Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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The Guards of the Planet /Alexander Ploskyni

Alexander Ploskyni


The Guards of the Planet


Fathers-commanders DEDICATE

sincerely …

They say that time is of a quantum nature. My colleague is a professor at the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, England, included in the international biographical edition of the "2000 Distinguished Intellectuals of the 21st Century" for his outstanding contribution to the theory of space-time quantization, the Marquis of Who's Who in the World (USA) and the creator of the NATURAL THEORY OF THE THIN, SCALE ENERGY OF QUANTUM SPACE-TIME - Yury Vasil'evich Belousov * found out and convincingly proved the error of the existing scientific ideas about elementary particles and, first of all, about the well-known opened more than 100 years ago, the electron.

It turns out that this particle, clearly not of Earth origin, has a contrastingly pronounced property of a material superdense point. Elementary electric charge is in fact an amazingly concentrated information energy. And this property of the "duality" of the charge (spin) is revealed quite unexpectedly, in spite of the physical theory. It turns out that the information energy at the elementary level of the electron is represented in the form of two semi-programs, one of which determines the development of the energy space of the Earth substance during radiation, the other is the interaction of internal energy accumulated in the intra-atomic space of the electron-nuclear substance.

All this, supported by the data of his own experiments, gave him grounds to assert that there is a black hole in our solar system.

So our planet was necessary for a long time (the last, most likely, and it was done, as it is necessary and today to protect from black holes. And this is in the competence of real scientists physicists. Not those administrators from science who are afraid of new approaches, like "devil incense", and such as Anatoly Petrovich Shpak **, First Vice President and Chief Scientific Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - who are in a real scientific search and hard work.

Therefore, a working and thinking scientist can be safely awarded the honorary title of "Guard of the Planet", at least.

In general, security structures are an exceptionally modern solution to very many problems in any state (both large and small). Starting from purely tactical and pragmatic to ensure the preservation of material values, and ending with the preservation of moral guidelines in the youth and work activity in the elderly. The latter, becomes particularly relevant with the increase in retirement age and life expectancy.

The world sees the eyes of a professional security guard somewhat differently than through the eyes of a seller or a working enterprise. And, of course, it differs significantly from the perception of the teacher and teacher. But he is a little closer to the perception of the leaders of state administrations and, probably, correlates with the perception of the problems of the clergy survival of leading denominations.

Strangely enough, but a lot of things from the position of security structures had to be changed. And people must make these changes themselves - without constant prompts and tutelage, but in the field of view of those working under clear instructions and on military disciplined structures.

You can not get away from polysemantic approaches to the organization of the work of the state apparatus and modern commercial monsters under conditions of total globalization. Therefore, cameralistics is very close to all of us today, despite its "antiquity" and tradition.

There is no commercial interest in the conditions of stagnation of production and even its reduction to save from squandering the fixed assets of non-operating enterprises, except for round-the-clock protection.

But who should implement it? What are specially trained people? And it turns out that it is enough to create a semblance of army structures with a clear discipline, to dress everyone in a well-sewn form, paying extremely low fees, and the economic potential can be preserved for some time, ensuring the viability of the state.

Of course, this is only the visible part of the iceberg. That huge work on preparing the basic skeleton of personnel security for the whole security system, as it were, remains in the shadows, and much more ... But the main thing - in the most difficult conditions of social transformation, the society has found a solution to the stabilization tasks.

This is the most encouraging in our modern, very "reconfigured" life.

And a few truthful words about people to whom we will all be grateful for the preservation of opportunities and real potential for growth and renewal, I want to write, namely, today ... when they get below the subsistence minimum, but do not allow themselves to complain and throw such a low-key, necessary for all of us work.




Everywhere a mess, and we have order ...


He came to us at 15-00, returning from the watch, where he was senior, engaged in export cargo (quite a responsible job).

Earlier Zhenya had already worked at our site and knew all the nuances. Therefore, it was, he was asked to insure our checkpoint for half a day. He immediately calmly and without additional words joined the work of a simple security guard, taking on a "disputed site", not trying to either cunning, or shift to someone else's shoulders work. And this, despite its already "guiding status", which, it seems, allows you to look at the workflow as if from outside. This is actually a professional and different from an amateur ...

Such a small touch - at night, when you could go to sleep, at least four hours (our "gazelle" tried to get him into the next room, although in our two beds were at that time free ... well, I want too much personal comfort more than circumstances allow and, of course, everything due to "near"), he did not take advantage of this opportunity. Zhenya simply lay down on the bench in his branded security guard jacket with a hood and in an hour of slumber had already risen, drank coffee and worked calmly until the morning. A real "pro" of a security company. In it at once you feel the expert, knowing and understanding the work, and the main thing - internally proud of it (!). Without it, strangely enough, but today can not do neither in Ukraine, nor in Russia, nor in the European Union and America.

