Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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Spiritual BUILDING /Духовне БУДІВНИЦТВО -Intellectual-Spiritual Leader of WideWorld Tadeush Plocki
«When agriculture blossoms, all of arts blossom. If agriculture degrades, at once destroyed also and other spheres of activity economic and at the seaside and on earth»
«Коли сільське господарство розцвітає, розцвітають всі мистецтва. Якщо сільське господарство деградує, то відразу знищуються також і інші сфери діяльності господарською і на морі і на землі»
                                                                                                   Ksenofont/Maria    Wieruszewska                                                              „Tendencje cywilizacyjno-Kulturowe
a zrуwnowaїony rozwуj wsi”, 2000,
s.300; Gaziсski, 1993, s.78/ DEDICATED
To dear me Polish Nation : Scientifics, engineers, students,
parishioners of churches - to hundreds of people due
to which to me it was succeeded to prepare it far
imperfect work. Sincerely regret for fragmentary
exposition exceptionally important not only for
Ukraine and Poland of ideas, but it takes a place
 for to independent of me reasons.
 Alexander Wasiliev
March- 2001 р. Warsaw - Mariupol (Old Kremnes)
7.2. Духовне БУДІВНИЦТВО (розділ з монографії).
           Той, хто не розуміє польської мови і не був присутній в костьолах на богослужінні, ніколи не зрозуміє яка величезна творча робота здійснюється щодня і впродовж сотень років цим Великим Європейським народом. Проста участь практично в будь-якому заході, організованому костьолом впливає на того, що бере участь так позитивно, що розумієш з якою щирістю люди вимовляють встановлені обрядом слова, яка величезна сила загальної думки і глибина позитивних бажань народжується в кожній приходській общині щодня. Це потрібно людям ? Поза сумнівом. Саме, це і є тією силою, яка сьогодні потрібна всім народам Євразії. Звичайно, така діяльність припускає виняткові інтелектуальні інвестиції в провідну конфесію Речипосполитой-Польщі.
        І вони здійснюються польським народом. Результати більш, ніж переконливі. Був 22 квітня 2001 р. присутній на освяченні органів в Костьолі Христа Милосердного в парафії Апостола Св. Петра в Чиханове (запрошення мені передала Софія Тонтарськая), на якому виступав Біськуп Плоцкий (Tadeusz Plocki). Так от дійсно, стільки глибоких, розумних думок, які прославляють людину, за порівняно короткий виступ мені не довелося почути ні на одній науковій міжнародній конференції з 1992 р. Який високий інтелектуальний рівень у цієї людини, яка всі, підкреслюю всі, свої сили віддає людям і не розраховує на знаки якоїсь особливої уваги. І це відразу видно і відчувається практично всіма, хто слухає і бере участь в акції. Вже не кажу про діяльність Павла Іоанна Другого, служіння якого дійсно має загальнопланетарне значення.
      Але ж все це здійснюється не прибульцями з далеких галактик, а представниками польського народу, які присвятили все своє життя духовному БУДІВНИЦТВУ. І воно здійснюється не тільки для Польщі, але і для всієї Європи, для всієї Америки, взагалі для всього Світу. Це багатьма сьогодні навіть якось не усвідомлюється. Свідомість більшості, особливо, східноєвропейців відокремлює духовний план від конкретних життєвих проблем (по якійсь такій нав’язаній звичці про «незалежність церкви від держави», рівня життя від духовності і тому подібне). Пройде ще певний час поки ця помилка буде виправлена і більшість людей усвідомить гармонію буття. Але для нас важливо, виходячи із завдань дослідження, зрозуміти дійсно гостру необхідність підтримати розумними ініціативами у «проявленому» світі тих успіхів в духовному будівництві, які досягнуті польським народом. Підкреслюю, що при всій важливості виконання завдань по ДУХОВНОМУ БУДІВНИЦТВУ, без інтелектуального зростання на основі ефективної експлуатації нових і «найновіших» технологій не можна буде досягти стійкості позитивних цивілізаційних процесів, тобто без реального збалансованого зростання інтелектуалізації праці в аграрно-кустарному етнічно-соціальному шарі Речи Посполитої - Польщі.
