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Russia for the last 20 years on a way liberally market reforms largely lost the vitally creating immunity, had pranged productive forces and weakened innovative potential of development. Humanity at the beginning of XXI st. century appeared in a state of the first phase of Global Ecocatastrophe which became the display of comings limits of market-capitalist form of economic consumptions of nature.
All of judicious people of Russia, as well as people of all of Planet Earth, realize on the border of the third millennium the sharp necessity of cardinal changes for a public and social device, economy, management, education, health protection. All of spheres of public life, all of social institutes of Russia, in the liberally-market, oligarchic-consumer system of co-ordinates adopted westerly, appeared not adequate the aims of steady socio-economic development.
In a scientific, administrative, civil environment, especially in the environment of intelligentsia, in consciousness of all of thinking people the Noo-sphere’s way of development of Russia, becoming of Noo-sphere’s civilization, ripens on enormous space of two continents: Europe and Asia, that can be the standard of Noo-sphere’s thought and conduct for a 2/3 humanity of founded on principles of the sent socio-directed evolution and educational society.
Russia is pregnant Noo-spherizm.
Noo-spherizm is an ideal of harmony of man, society, nature and space, ideal of just framework of society. Noo-sphere’s ideology and noosfern’s view on the World, Noo-sphere’s education and intellectual man of noosfern’s type - Homo Noosapiens, setting harmonic relationships with Biosphere and Planet Earth as by super organisms part of which he is are strategic aims and priorities of Russia.
Such harmonious system can be fastened in the future in Noo-sphere’s Constitution of Russia. It is identically «careful» about normally workings subsystems, identically will be «merciful» in regard to «Patients» subsystems, identically «cruel» in regard to «metecious» subsystems - regardless of their social and hierarchical status. In such system there are «neither pharaohs neither slaves» «neither privileged neither derelicts», «neither rich neither poor», and consequently, «neither revolutions nor revolutions». But that Constitution appeared, Epoch of Great Waiver must be carried out of capitalism, power of financial capital, injustice and out-of-limit pressure on Nature.
In Noo-sphere’s society all is totally inferior general purpose directed pre-appointed: maintenance of homoeostasis of sociobiosferns’ – Noo-spheres’ of the integral system in the equilibrium-dynamics' state as bases of good life of all of its subsystems - and ecological (natural) and spiritual, intellectual and social.
Today while predominance of ego-interests part takes a place in Russia, generated market-capitalist relations, above interest of whole. The certain group of citizens got under the «narconeedle» of ego-super-consumption and appeared in the captivity of «rack-creation» vice of superenriching and super-consumption. The not dictated began natural necessities race after super-consumption - from the articles of luxury and money to the palaces, yachts, soccer clubs, that caused the unprecedented plunder of folk riches, degradation of natural bases of life on Russian earth.
Vital space, environment of dwelling of living organisms, people began catastrophically to «compress», and biosphere - with yet greater speed to deviate from the folded millions years of constants of functioning. Herein is a source of all of modern problems of Man, source of all of his conflicts - with Nature, to itself similar, with by itself - by own Intellect.
It must all realize that barbarian predatory attitude of market-capitalist man toward Nature does not say goodbye Nature. «Human revolution» is needed on A.Pechchei, a transition is needed from «apish space of consciousness» to Cosmo-planet’s, to Noo-sphere’s space of consciousness of everybody.
Noo-sphere’s society can be realized only as educational society in which higher Noo-sphere’s education becomes accessible and free of charge for every citizen of Russia.
Russia endured all of it and becomes on the Noo-sphere’s way of development on principles of collegiality, to obschinnosti, justice, to stability guided morally-oriented, free of exploitation of man the man of evolution of people and all ethnos.
An awareness and overvalue of «confrontation» principles of interrelation of timber-toe is needed by Nature, Space, with the waiver of user and hedonism and address to creation and creation, on the basis of primata of spirituality on a relation the use necessities.
