Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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PRAYER Holy Ignatiiu for all owners names Medal « Mitropolita Gothas and Kafy, Holy Ignatiya»

Keruen, Tselinograd-Astana, 27.12.2013

 Names Medal «Mitropolita Gothas and Kafy, Holy Ignatiya» created (the design of dummy) and blessed f. Wasil  Multykhom, by The honorary fellow of the scientist of the advice of The academy of economic sciences and business activity in Ukraine, retained residues Holy Ignatiya and lending order for its production in Russia - prize from Azov’s  Department of The academy of economic sciences and business activity with 1999yr. and Civil international Committee Intellectual and Spiritual Unity  with 2007yr.

 Fulfiled the recommendation of the abbot Holi-Kazanskoj Temple, iereja f. Sergij (Ponomarenko) and asked f. Feofana  in Holi-Uspenskoj Svyatogorskoi Lavre to adjust a few of proposals Prayers … And already it is possible pray by everything …

 PRAYER Holy Ignatiiu

for all owners names Medal « Mitropolita Gothas and Kafy, Holy Ignatiya»

(from AD AES$E/«Azov Academy» and from Civil international Committee)


About, holy leader prayed for all Earth of Krymskaya, of Priazovskaya, of Ekaterinoslavskaya and the city of Mariupol with nearest 20 villages to founder, abbe (atta)  our Ignatius! Accept this prayer our for all awarded your name medal, with lave you have given.

All they successors to Act of bravery your and from you example took. You had care about that in order to save beleiving Khristiyan from death, and as second Moisei, carried out people Greek, Russian, the inhabitants of steppes from area Krymskiya in Earth Priazovskiya. So and owners Medal of name your promoted in XX and XXI centuries to the consciousness of the way of truth by repented sinners in Europe, in America, in Asia and in all God’s World carrying out their from the prison of sinners to the light of love, and to the life of worthy divine nature in people.

Carry out, Svyatitel Good, and the souls of owners Medal name Your from the prison of sins, yes not perish atrociously with their unlawful actions. You, as father loving people and children putting soul its for friends its manifesting large your mercy requiring your help and defenses, will to and owners медали your name by clergyman kind ridding their from enemy attacks and dismays popular. You from adolescence Christa loved, and That common till the end of earthly life Your with love served, lend warmth to and owners Medal your name by Divine love.

I ask, Svyatitel Good, with act of grace pay attention to owners Medal name your with their many sins, and prayers your rid their from the temptations of the world of this and the machination of Beelzebub. Cajole out by him from God by holy your prayers, all what on usefulness to souls and material body their gift, to whom what is  necessary: - faith true, hope firm and love not exhausted, of sins their annihilation, of the world of tranquility, from famine and deaths obviation.

All them enable bear Christa to carry with tranquility in soul, patience and fun spiritual, yes can they along with you successors Tsarstvo Celestial be and there with all holy to adjure Common in Troitse to carol God into the centuries of centuries. Amen.

City. Svyatogorsk, Holi-Uspenskaya  Svyatogorskaya Lavra, 7.02.2014 yr.


The actually the first stage of the realisation of project as to Medal  Sent Ignatiya  already is  completed - Nikolai, Valentin, Machael, Eduard, Ernesto, Alexander, George , Valery, Clayton, Viktor, Bill, Valentin, Nursultan et al. (at God everything alive …); And Holi-Uspenskaya  Svyatogorskaya Lavra and further will play active role in this project; On rub day can be comed and active to pray for owners Medal …


owners names Medal « Mitropolita Gothas and Kafy, Holy Ignatiya»!

Категория: Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Добавил: Vasiljev (2014-02-26) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev
Просмотров: 2143 | Теги: Wasil Multykhom, Astana, N.A.NAZARBAEV, Alexander Vasiljev, Dr Valery Vasiljev, Svyatogorsk, Holy Ignatiya», Medal « Mitropolita Gothas and Kafy | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
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