, to accept an appeal and give the contribution of mournful honour all of the victims, and farther in every town the features. So in Toledo diffused books Louis de Pino, which were publish by Black Workers of Granady, which had great success. In Torrelodones an actor and film director Raphael Romero Marchent declaimed a poetry Leon Felipe, «All of Stories». It is much possible to write and a great A great deal can be surprised . It is possible to be surprised even that is why, as lighted up these events. It only in one township: and televisional Channel 44, and press-photographers of «Gerol'da Aragona», newspaper «Aragon» and a lot of other mass medias. Good labour of democratic forces ! And remarkably, that to us all about it it was known due to real patriot of Spain Dr Ernesto Garcia. But not only Freedom of People of Spain flusters our Chairman of Committee. He almost one of few, who worries for Western Sahara, where not properly itself will be moved by Moroccan soldiery. This active position found a reflection in Document 300 (www.cic-wsc.org Nos adherimos al Homenaje que los miembros del Partido Popular, de Espaсa, rinden a sus compaсeros y a todas las vнctimas del terrorismo asesinadas por ETA , y que amablemente nos han invitado a compartir. ******* We adhere to the Homage that the members of the Popular Party, of Spain, surrender to their partners and all the victims of the terrorism murdered by ETA, and kindly they have invited us to share. Dr Ernesto L. Garcia (Chairman) Dr Alexander Vasiljev (Vicechairman) Ms. Marina Tuzovscaya (Secretary) Dr Miroslav Demic Dr Goutan Dutta Dr Frank L. Fei Dr. Prit.Chattoppadhyay --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And this material was not non-permanent. Our Chairman of Civil International Committee, Dr Ernesto Garcia constantly remembers about the fight of democratic forces in Sahara for the Future and aims morally to support all of fighters for Freedom and Democracy. Therefore appears on the electronic page of Committee on January, 22 in 2007 information about resistance which grows, in all of cities of occupied Sahara, about demonstrations under slogans «Glory to Republic Sahara!», «Go away Moroccans. Sahara is Free» and others like that. In information it is underlined about these events, that Whose were arrested : Chej Luali Mahyub Edjil, Mohamed Fadel Bashri Bada, El Bachir Mohamed Lamin Babuzeid and Hanan Hamudi, which Moroccan’s soldiery took to the river and there added frightful tortures. But it takes a place in town Smara. Analogical events take a place city Ayun, where Moroccan’s authorities aimed to conduct congress, and activists in different parts of city objected against the leadthrough of this measure. These protests pop-up flags of Sahara took a place in town to night, and then demonstrators moved in an air-port, where among pilgrims aimed to spread information about unlegality stays Moroccan’s soldiery and Moroccan’s Party on territory of Sahara and in their town. Also exactly took a place and in town Ciudad of de of Cabo Bojador, where on January, 19 activists with slogans «Away invaders!», «Sahara is Free, Morocco Away!», «Glory of Polisario, Glory of Mokhamedu Adbelazizu!» protested and were subject the repressions of authorities. Not only a fight against terror occupies ideas and time of Dr Ernesto Garcia. He finds forces and time to fight and for the maintenances of elucidative traditions. Underline not conservative, but elucidative, when freedoms of choice are saved for the parents of children. Therefore and writes an appeal in Office of President of Castalia from Civil International Committee his Chairman, Dr Ernesto Garcia (see Document 386 But not only by a fight for Democracy lives our Chairman Committee and all our public organization, we all sincerely glad even by insignificant successes of democracy in totalitarian countries. Yes, for example, declension of execution for minor in Iran caused sincere gladness for all of us and we supported handling of Civil International Committee approval of this democratic step (see Document of 419 www.cic-wsc.org ). This appeal was also prepared by Dr Ernesto Garcia. But hardness to draw a conclusion oh levels of the executed labour on an amount pages or amount of geared-up documents. It is better to appeal to the ideas which entered in recommendation, namely: 1. To celebrate in 2011 yr 1670 years official Christianization of Ukraine/Gothii, considering the First Bishop Gothii/Ukraine Ul'filu, which was Blessed in Konstantin-police in 341, widely known in the World (Although there are finds of the first Christians on the land of Ukraine and more early period). In Ukraine today it follows to celebrate this date; 2. To acknowledge existence of the State system from Y-YI century to Christa at People, which is today named Ukrainian, and in YI century to Christa and in First centuries for Christa named Ghetto-Dacca, and it 2500 years are to the State system (!). Trayan’s Column in Rome it