Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » Статьи » The Earth Freedom /Земля Свободы - Казачьи Вольности - Задунайская Сечь - Азовское казачье войско

Medal "Metropolitan Gotha and Cafa, Sent Ignatius" - Nikola Dinchenko
Dinchenko Nikolai Alexandrovich
Mariupol,  15.01.09 yr.
 How do you do, Alexandr Valerevich!
1. Received your letter in which mass of information:
  - I express sincere sympathy apropos of deaths your father. Obituary notion from newspaper read on chair industrial transport, where He many years old worked and transmit you from all members of chair condolence.
  -Deciding to prepare «The memory book», personally maintain and shall render possible assistance;
  -For congratulation With New Year - Great Thanks;
  -Last information on the significance of works of Valery Vasiljev and his activity are perceived and by me as proper scientific achievemnt, about which I learnt from materials;
   - Knew Valeriya Alexandrovicha as to several cooperation:
   - On integrated Plant named Ilicha;
   - In PSTU He was chairman of SRB, I was Chairman of Chair;
   - On chair of industrial transport we both were senior lecturers.
About these stages of life shall enounce in detail, with examples, and questionnaire too apart shall fill, not being repeated.
        On the first question about that where and when made acquaintance with Valery Alexandrovichem Vasiljev - answer: «On the meeting at the director of Metallurgical Plant named «Ilicha» - There went usual manufacturing meeting with chiefs structural departments».
      Immediately noted in replying to 7-th alternative «Place and the motive of get-together or acquaintances which it is impossible to attribute to Noted» indicated «Deciding pressing manufacturing problems».//distinctly eminently «Man-industrial» - noted my A. V.-M.).
      On second question relatively what the most was remembered in the first get-together - answer is attributed to alternative - Activity of and originality thinking: «Yes. Business-like air. Audacity.», as well as to alternative - Lend its assessment: «He behaved very correct.»
     On the third question relatively of values which were close Valery Alexandrovich, the most was remembered:
      1) Aspiration to achieve purpose and Love to labor - «Yes. Especially on post of chairman of SRB in PSTU»;
      2) Honesty and High morality - «Its was notable in any situations. And I this saw and sensed.»
     3) Initsiativnost and adroitness - « It is always in those cases of my communication with him.»
     4) Mercy and kindness to people - « It is especial to the collaborators of chair and студентам.»
    5) Indicate self - «Examples are led apart (Look pp.3-4 letters) ».
    On 4-th question «Most CLOSE IDEAS»:
    1) Economic ideas - «Largely for itself and chair»
   2) The results of historical studies – Cossacks - the successors of Gotskikh traditions (emphasized).
   3) Social and ecological initiatives - «Yes. It is very convincing» (emphasized).
   On 6-th question relatively of proposals to publishing team - Supported the alternatives of - « To distinguish more attention to particular facts and to prepare electronic variant Editions»; « To furnish to trained edition to every participant (Who sent questionnaire) »;
   Are written personally such ideas - «1. To rid creative man from all manner of dependences.
    2. To procure gas and coal in Ukraine.
   3. It is prioritized to develop rural economy.
   4. It is it is impossible to sell earth.
  5. Presech all possibilities of the reception of the scientists of estates by everything to fools and children as to acquaintance.»
   Shortly about itself: F.N.&N. - «Dinchenko Nikolai Alexandrovich»; The age 72 year; Education - «high, cand.techn.scies., Prof.»; Family status - « Married»; Work - « senior lecturer of PSTU»; Address: « 87554 city Mariupol Tel. (0629) - 50-36-85» E-mail:
   Signature |signature|
Augmented answer toes the questions of the questionnaire of senior lecturer, cand.techn.scies.Dinchenko N.A. from Priazovskogo of state technical university
         A.V. All below in the memory book about V.A!
       -The first time made acquaintance with V.A. on meeting at director Metallurgical Plant named «Ilich». Director Shouted on all, shouted, demanded, humiliated the chiefs of subdivisions… and here ascends Vasiljev V.A. and dared directly in person to director: «Why you itself so conduct? Because their by labor team up teams, and you give no the people of purposes, and shout… nothing deciding. For what we here came?» All of the gift of speech were deprived. «Аnd ty(you) who such » - ask director. And gains answer - «No ty(you), and You. I am the chief of model department of Plant - and in the department many of problems which are dependent on your deciding today, and we lose time on sharp conversations.» Sharp, but on business. This case was remembered to me on all life.