          Може бути помиляюся, але у мене склалося враження, що це дуже добре розуміється і в польських костьолах. Але мені б не хотілося, щоб створилося враження, що тільки одна конфесія, в моєму розумінні, має ключі від істини. Ні, усюди де щиро і цілеспрямовано здійснюється ДУХОВНЕ БУДІВНИЦТВО, - там працюють на МАЙБУТНЄ. Це і вся діяльність почесного члена вченої ради Азовського (Українського) Відділення Академії економічних наук і підприємницької діяльності, Протоієрея Василя Костянтиновича Мултиха, що врятував під час Другої Світової Війни мощі Митрополита Готії і Кафи Ігнатія і є одним із засновників вищої академічної нагороди А(У) В АЕНіПД, - Медалі «Святого Ігнатія, Митрополита Готії і Кафи». Це і ініціативи по проведенню Другого Всесвітнього Конгресу Духовної Згоди в Бразилії в 2001 р. і ще дуже багато інших ініціатив і діянь.
        Проте, в даний час тільки один європейський народ стільки і сил і ресурсів цілеспрямовано віддає ДУХОВНОМУ БУДІВНИЦТВУ - народ Польщі. І переконаний, що це зрозуміло не тільки для мене. Тому, до речі, він і отримує реальну підтримку своїм ініціативам і пропозиціям (!).
7.2. Spiritual BUILDING (section from a monograph).
          That, whoever understands Polish and was not in churches on divine service, what enormous creative work will never understand accomplished every day and during hundreds of years by this Great European people. The simple participating is practically in any measure, organized a church renders such strong positive influence on participating, that understand with what sincerity people pronounce the words set a ceremony, what enormous force of general idea and depth of positive desires gives birth in every parish community every day. Does it need people ? Undoubtedly. Exactly, it is that force which today needs all of people of Eurasia. Certainly, such activity supposes exceptional intellectual investments in leading confession of Rechipospolitoy-Poland. And they are carried out the Polish people. Results more, than obvious. on April, 22, 2001 present on sanctifying of organs in Church of Christa Merciful in a parish Sent. Petra Apostle in Chekhanove (invitation Sofia Tontarskaya passed to me), on which Biskup Plocki came forward. So, so much deep, clever and elevating a man ideas for comparatively short appearance I did not have to hear at any scientific international conference with 1992. Highest intellectual level for this man which all, underline everything, gives the forces people and does not count some special attention on signs.
          And it at once evidently and felt practically all, who listens and participates in an action. Already I do not talk about activity of Paul Ioanna Second, service of which an General Wide World value indeed has. But all of it is carried out not new-comers from distant galaxies, but representatives of the Polish people, devoting right through life to spiritual BUILDING. And it is carried out not only for Poland but also for all of Europe, for all of America, in general for the whole World. It many today even not realized somehow. Consciousness of majority, especially, East Europeans dissociates a spiritual plan from concrete vital problems (on a withstand habit about «independence of church from the state», standard of living from spirituality etc.). Will pass yet set time while this error will collapse and most people realize harmony of life.
        But it is important for us, coming from the tasks of research, to understand an indeed sharp necessity to support reasonable initiatives in the «shown» world those successes in spiritual building, which are attained the Polish people. I underline that at all of importance of implementation of tasks on SPIRITUAL BUILDING, without intellectual growth on the basis of effective exploitation of new and «super new» technologies it is impossible it will be to obtain stability of positive civilization processes. Without the real balanced growth of intellectualization of labour in rural-handicraft ethnic–socio layer of Rechipospolitoy - Poland.
         It can be wrong, but I had the impression, that it is very well understood and in the Polish churches. But I would not like, that the impression was, that only one confession, in my understanding, has the keys from truth. No, everywhere where sincerely and SPIRITUAL BUILDING is purposefully carried out, - there work on the FUTURE. It and all of activity of the honoured member of scientific advice of Azov’s (Ukrainian) Department of Academy of economic sciences and entrepreneurial activity, Protoiereya Wasiliy Konstantinovicha Multykha, rescuing in the Second World War-time of moshi of Metropolitan a Gothii and Cafy of Ignatius and being one of founders of higher academic reward A(U)D AES&E - Medal of «Saint Ignatius, Metropolitan Gothii and Cafy». It and initiatives on the leadthrough of the Second World Congress of Spiritual Consent in Brazil in 2001 and yet very much a lot of other initiatives and acts.
          However, presently only one European people so much and forces and resources purposefully gives SPIRITUAL BUILDING – It is people of Poland. And convinced, that it is clear not only for me. Therefore, by the way, he gets the real support the initiatives and suggestions (!).
