Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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Some aspects of the management of the economy of the state -R.G. Smirnov

Some aspects of the management of the economy of the state

R.G. Smirnov Supervisor:

PhD Vasilyev AV Donetsk University of Economics and Law

Character development of the national system of state management of the economy should be evolutionary and modernization and achieved through the implementation of a package of measures implemented consistently by public authorities, based on long-term strategy, objectives and functions of the state and the orientation of the real economy.

In ensuring the development of this system in the overall approach act without exception spheres of public life.

Priority development of the national system of state management of the economy are in the planes: the regulatory, institutional, organizational, managerial.

In normal, namely, without artificial crises, the economic development of national economy of Ukraine developed quite steadily and rapidly in 2010. and in 2011, when the annual growth of GDP was 18.5% and 21.6%. However, in 2012 the rate fell three times (GDP growth was 7%), while in 2013 there twice - only amounted to 3.3% GDP growth. Recession, clearly identified in the two previous years, particularly distinguished himself in the first half of 2014, when GDP in the first quarter, not only did not increase, but decreased by 1.2%, while in the second quarter - by 10.3%. And all this affected the level of employment, which fell sharply in the first quarter of 2014 to 9%, whereas in previous years it decreased (2010 g.- 8.8%; 2011 - 8.6%; in 2012 - 8.1%).

Without going into the analysis of external factors, economic slowdown in Ukraine, we note only that the negative trend was probably inevitable, given the world situation and the uncertainty of the vector of development of Ukraine.

Especially, it is prominently seen in the background of employment growth in 2014, the US economy, as it grew by 1.6% in 2014 compared to 2013 and this is achieved by reducing unemployment in the country (from 11203 in 2013 BC 9262 to 2014), not by attracting labor from abroad (unemployment fell by 17%).

That was reflected in the growth performance of the economy since July 2013. by July 2014 rose na56,4 billion.

Actively participating in the management of the global economy the US government three times to achieve lower prices for raw materials in the global economy masshtabahvsey through planned crises (the latter from 2007 to 2009), and today examines recovery of the stock market by managing depression (100 trillion dollars ).

For us, the experience of the United States, particularly important in the run-up to reform Ukraine's economy, because high level of stability of the US economy is linked, first of all, with the effective functioning of the presidential form of government, when the President is the head of the executive branch, Congress - the legislature, the Supreme Court - Judicial. And most importantly - state regulation has become an integral part of the American economic mechanism.

The US government is not able to exclude himself from participation in economic life, as he holds regulatory measures have become an indispensable condition of the normal flow of the reproduction process.

In the US, limiting the negative effects of monopolies carried out in two directions. In structural industries where there are "natural monopolies", the state exercises direct regulation of tariffs, prices, profit levels, and so.. In other sectors of the tool to prevent monopolization serves antitrust law, which applies to all forms of economic associations, makes it possible to adjust the number of competitors in the market affect the proprietary industry structure, influence the size and direction of growth of corporations.

Conclusion: Development Priorities of the national system of state management of the economy are in the planes: the regulatory, institutional, organizational, managerial. For Ukraine, it is advisable to carry out the evolutionary -modernizatsionnye methods of state regulation of the economy in a liberal model of social development.


1. Mankiw, N. Gregory. Principles of Macroeconomics. 2nd ed. / Per.s Eng. - SPb .: Peter, 2004. - 576 p .;

2. Economic theory: a textbook for the studio. Higher. Proc. institutions. / Ed. V.D.Kamaeva. - 6th ed., Revised. and ext. - M .: humanity. ed. VLADOS Center, 2001. - 640 p .;

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Категория: Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Добавил: Vasiljev (2014-11-09) | Автор: R.G. Smirnov
Просмотров: 974 | Теги: Dr Alexander Vasiljev, American economic mechanism, GDP growth was 7%, R.G. Smirnov | Рейтинг: 4.0/2 |
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