       Observation from A.V. Vasiljev-Muller: «Need to note that this appearance did not pastly for V.A.VASILJEV «Without consequences» and He was have to be dismissed from metallurgical integrated plant «own’s wish», and after «Instructions» of director Plant - «No given admittance on work V.A.VASILJEV», him in flow falf year nowhere in Mariupol did not take on work. He no work all put him then for the last couple of years of leave of absence, of "Lay” month four in hospital. He went to friend - Sergeiu Ivanovichu Plis (mother was German, and self S.I. was in captivity and there worked) to Rybinsk (Russia), where promised give work on the Metallurgical Plant, but also there past « Instruction» of director Metallurgical Plant from Mariupol... Vasiljev V.A. tried to receive by research officer in Institute in Donets, but already after signed on deliverance «Appeared complexities with By the permissible quantity of employees». All this time we lived for account «The warm coat of mother» which she cut on collars and sold through little shops-second hand (such little shops that time, selling things and ect...). Only in 6 months managed received work by economist in Ukrgipromez in economic department. Very costly did without to the chief of model department desire to remain BY MAN and cultural objections to "criminal-command absolutely to blunt scoundrel». Such «Specialists» already then began «to appear» in leadership in Priazove. But that were only «flowers», « berry» began to collect in 1994-2005 years (7502-7513) .»
     -Second (Great) acquaintance with V.A. occured already in PSTU, in 1985 year. Happened so that my SRW (science researcher work) blocked on chair and contributed the same in PSTU. Topic was called: «Researchers the losses of coke in carriages”. V.A. asked to enounce the essence of researches, methodology and eventual result (effect), and then said: «Я saw on the ways of people collecting coke in knapsacks … and coke the most highway the energy carrier … Very urgent, very necessary, design all by the rules and this topic will!» This can be called by business understanding in investigation. He could to see and understood all beforehand. The topic effect was Great(!), but him could do not be! And this from the first time… subsequently were and others. Body of research perceived support by spirit and distinctly fulfiled researches, metallurgical plant was glad. Were publications and other.
   -Third (common activity) began from 1987 year, when V.A. became the senior lecturer of chair industrial transport of PSTU. Working tables stood almost by row. To here me managed to see and to appreciate V.A. as economist of-scientist, to speak to them day, to spend time on lectures, be infiltrated by the spirit of common cause and to learn of His strong quality, to read of His book, clauses, be captivated by work on the post of the Azov’s Department of economic sciences and E. With him we prepared 2 conferences and successfully them carried out. Ableness to involve people. Intimate knowledge, energetic, aspiration to purpose - these rare qualities, incorporated in one man. Effervescent energy allowed: It is anew to reconsider then existing plans as to the economic part of the diplomas of students. At this period to V.A. came many people and post offices. Table was завален always new journals and books. Some by assent V.A. used and I. Its are: « Is possible whether without deficit budget ?», «Marine transport as forming structure element Azov’s Evroregion», and «PriAzo’s – Crimia project», «Beginnings European Unity», methodological developments for students and ect. Formed so that we with V.A. discussed many problems, debated and even argued. In disputes He, smiled, occupied waiting attitude, auscultated not interrupting, and then is argued feather convinced, easily agreed to evidences, - only convincing. In 2005 year He abandoned chair. I understood this, him is necessary considerably larger area. And this is the case. Scientist with world name, lateral thinking demands the implementations of its potential. Him to live and to create.
* * *
c. Mariupol                                                                                                 5.02.09.
How do you do, Alexandr Valerevich!
This letter-answer on Your letter of 27.01.09. I inform you about the carrying out of requests:
1. Calendars with image V.A. Vasileva put per the table of our chair. Everybody received itsl.
2. Congratulation (Color) disposed on eminent place.
3. To P.A. Bessonov your message handed personal. Him asked in "the Book Remember” to write and to forward along with questionnaire.

Категория: The Earth Freedom /Земля Свободы - Казачьи Вольности - Задунайская Сечь - Азовское казачье войско | Добавил: Vasiljev (2010-07-02) | Автор: Nikola Dinchenko
Просмотров: 3412 | Теги: Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Dr Valery Vasiljev, Nikola Dinchenko | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
Всего комментариев: 7
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