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I devote to my research manager as to probation in The institute (IBMER) of The entrepreneurial blueprint of 88-years Cossack-agriculturist Pastly 17 years after finishing of my probation in The institutes of Warsaw (Poland) and works in Warsaw’s University, in The library of Polish Academy of science in Warsaw (today its transfered in another town of), in Library Narodovoi in Warsaw and on the captive shops of this central-european country which in its cultural priorities always guided by France, and the example of liable behavior to case took from north neighbor - Germany. Many interesting personal interviews with hereby scientist who does not believe for itself shame to tackle the most requisite, but not prestige for academic science by studies (clearing of effluents etc), prof., by dr habl., enz. Krzysztofom Wierzbicki to me was not come to conduct neither with one scientist in
«Are only two endless things: Universe and folly. Though about Universe I’m not sure» Albert Einshtein-"Petr Vasilevich! You of me called .. .” -"Yes, Sasha let's take off blinds .. .” -'It is now, only Richi shall fasten ... All right, here is and order ... You their when have erase that me call ... will hang. And concerning "martial law, those these all any topics not interesting, particular, when them constantly discuss without some actual practices ... But shall see ..., maybe, everything already is made serious and sittings closed .. .” -"You, of Sasha rights. This all a few to play... Better fares adjusted ..., and that even becomes uneconomic early рассадой to tackle, because only for gas, water and electricity to requisitely to pay me for growing on four “defending plants from film cabin” ante 9000 grn., and because crop can only-only to pay these consumptions. Is asked, Why to me by this to tackle? Barely easier, have in light of finance, if to grow рассаду not in “defending plants from film cabin”, and in defended soil - costs and expenses in half the less, but also billing from sale will, as-minimum, on 30% below. It is so, what having caused on itself to operate sun which will provide will heat soils not less, than on 10 degrees, we lose in the economic profitability of our job .” -"This must! You agriculturist, Petr Vasilevich, and all along speak about economics and believe, virtual, constant .. .” -"And agriculturist, primarily, and should be economist ... Everything requisite to calculate, and already subsequently need have made and to actualize in life .. .” //Involuntarily are recalled of word Leonardo da Vinchi about mathematician which science begins where begin mathematical accounts. And because self Leonardo visited only primary school, where gave charter and азы mathematicians putting the accent on that, as compute drawing, volume cubic content and will not turn out to be In damage in commerce in Shop. Present friendship connected Leonardo with the distinguished mathematician of it the time - Lukoi Pacholi. Namely Luka became teacher da Vinchi as to mathematics. Pupil in big age acquisitively absorbed acquaintances. AND Leonardo made pictorial representations correct figures with many verges for the book « Divine ratio » (Luka Pacholi). It is by the way, it did not know of and Latin language - this language of science, on which continued to write books over in all The middle ages. When him was already for thirty, Leonardo scrutinized Latin language independent, in order to have capability to read scientific papers of and book ancient scientifics.//AND Petr Vasilevich in its 88 years also continues to study and analyzes all councils which constantly are published for agrarians ... What here can be said!! And, if to take into account that it till now conducts exchange of correspondence with chief executive agro-institute (truth already not with father, and with the son of distinguished professor) gaining from it brassboard brands of tomatoes which grows at itself in “defending plants from film cabin” that this on territories bounding practically with DNR theres seem unpossible. But stopping on one of main of pages in life Petra Vasilevicha, and, name, on that stage when him will it was necessary to change the first place of its job after school finishing on agriculturi. Fact for all us important.// -"Petr Vasilevich, and what you made leave the first place of work after distribution and active job in our area?" -"Yes, Sasha, probab, my character... At my place in branch operated on weigher woman whom made operation to the displacement of the cancer of breast and she some time was in hospital. The comeback ambassador from hospital she as to all acting then in -"Ex post, your workwomen who made component job, accounted for your discharge?" -"Yes, no. We often believe that, who inlawfully gettings any benefits, - by people being able to live. And because this is not the case, as to-creature, such behavior it is impossible to call clever, and all the more such which it is possible and requisite follow. Due to their folly all our conflicts and all our present-day challenges. And example with this bad man on bossing ranks - these only stand-alone and vivid lesson which to us taught in hope which we shall make proper conclusions. It is correctly it is said, what folly human boundless .. .'