all during all of centuries of existence of Christianity of said, as well as Books of professor Pasickiy and oversea member of National Academy of sciences of Ukraine, professor of Sorbony Arcadia Joukovsky; 3. To pay a regard to necessity to co-ordinate a collaboration in an agrarian sector not only within the framework of European Union but also at the level of United Nations; 4. Ecological safety of humanity becomes an urgent problem, that is why concentrated on creation of the modern modernized capital of civilization, leaning against the deep awareness of action of law of preservation of labour; 5. To acknowledge a necessity, in the conditions of stagnation of alteration of the modern going near the decision of administrative tasks at the level of whole countries, to give new shove to theoretical developments in macroeconomics and economic theory, as disciplines from levels of development of which development of modern society depends in general; 6. Quickly to create European Regions not only in Europe but also in the most perspective regions between new postradyanskimy countries (Azov’s European Region, Caspian European Region, Pri-Azov’s Region and others like that); 7. To undertake Great Steps in creation of modern terms of scientific growth for the specialists of higher qualification, engaged all of modern technological innovations and resources in it (The internet is resources of Europe and America, specialists of leading Universities of the World and others like that). and others like that. Exactly coming from these suggestions there was began in 2006 Forum-2006, which put for a purpose deeply will acquaint young economists with the prominent economist of the World which won an award Memory of Alfred Nobelya from Economy in 1971 already distant, compatriot of the Ukrainian scientists Simon Kuznec. In Nobel Lecture Simon Kuznec very mightily specified on the rates of structural alteration in the World in last centuries, and also on the proof real rates of growth of capital at the level of 2 % in the developed countries and yet on many important things which scientific young people must know. National wisdom specifies that it is «impossible to enter in one river twice», that is why and it is needed to search new forms. Indeed, Forums it interestingly and usefully, but needed already not so much to «break» through to consciousness of people, but to create wide front of offensive - to the offensive of civilization on its stepchildren (so all of «Fighters with God» softly named yet Peter Laurovich Lavrov in 1869). Exactly on it and on directed initiatives of Civil of International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity in the last years of collaboration with universities and public organizations. Yes, due to active activity of Chairman Civil International Committee, Dr Ernesto Garcia, all of members of Committee supported position of Dalay Lama and unanimously spoke out for Freedom of Tibet (Document 401.- The CIC support to of Dalai Lama and of Free TIBET). And it is a traditional not appeal, but position which has is grounded, we hope, more ponder able consequences (!). Also Head of Civil of International Committee, Dr Ernesto Garcia first rewarded in 2010 Prof. M.A. Dinchenko (Mariupol, Ukraine) by the High reward of Civil of International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity, Namely Medal "Metropolitan Gothia and Kafy, Sainted Ignatius» (Document 356). In 2009 yr and in 2010 yr Committee already took part in two real scientific conferences and their results affect electronic page, namely the main presently decides question of raising of level of Prime Kumpan (Golika-Guli-Karimova-Vasiljeva) for the best report done on forums(Documents 354, 355) in organization of which takes part Civil International Committee. Does not lie up Civil International Committee and during the leadthrough of international discussion and criticizing of attestation dissertations of research workers of Europe. So for the decision of Chairman Civil International Committee, Dr Ernesto Garcia after the six months of discussion and criticizing in Ukraine of dissertation of Valery Grebenyuka a translation of this work in English language was placed on the Web- Page www.cic-wsc.org in Document 476. Presently oversea members of Academy of economic sciences and entrepreneurial activity in America, in Europe and in Asia meet with this scientific work in which an attempt to apply understanding of law of preservation of labour is done. All of it is those real and modern directions of collaboration, on which Chairman of Civil of International Committee Dr Ernesto Garcia considers it is necessary concentrated all of us. Источник: http://perso.orange.es/elg79/AUDIENCIA%20NACIONAL%20PRESIDENCIA.pdf | |
Категория: Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Добавил: Vasiljev (2010-08-13) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev-Muller | |
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