In this concretely-historical moment in the conditions of the total understanding of the tragic state of the state people Russian, places and roles of Russia in becoming of Noo-sphere civilization and rescue of all of humanity it is necessary from an ecocatastrophe:
· to begin to see clearly and realize that man and only a man is primary cause of global destruction of the ecological niche in Biosphere of Earth, that consequently, man and only a man can rescue itself from ecological death in the middle of XXI st. century;
· to carry out the total informing of all of population of Russia about the folded situation, social illnesses, causing moral and physical degradation of population, about the state Cosmo-socio-bio systems Earth with that everybody joined in extraordinary on scales work in the name rescue itself, the posterity, Homeland from an all-embracing genocide. A financially-oligarchic capital, formed due to the robbery of Russia, must be nationalized and directed on realization of works on steady development of every region, city, settlement, the country, to all Cosmo-socio-bio systems Earth from Sakhalina to Kaliningrad;
· to produce and confirm imperatives not to poison and not destroy single Integrity of the system «Humanity is Biosphere - Earth» which makes maintenance of Noo-sphere; · to recover energy potential of avtotrofov and provide harmony of Man and Nature anywhere that a man lives;
· to pass higher education and Noo-sphere’s health protection to universal Noo-sphere, form Noo-sphere directed healthy way of life;
· to initiate in UNO development and acceptance of the «Global Noosfernoy program» which would provide making healthy of relations of world economy of humanity with the super-organisms of Biosphere and planet Earth;
· to halt the hypertrophied squandering of energy-materials’ resources a financially-political and Maffiozno-oligarchy, vampirism of which devours lives 90 % population of Russia;
· in every way to expose a conformist scientific association which, being carried away momentary ego-interests, until now did not go out from fenomenologicheskikh presentations of study of nature, space and Universe as the phenomena, did not begin to probe the components of Universe from position universal and special, not caused an anxiety the output of humanity from the state of Global Ecocatastrophe, passing to energy, eliminating the withdrawal of oxygen from «NS» of atmosphere. To count the actions of the states and commercial organizations, harming to the naturally-homoeostatic system «Earth», criminal and that is why impermissible;
· to stimulate the synthesis of natural and humanitarian knowledge’s, theoretical and experimental sciences of all of scientific association, directed on the detailed exposure of multivariable destruction of biosphere and planetary homoeostasis and making of mechanisms on their renewal;
· to provide the necessary-sufficient level of quality of life of all of population of Russia;
· to acknowledge that set financially-political capital-kratia the economical-law rules of conduct entered in sharp antagonistic contradictions with the Natural laws, what put self existence of humanity under a threat, and, to Russia in his composition.
Noo-sphere the intellectual population of Russia insists on development and acceptance of new rules of conduct for majority of the world citizens, directed on establishment of harmony of man, society, nature and space, built on achievements of Noo-sphere orientirovannogo synthesis of all of scientific, philosophical and religious knowledge.
Russia all of the history, all of Russian Renaissance of XVIII-XXI centuries, by the spiritually-space search of flow of idea, getting the name «Russian Cosmizm», scientific legacy of M.V. Lomonosov, D.I. Mendeleyev, V.I. Vernadskiy predugotovlena for a Noo-sphere’s breach in XXI st. century and spiritually-ideological leadership of humanity on it, Noo-sphere’s ways.
For preparation of text of the Manifest scientific books are used: R. Denizheva «Biotinformative conception of man». - Penza, 2003; V.A. Sokolova « Natural Laws and Fate of civilization», Brest, 2008; A.I.Subetto « Noo-spherizm. Tom first. Introduction in Noo-spherizm» Sent.-Pietersburg, 2001; A.I.Subetto «Criticism of «economic reason» Sent.- Pietersburg, 2008; A.I.Subetto «Freedom. A book is first. Criticism of «liberal reason» Sent.- Pietersburg, 2008; A.I.Subetto «Grounds and imperatives of strategy of development of Russia in XXI st. century» Sent.-Pietersburg, 2005; to the collective monograph: «Contours of coming civilization» (Odincovo, 2010), scientific labours of N.N. Moiseeva, V.L. Makarova, Grigor'eva S.I., Ivanov V.N., A.D. Ursula. Источник: http://www.azov-academy.ucoz.org/publ/stati_i_nauchnye_publikacii_articles_science/manifest_noosfernoj_rosiji_b_patrushe | |
Категория: The philological base of the Engineering epoch /Fedor Melnic-Eduard Gartung-Valery Vasiljev | Добавил: Vasiljev (2010-07-09) | Автор: V. Patrushev, A. Subetto, R. Logua | |
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