Alexander Vasiljev
CARDINAL, In Years’ His Memory – 2001-
           All scientists have been telling that XXI century World must will be decided with much Great Problems which are approximating all us to "Frontier of Height”. If it will be no Human will be must mastered the Bad Event of socio-ecology because the countries of Europe, Asia and America did not have the right programs of industrial and rural development.
           We see the development of countries of Earth have been emanating the very disproportionate (in Great Britain the density of people on one square Km – 200 men; in India and Vietnam – too; but in Bangladesh – 800 men (!)). We may to think that the density of people on the one square Km have been raised the level of life in the Europe to very High Level (A. Weber – "effect of agglomeration”) which will not attain the others, and the density of people on the one square Km have been down out the level of life in Asia. Stagnation thinking are stronger the effects "of agglomeration” (!).
          We see the problems will be more and more. New technologies have not been realizing because the wave of despondency beginning have encroached the most Clear and clever Scientists. Because the Group of Medous have made the despondency model of Development World instead the very positive model of Development World.
         But What must will we do it, if we do not want to approximate to "Frontier of Height”?
          On the Conference "Nature and Development” (UNISEF, 1992) were many reports of keeping sorts (diversity). Now 20-50 sorts go out from life every day (inform. Millennium Institute). It is very bad for Earth, for all us.
         Many people (scientists, managers) are thinking that the modern industry (for markets inside and markets outside) have made the profit of mono-sort in the rural development only. Because there is very much of profit are growing from the one of sorts of plants on the big farms.
        But that was it. The revolution of effective have been requiring the new technologies. The Honorary President of Rime Club Alexander King and General Secretary Bertrand Schneider in the report "First Global Revolution” have wrote about the new technologies. And they have been telling that the new agricultural technologies would be "leave off the War against Earth”. Dr. Jackson have made it in Salina (USA). He has took the main lesson of the Steppes of America. He has understood that the Human must are conserving the systems of ecology in the agricultural sector. We may to grow the many-years plants and get the good bread. But Main – Wes Jackson have conserved the quality of Earth. It have made the scientists of America.
        What did European Scientists make ?
       I have saw in the Gdansk Branch of IBMER the very interesting things and have been thinking that the Main Work have been making mgr-ing. Zbigniew Sochalski, mgr-ing. Grzegorz Palka, dr. Stanislaw Stendzala and prof. Krystof Wierzbicki. They have been making the work for the agricultural sector which have made the Firm "General Motors” for all World when had made super-car "Ultralite”. That car made from the polymers- materials.
     The Polish Scientists have been making the experimental details for agricultural machines from polyurethane. We hope First agricultural machine will be made from polyurethane in 2002-2003.
         We all were scared "the ill of madness cows” in Europe. We have agreemented with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacher, Amory B.Lovins, L.Hunter Lovins that on the one kal. of meat must would be spent 0,1 kal. of expenditure Only. That way have took in the Poznan Branch of IBMER. The projects of dr. Muchko is very effective and in European Union countries are interesting it.
         There are the Myths very much in the World now. The "Earth sages” have been pushing of the scientists have been afraid of the INTERNET how apparition (International Conference in Warszawa, 2000). There are many films and books about the "clever” machines to manage of people. But I think We must to struggle against the Main Myth. That Myth is the INTERNET do not understand old men. That Myth are the bases of conflict between young men and old men in the family. The "sages” are thinking that they have found the source of acceleration development. But It is most mistake.
         In the information society the conflict do not development people. It is braking only. It is pushing us to backwards. If we have been understanding the modern methodology (Report of Scientists of Mariupol, 1997), we have telling that all people must to have the possible of intellectual growing. But they must had have that possible and they must to do the steps towards now.
         Now many managers and scientists do not know the right way because they have agreed with the Main Myth. They do not disturb the negative forces "are pressing” the old men (reducing their employment). We must know when we do not maintaining the Law of methodology then we go to backwards.
          We may to promote the intellectual level of all people in agricultural sector now if we will be took the modern methodology. First – the World is on the so level when the Main element of system of stimulate is the motives of High Level. Second – the one computer cost $ 100 for farm now and including to INTERNET -network-farm cost $ 50 only. It is very small money but we will be have the modern work-place in the ecology area. Third – Poland have the Institutes of High Level.
          Because We have having the proposal of the program "Your Opinion” for the farmers of all Poland. The program will be gave the farmers of the possible will have known the INTERNET- technologies.
         The Revolution of effective are demanding and Network-INTERNET- farms and Network-INTERNET-scientists and INTERNET-Center of Poland.