Therefore, where he appeared, I was told about this later, everyone began to work more comprehensively and with real impact. And respect for the employees of the security unit "revived" ...

Modest, sustained, he last ordered a "messenger" in the dining room three chebureks and one immediately gave to our 150 kilogram Sasha ("always starving ..."). But he never met Sasha anywhere before ... and probably will not even meet ...

One feels a real leader, despite his youth, who does not consider it humiliating for himself to do any work without demonstratively emphasizing his democracy. On such people and keep guarding structures. Yes, and not only they ...


Zhenya left at 13-00 ... also unnoticed, as he came ...


Yes, the guard is a profession. And there are people who own it!




We scold the sky to paint ...


A young, talented guy who is really inclined towards creativity. He does a lot when he draws graffiti. At least, so it seems to me.

How much good the parents have invested in this kid! They are no longer on this earth, and the guy not only did not lose the "invested wealth", but, it seems that he increased it.

He himself managed to make a three-wheeled car from a motorcycle, on which he carried so many "needs" (from brick to agricultural products and, of course, rolled through the village of all his girlfriends) that not every experienced driver can boast such a variety. But he did the reconstruction of this "Mersa" himself, i.e. All the details (from the rear axle to the gearbox) were bought and mounted by myself, all the welding was done by myself, etc. Two months out of the garage did not go out ... and then all his friends surprised the working "work".

He says that he was a "botanist" - he studied well and was a "pay-boy", then went to kick-boxing (his ears were pressed because the coach had beaten them with his feet so that they would not stick out and could not be given a painful reception) and became a "gopata". Before the security structures "kept the district" from any rancor.

Such "holders" are respected among young people, but their century is free, and generally on the ground, not long. His wife, another "holder" from the neighboring district, my wife found at the entrance with 11 stab wounds. Miraculously saved ... Absolutely dead-end way for guys with a conscience and actively living.

Hidden from the surrounding and somewhere romantically naive desire to do something useful for people and leads these young people into security firms. Although for all those around the version is being replicated, they go to the guards, tk. do not want to work, but need to live on something.

He immediately joined the work, deeply rejoice that he successfully copes even sometimes better than the "old people", and his youth allowed him to defend several watches without break. But youth, as a rule, is not prudent and overestimates itself. He simply did not take into account the depth of working out all the schedules of the work of personnel actually applied, probably throughout Eastern Europe ... And as a result - almost psychological breakdown. But the experience and excerpt of commanders "all ustakanila" and did not have to "pay for the inconsistency." What to do, not all is immediately recognized ...


Only after working a few watches comes UNDERSTANDING ...


Vasily Petrovich

No matter how hard you try, you will make a mistake and be fined ...

A representative of the old guard of security structures, who knows so much that even too much ...

Where only it did not work! He even remembers that order when, due to an attack on a woman who was robbed of 120 rubles, it was forbidden for all security units in the USSR to do detours alone.

He has deep pessimism about justice and the ability to function normally. And how else, no matter how the service, you can call the work of security units?

That's just the load is not the same as in the army ... everything has to be done by the personnel themselves and no indulgences ... from reality.

At one time, even in the Soviet Union in the scientific literature, the question was debated - how many years should a scientist engage in this or that field of research? Somewhere they agreed that it was not more than ten years, otherwise the efficiency of the work falls. But we are talking about highly skilled work, what then to speak about simpler types of work?! To say that the work of representatives of security units is very difficult is to deceive themselves. Responsible - it's true, but the complexity is not different, although the nuances are enough ...

Still, it is probably impossible for a man to work through all his conscious life in security firms and even in rank-and-file positions ... Too much internal negative accumulates.

That's with Vasily Petrovich the same result. He wants so much that he is respected, that he is his "half-thrashing in the name of personal authority" (otherwise it's hard to call the "piece of paper" he signed), tries to tell the young people in one form or another and try to deserve respect from her. To say that this is obtained from him - even he can not himself, but he can not restrain himself ...

How can not refrain from some not entirely understandable petty wrecking (but such that no one notices). When his colleague was away from the washbasin for a moment during shaving, he hid the swabs at the bottom of the trash can, hoping that they would not find it. Vasily Petrovich did not know that his "childish pranks" from his colleague will be called only by a smile, because with a more "raw beast" had to work for this ordinary guard and not anywhere, but in Western Ukraine and for five years ... Everyone who learned about this "focus" - both Volodya, like his colleague himself, pretended that nothing happened , and he himself, until the end of the watch, tried to rehabilitate himself with "fairy tales of his experience" ... What to do, the accumulated negative breaks through.

Probably, all the same it is necessary not to rejoice at the length of the length of work for subordinate security structures.