Twice contributor DANEE (VDNKH) - in acquaintances force -"Petr Vasilevich, to you managed even to be twice contributor DANEE (VDNH) (of The all-union display of the achievements of national economic enterprise) in Moscow, and for what successes of you there furnished to?" - “All right, first, I was furnished to and operated in brassboard enterprise, where were tested perspective brands and by him was given путевка in life. To me was come to conduct seminars for all agriculturists of area and chairman райсовета caused the contributors of seminars to epitomize all, what by him told. It is second, my authority grew, when could to provide the crop of pears in garden, in which already many years of and pears nobody did not see. And everything occured thus. When spent time in garden and assessed the capabilities of грушевого garden that came to directorship and offered him to plan on next year the crop of pears at the level 500 tns. To me, end-use, nobody did not believe, but when gave word which in failing shall answer by all its annual salaries that agreed on 200 tns. The point is which all is necessary was to plan, because Plant where catered disagree assume more specified in the agremeent of volume, but also less it is impossible was to deliver, because the mechanism of sanctions was included. To in february me gave 5 man and I taught them to make "hrust", when branches do not fracture complete, and barely to fracture not complete... This such gives tremendous effect at pears which all tree begins плодоносить. These occupational agriculturists knew longstanding, and present-day - not everything about it know. It is probab that who made "hrust" and self did not very believed in what make fulfilling my command. But nature will not circumvent and she answered by such crop which nobody did not await. Crop was at the level 500 tns which we with labor aimed хоть as-that to distribute. Already by and machineries on bazaar expower, but per day a few tns and all ... Directorship and workmans were startled such results. To me have gave option money at the rate of 5 1000s of rubles. This was even very fairly well as to those times ... Second times already was on VDNKH for the coefficients of job on lands which gave water. To us also managed to attain fairly big crops and even was the corn crop yield ante 70 centners from hectare. But already bonuses moneyed then give no, and only medal’s VDNKH .” //By the way, the latest in those years so simply give no. In order after war being by the boss of regional distribute soil bureau to become contributor VDNKH and to receive Medal VDNKH Alexander Pavlovich Vasiljev assisted in the fulfilment of спец Single-purpose-project building “of The highway of Victory" Samara-Stalingrad, and it son received Medal VDNKH for rescue from famine 20 thous. sheeps in Jambulskoi the departments of -"You, Petr Vasilevich, believe that specialists then nevertheless more valued?" -"Yes, more. Me after college took with the salary more of 1000 roubles, and then coalminer gettinged ante 800 roubles. Wanted to hike agriculture as to-present. Khrushcheva only scold, rather than recall that in it board commencement serious to go up agriculture in country. But, principal - was in people whom requisitely was to respect and to aim them actual to aid, rather than to make only class ... To me managed to attain such high results only that is why, what related to people with sincere interest in the judgment of their challenges. To us in branch managed all to provide with feeding stuffs, always discounted fulfiled job and for overfulfilment gave day offs and ect. In consequence in my branch was not neither to steal. No need was home to draw from enterprise - at all everything was. Yes, and not only its .. .' -"You studied in college and gave such acquaintances which you and today with ease speak of sour and alkalized soils, about system Viliamsa, and in 60 years even helped, and ex post, made examination for one of the students of agricultural institute which for this job received excellent appraisal." //On me this information Petra Vasilevicha performed same impression, as in 2001 yr. acquaintance with the blueprints of phd in Mychko, administrator Poznanskogo of branch IBMER, when at the same time resolved complexly challenge of the abatement of the allocation of carbon dioxide and the challenge of the utilisation of warmth developping optimal environment for bestial. These blueprints in 2001 yr. Were already actualized in To Normano-Cossack’s type no end -"We with you, Petr Vasilevich, already second “defending plants from film cabin” cover. And this as little as on one and a half two mnth. It is startling, how many of labor must to spend on these tomatoes. As will think, so and exist them will not want…” -“All right, this you, Sasha, not of rights. The nature more of us operates. See what small was burgeon in landing, and through rub the mnth of him already will not learn in big with two dozens tomatoes bush. Requisitely not лениться ... And to remember that operating on the soil of fiscal wealth will not earn ('will be bunchy, rather than rich"), but far and away will become more spiritual, as today everything many love to speak, but do not make. Give you shall help, only to ride closer ... Here is so ... Another effort and the latest frame we instituted. It is possible and unmuch to have a rest. Let's have some tea, and then all the work ... Yes job ... Went ..." * * * -" ...My father had more time for the day, and my grandfather’s brother, at 98 years old, after eating half-ashes of brawn with two glasses of moonshine, got up, straightened Cossack mustaches and went to work in the field. So that our kind of work, in my opinion, is able. Yes, all my uncles, the sons of my grandfather, died in World War II. The father should not have perished, because he had a reservation as a specialist who knew well the equipment that needed to be operated beyond the