          That all will have needed for the competition of economy of Poland. The small farms are making of the agricultural economy of very flexible. It will be made the agricultural production of Poland of competition on the market of World.
         The Law of Preservation of Labor is showing that the agricultural sector must beginning to make the production by new technologies. Because we must beginning to form the new structure of consumer. It will be more healthy.
         I must say many good words about the works of prof. Maria Wiruszewska and prof. Barbara Tryfan.
        These scientists of Poland Academy of Sciences have made the right conclusions about the future of rural areas. In Mariupol We have made the conclusions about the important are conserving all cultures in the World. They are confirming Law of Preservation of Labor. We do not decide the problems of Cultural Building and the Cultures are downfall.
       But Poland may will have mastered the phase of downfall if the scientists of Poland will have made the programs of conserving Cultures for all Poland in 2002-2003.
Herve Duboux Chairman of ANCEMA
(11th International European Congress of INTER-MR 96)
"We should learn something new every day –
or it is a day wasted”
James Playefair – Hannay (France,
11th International European Congress
of INTER – MR 96)
         Machinery Rings give us opportunities to glean knowledge to improve our methods of cultivation and to give us ideas for safe financial investment. Frenchmen say: "The Machinery Ring ranks among other organizations which promote agricultural development, but it still remains first and foremost a "promoter of new ideas”.
       The  Machinery Rings are essential tools for agricultural development:
      1. a tool to help young farmers get started, to enable them to manage their farms with less capital, whilst up with the latest technical innovations;
     2. a strategic tool for farmers in the middle of their working lives, a means of freeing time and money for other activities;
    3. a tool to help manage handing over the farm, which needs less capital but which remains financially competitive; The Machinery Rings also enable us:
    4. to free time for us to lean more about different aspects of our profession;
   5. to free time to work elsewhere.
   We must remember : "The Machinery Rings are only as good as the people that are involved”.
   The Machinery Ring of Germany was created in 1973 and now has more 2000 members. It has worked with 400 000 people and has worked over area of 14 000 hectares. It has very interesting results. For example. Mr. Scholtz lists the objectives which have enabled his Machinery Ring to work so well:
      1. to meet the members` needs; 2. to share work in order to have an additional income; 3. to respect free-trade (each member takes his own decisions); 4. to be available in the event of an accident; 5. to provide a replacement from within the agricultural community; 6. to work out costs.
 SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: employ of all ages in temporary replacement jobs; 2. to provide help in the event of natural disasters (storms, floods, ect…); 3. to work for organizations which put organic waste to good use (with the possibility of on additional income); 4. the Machinery Rings must be run on companies.
     The scientists from England said in 11th International European Congress (INTER – MR 96): "Perhaps the most important aspect of all this is the flexibility that it gives to the farmer, he is able to go into production of a specialist crop without committing vast amounts of capital, equally he can change production very quickly ”.
      The Machinery Ring is new quality of responsibility. It is main.
     We agreement with Frenchmen which say: "There is a sort complementary between leadership and solidarity.” But they say too: "Managing a Machinery Ring requires strength and perseverance and we cannot rely on improvisation.” And we may to add to their words that the Machinery Ring is one way for agricultural of Ukraine and Russia.
     But we want to see the results soon because we must to make much work of organization. It cannot do farmers of Ukraine and Russia because they are very little. We must have made all norms of labor for the Machinery Rings of Ukraine and Russia. But we will not make all norms in Ukraine and Russia again. We will be taken main of base from Poland and Germany. We want will be the leader of our researches the scientist from IBMER of Poland.
    The publication of Alexander Muzalewski and Tadeush Olshewski (Warsaw, 2000) is main for all works of the scientists of Ukraine and Russia in the field of Machinery Ring.
        We doing the proposal of norm’s bases in our works which have made in Mariupol in 1987. We think our norm bases will be needed for the agricultural sector of Poland.
* * *
         We believe the World may to decide his problems. And We agree with Mr.Harry Lehmann and with Ernst Ulrich von Weizacher, Amory B.Lovins, L.Hunter Lovins. If the Revolution if Effective will be giving 5% growing only the World will be living without Great Problems.
        We hope It will be understood in the East Europe too.
Warsaw (Cichanow) 31.05.2001
       1. Jozef Niemczyk "Rolnictwo rodzinne w Polsce” . – Warszawa, Spoldzielnia "Wydawnictwo Ludowe”,1991. – ss.130.
      2. Alexander Vasiljev "Theoretical & methodology bases of concepts of transformations and preservations of labor (the articles on socially economic theory). – Mariupol, Monograph, IESCR, 1998.- ss.267.