Why without a helmet and a vest driver ...?

Vitya seeks nothing without treatment and does not like an empty "fatness". True, he likes to make comments ... (in the soul of every man the commander lives), but they are all on the case and help even gather ...

Of course, he is the born leader of a small but responsible division. By the way, he should have been good at being a leader in production. It is felt that he worked before the security company at the plant in Izum (making glasses, milling frames).

On its site there will always be an order and extremely precise organization of work. Nobody asks for anything from anyone, but only offers to help. There is something to learn from him. But this style is given not just ... it is produced. I have never heard him complain about a small salary. Although what is paid at today's prices is not even funny. Indeed, how can young people live on this money (it is still possible to survive for a while, but not to live)? I do not understand…

Victor inherent sense of the team and he seeks to help fellow workers really, and this, really, unites ...

By the way, he was very interesting to tell how scary at night to make a detour around a long-standing and slowly stolen enterprise, having only a gas canister on his belt ... (in the USSR, such detours were generally forbidden), and we all felt it and understood much ...

On such people as Victor, and guard structures keep. Yes, and not only they ...


We were never alone on this earth ...

I always want to name Eugene for many years working in security firms, by name and patronymic, as an able and talented student, whom I want to encourage with respect.

He, really, makes impression of the graduate of high school, studied on computer specialty. Yes, really, he had to work in a specialized company with all mobile phones and iPhones. Therefore, he helps us all deal with our "electronics".

A young, exceptionally decent young man who, in security structures, really escapes from the rampage of the wild unspiritualness of the creeping and creeping plague that reigns in the citizenry, everyday crime, with which practically no one is fighting today. Everything is thrown to self ... "Let people save themselves, and we have universal problems." And is it so?

His friends also, like Eugene, work easily and with humor relate to all domestic problems. But the main thing is that they can withstand two and three watches in a row without any apparent consequences (which is 15 days each with a 16-hour working day). When the workers find out about such a schedule of work, they remember their army life and unanimously say that it was easier there. It is better not to tell anyone about salary for such work, because all the same they will not believe how it is possible to withstand such a schedule for such little money. Let the myth of 15 thousand monthly earnings go better.

First and foremost, such physical and psychological endurance indicates a really healthy psyche in these young people. A colossal resource by modern standards. And if you take into account the ingenuity and development of these, mainly graduates of technical schools, then you see a real reserve for training highly qualified specialists who need only not to lose ... How do you want to see these guys by students of serious Russian universities. Precisely, domestic, tk. Ukraine needs truly trained professionals, imbued with a desire to change lives for the better, primarily in national borders, and not "tourists" with colorful certificates. The great German economist Dr. List 150 years ago stressed that only a patriot of his country can become a real and requested specialist and scientist ... It is worth remembering this today from Lutsk to Nakhodka.

But it is worth noting the level of real understanding not only of the current situation, but also of the problems facing humanity, on the part of modern and thinking young people. If, someone thinks that people do not have time to think and analyze in paramilitary structures, then he is deeply mistaken.

Therefore, the replacement of university audiences, classical in information saturation and universal humanistic orientation, cinematographic tapes - a brilliant find.

Probably, if it were not for the universality of the world cinematograph, the generation of Eugene would have already been lost. But the blessing - there was AVATAR. And there is food for the mind and soul.

After Evgeny and his generation, the future of security structures. Yes, and not only them ...


* The President-Chairman of the Azov Branch of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, the full member of the New York Academy of Sciences, like his deputy, specially organized the First Soviet-Taylor Readings and the First International Scientific and Practical Conference of the IAPM "The Law of Labor Preservation is the Basis for Future Successes Ukraine, Russia and Poland ", dedicated to the memory of the President of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship of Russia and the First President of the International Academy of Economics and Professor V.N. Kirichenko, Professor of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation V.G. Lebedev and President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Professor Miroslav Mossakovskiy (May 29-30, 2003), inviting her two members of the New York’s  Academy of Sciences from Taganrog (Russia), in order to fix the priority of Yuri Vasilievich in creating a natural theory of a thin, massive energy of a quantum space-time. And it completely succeeded him  (!!!)

** Anatoly Petrovich Shpak, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, did much not only as a scientist physicist , but also as a state leader, for the humanities Ukraine and the Donbass ;

Категория: The Earth Freedom /Земля Свободы - Казачьи Вольности - Задунайская Сечь - Азовское казачье войско | Добавил: Vasiljev (2017-12-13) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev
Просмотров: 981 | Теги: Alexander Vasiljev. Yury Vasil'evic, CIC, Anatoly Petrovich Shpak, Miroslav Mossakovskiy, Valery Vasiljev, avatar, V.G. Lebedev, IESCR | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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