-"Yes, I know, of course. But you, Peter Vasilyevich, have so far maintained deep respect for the military. You told me how you drove your tomatoes to the soldiers of the Ukrainian army who were standing on the outskirts of the city after being liberated from the DPR. And this is after six people from your street were saved from the shelling of the Ukrainian army in your basement ... Not many in the Party of Regions can understand this.” -" Yes, God is with them with these regionals, and the fact that six people were saved in my basement is true. I fed them and gave them a tool in case of a blockage so that, after dismantling the wall, they could dig a way out of the basement with a pick and a shovel. In general, we have touched upon military events ... Well, this is one aspect, and quite another is the Ukrainian army, which is protecting the state of -"... Yes, there will be no other development of events. But in your, Pyotr Vasilyevich, the attitude towards Ukrainian statehood is such a deep historical tradition of hereditary Cossacks in Ukraine that one can only wonder at the genetic memory and stability of the traditional Cossacks (descendants of the Norman soldiers) value orientations of European culture and real democracy. After each conversation with you again and again I am convinced that the Norman-Gothic Confederation Kalmius (Calmoucs) really was from Lutsk to Baikal, and the whole armed struggle of Bolotnikov, Bulavin, Razin and Pugachev was of a liberating character, i.e. These were the real liberation wars of our people. Yes, and general, if would not our with you primogenitors, then never Normano-готская Confederation KALMIUS did not turn into basis World-wide Normano-mongol Imperskoi Confederation and did not vulgar caravans from China hiking tradable investitions the industry of West Europe, would not be of Yellow Campaign for Coffin Gospodnim непобедимой Normano-mongol Army and Christianity would not be saved 3 of september 1260 year under Nazareth. http://azov-academy.ucoz.org/publ/stati_i_nauchnye_publikacii_articles_science/u_kazakov_osobennaja_stat_v_ikh_budushhee_nuzhno_verit/3-1-0-364 ; http://azov-academy.ucoz.org/publ/stati_i_nauchnye_publikacii_articles_science/vyshla_na_sovremennyj_uroven_nauka_respubliki_kazakhstan_predstavitelstvo_ao_aehnipd_v_g_artjomovske/7-1-0-300 ; http://azov-academy.ucoz.org/publ/stati_i_nauchnye_publikacii_articles_science/istorija_stanovlenija_velikoj_imperii_temuchina_ljudej_dlinnoj_i_mudroj_voli_napisannaja_v_priazovskoj_stepi/3-1-0-289 ; http://azov-academy.ucoz.org/publ/stati_i_nauchnye_publikacii_articles_science/ukrainskaja_noch_na_khutore_katolik_v_stepi_za_khutorom_katolik_utrom_na_beregu_kalki_kazacko_gotskie_mogily/3-1-0-275 Otherwise, World History would be less reasonable and interesting. And I am sincerely glad that I understand this and can tell you about it. But I don’t quite understand where your father studied after all, if he was given a reservation and he worked so skillfully with the mechanisms?" -" Yes, nowhere. When my grandfather returned from the First World War, then in our village in // There are so many pseudo-stories written around the Cossacks theme, which is measured in volumes, ranging from attempts to prove their origin from the runaway Muscovy serfs, ending with the supposedly mysterious freemen of the steppes, that even an outsider can see obvious falsification of real events. These "paper icebergs" allegedly lost bits of the real history of the truly Great People of -" You said, Pyotr Vasilyevich, that all your uncles died on World War II. Is the Pushko clan will not have a decent continuation?" - “How so, will not have! And my three sons, and their children, who already have grandchildren. Together with our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, we have more than 120 people along my line! Our Cossack family will not translate !" "People must consume only ecologically pure produce" Petr Vasilevich PUSHKO -" This year you, Perth Vasilyevich, fed all social workers with peaches. By the way, you said that it is possible to collect up to -" Yes, it was possible. About ten years ago, he planted a peach and put four wooden poles around the tree for the winter and wrapped them in plastic film. turned out openings on top stretched box. At the bottom, he set up an ordinary electric stove and a 500-fleece-lamp, which turned on when outside temperature was below zero, especially in winter at night. And thus managed to save the peach from the cold. So this tree the next year gave -" You and the vines covered this year, hoping that it will save them from the cold ...” -"Yes, that carpet, which you, Sasha, cut into two. And we will achieve with this that under the carpet the temperature will not drop to minus. In general, the main thing is that we cut off both apple and pear trees, which should affect the harvest next year. Next year I plan not to use herbicides or spray trees with chemicals.” //And rightly so. Somehow everyone was fascinated by the analysis of the cost of livestock products and it is considered wasteful to spend 30 calories of external energy on one calorie of beef production. In the "industrialized" countries, on average, one calorie of meat products spends an average of ten calories, and one calorie of potatoes - from 10 to 2 calories. But, based on the requirements of environmental technologies, i.e. Returning to extensive production methods; one calorie cost should be between 5 and 10 calories produced. Who in -" You, somehow from ash make a mixture for spraying.” -" Not only from ashes, but we will deal with it closer to summer. I believe that people should consume only environmentally friendly products. The way I manage to get on my site. For the last 30 years I have been able to sell it at the market