       3. Aleksander Muzalewski, Tadeusz Olszewski "Ekonomiczno- organizacyjne aspekty zespolowego uzytkowania maszyn rolniczych”.- Warszawa, IBMER, 2000. – ss.94.
      4. Tadeusz Karwowski "Podstawy Zespolowego Uzytkowania Maszyn (ZUM)”.- Warszawa, IBMER, 1998. – ss183.
      5. Materials of Congress INTER- RM 96.- Paris, France, 1996.
     6. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacher, Amory B.Lovins, L.Hunter Lovins "Mnoznok Cztery”. – Torun, 1999. – ss.364.
    7. Meadous Donella, Meadous Dennis, Jyrgen Randers "New Scopes of Growth /Новые Границы Роста”.- 1992.
     Only in the distance we begin to understand influence of that or other person, that or other event on our actions, ideas, on the results of our labour. When it was known about a frightful tragedy on April, 10 in 2010 under Smolensk, understood, what indeed large influence on me, and also on all of events in which after it took part, sincere speech on April, 22, 2001 Biskupa Plocki (Tadeusz Ploski) have had. He in times of very short said so much deep ideas to the parish in Church of Christa Merciful and did it so convincingly, that passed almost nine (!) years, and feeling is such, that listened him only yesterday.
      Тільки на відстані ми починаємо розуміти вплив тої чи іншої особи, тої чи іншої події на наші дії, думки, на результати нашої праці. Коли стало відомо про страшну трагедію 10 квітня 2010 р. під Смоленськом, то зрозумів, який дійсно великий вплив на мене, а також на всі події, в яких після цього приймав участь, мала щира промова 22 квітня 2001 року Біскупа Плоцкі (Tadeusz Ploski). Він за дуже короткий час стільки глибоких думок промовив до парафії в Костелі Христа Милосердного і зробив це так переконливо, що пройшло майже девять (!) років, а відчуття таке, що слухав його тільки вчора.
     Indeed Large and Prominent PERSONALITY of this World left us, but Memory about this Man of note never will go out in our hearts. All of our activity (monographs, lectures, researches, suggestions to the leaders of the states and businessmen) will be pierced feeling, that in each of us Christos is present - exactly convincingly proved it me on April, 22, 2001 Biskup Plocki in Church of Christa Merciful in Chikhanovi (Poland).
      Дійсно Велика і Видатна ОСОБИСТІСТЬ цього Світу нас залишила, але Пам'ять про цю Видатну Людину ніколи не згасне в наших серцях. Вся наша діяльність (монографії, доповіді, дослідження, пропозиції керівникам держав і підприємцям) буде пронизана відчуттям, що в кожному з нас присутній Христос – саме це переконливо довів мені 22 квітня 2001 року Біскуп Плоцкі в Костелі Христа Милосердного в Чиханові (Польща).
        We will Remember Large European from Poland not only in Ukraine but also in Indium, in Spain, in Canada, in Australia, in the entire countries of Europe (!).
        Ми будемо Пам’ятати Великого Європейця із Польщі не тільки в Україні, а і в Індії, в Іспанії, в Канаді, в Австралії, в усіх країнах Європи (!).
   Eternal Memory of Tadeushu Plocki !
Вічна Пам'ять Тадеушу Плоцкі !
      All of members of scientific Advices of AD of Academy of ES&E of «Azov’s Academy», Institute of ESCR named Olga Wasilievoy- Catholic, and also actual members of Civil International Committee of I&SU on each the measure will remember the prominent son of Poland Biskupa Plocki, him deep persuasiveness, that - Faith without actions is dead!
      Усі члени наукових Рад АВ Академії ЕНіПД «Азовської Академії», Інституту ЕСКД ім. Ольги Васильєвої – Католик, а також дійсні члени Громадянського Міжнародного Комітету ІіДЄ на кожному своєму заході будуть згадувати видатного сина Польщі Біскупа Плоцкі, його глибоку переконливість, що - Віра без дій мертва!

Категория: The Earth Freedom /Земля Свободы - Казачьи Вольности - Задунайская Сечь - Азовское казачье войско | Добавил: Vasiljev (2010-05-07) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev-Muller
Просмотров: 1574 | Теги: Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Tadeusz Karwowski, L.Hunter Lovins, Tadeusz Plocki, Jozef Niemczyk, Amory B.Lovins, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsacher | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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