in Seversk and many people know that I get it without chemistry. This year I could not go to the market, so I sold it right in my yard, putting a billboard on the street, on which I indicated the names of the products and the telephone. And what do you think ? I managed to sell a lot. The truth is somewhat cheaper, but still.” -" So you want to say, Pyotr Vasilyevich, that even in our conditions you can really grow environmentally friendly products without chemicals and using partly harmful growth stimulants?" - “Sure you may. All my "farming activities" of the last 40 years confirm this. By the way, we all suffered from one of the acid rains in Seversk. Personally, then I lost all 30 fruit apples and at my neighbors not only trees, but practically all cultivated plantings from cucumbers and tomatoes to parsley and dill, also disappeared. It is interesting that only a neighbor could save her cucumbers when she washed off all the chemistry right after the rain, watering them. She did it not quite consciously, but in time. And thus "invented" on our street a means of combating chemical pollution of the atmosphere ... without knowing it. I strive today to use perennial plants to make the necessary fertilizers in the soil, which for many is new, like “dry watering”. You yourself saw how effective it is.” -"Yes, I never thought that if you break the crust of the earth after watering, you can achieve this effect. As if specifically to demonstrate the need for timely "dry watering" your neighbors rented out half of the garden, planting corn along with the tenant. So the tenant on time carried out dry watering and his corn gave a good harvest, and the owners neglected the "dry irrigation" and there is no harvest.” -"Yes, I told you this more than once, saying at the very beginning of summer that non-observance of the terms of tillage would negatively affect the harvest, so I always tried to produce agrotechnical measures as soon as possible.” - “Strange, Petr Vasilyevich, but you don’t want to work today for any of the modern “new Ukrainians” in the village in their specialty. But you have been repeatedly offered.” -"Yes, they did. But I did not go, tk. they do not have a serious approach to the earth. Nor is there any serious crop rotation at all. I can not and do not want to work in such conditions. Only I tried to give my shares to an entrepreneur, who has only -" Absolutely with you, Peter Vasilyevich, I agree. In // It has already been carried out in the - “By the way, some varieties of tomatoes are also perennial. With their bushes for several years, you can harvest harvests, but they are less fruitful than a ballad. Yes, and it is necessary in the preparation of greenhouses for the new season to dig out all the tomato bushes at the end of the fruiting season. They do not have a positive effect on the soil.” -" But this is when we are intensively exploiting them, but in field conditions? You also had to grow tomatoes in large areas. What about recycling?" -"Yes, I had to. I remember even we managed to grow a virtually unprecedented crop of tomatoes from the field, which was determined by the commission to reseed. And everything turned out, really, unexpectedly. The tomato field sown after hail had such a miserable appearance that it seemed ready to replant. And the state farm even paid for his insurance. But I somehow did not like it. Therefore, he did not hurry, and here the equipment was not yet ready, so the process of preparing for reseeding was delayed. As usual, I came every morning to the field and watched the shoots that no one was waiting for, but it seemed to me that they should appear. And in a week they really appeared. And I realized that there is a chance not to plow and not plow the field. He persuaded the management not to waste either fuel or machine hours on reseeding, but to give nature the opportunity to prove itself. And in this field was collected almost unprecedented harvest of tomatoes. Did not have to "plow" the work of people.” // When nature does not interfere and allows plants to develop, practically, in natural conditions, “one plant” transports “nitrogen from air to the soil, another plant“ produces ”herbicides that are not harmful to any of the surrounding plants, and still others - counteract attacks of gadflies and other insects. Of course, this field itself "saves" itself without a significant amount of chemicals. [3, p.60]// - “Therefore, you, Peter Vasilyevich, and carry out planting in rows of cultures that "provide each other services"? -" Yes, it is so in nature. For example, I plant two rows of carrots and two rows of onions, and then repeat it. And I have no need to chemically process either carrots or onions, since carrot pests scare onions, and onion pests smell carrots. In general, we can recommend our farmers to use more Sedersta. They were still used by one Englishman in my youth, who grew barley for decades on the same lands, but after harvesting he planted sederta and obtained yields four times higher than we do. This could be used for sunflower, so the experience tells me. But we will discuss all this next spring. And now let's jump into the right kind of pumps from tanks until next summer ... " -" Dobre (Good), Peter Vasilyevich, I'm going to turn off the pumps ... ".' Petr Pushko&Ulia Duke,vice-director InstituteESCR And he went to disconnect from the electrics pumps. And Peter V. in his wheelchair went to correct the film on the greenhouses ... Yes, dear Internet user, this entrepreneur in the agricultural sector handles Used literature Источник: http://azov-academy.ucoz.org/publ/ | |
Категория: The Earth Freedom /Земля Свободы - Казачьи Вольности - Задунайская Сечь - Азовское казачье войско | Добавил: Vasiljev (2018-12-13) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev | |
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