Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » Статьи » Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда





Supplement to answer as to chapter «The realisation of the concept of Society General Labour» to letter for _19-1/581//ZHT-IN-49, 1 from 05.02.2014 yr. Vice-minister T.ZHAXYLYKOVA


In the project of World Against crisis Plan is noted, what: «Unemployment achieved all-time scales. Worry causes not only quantity jobless but also time, for which people reside out of job because of the risk of the loss of connection with market. Youth unemployment - one of the serious consequences of crisis which is  subjected to the risk of the loss of the economic potential of entire generation. The employment question wears structural disposition connected with increasing of the burden of social expenses. The problems of the market of labor accelerate растущее inequality. As a result accrues the risk of the deprivation of confidence in state which impedes the realisation of the measures of state politics (Accentuation - our A.V., J.А., E.G., O.O.». AND then is emphasized, what «Real absence in the issuance of new credits became global tendency. Banking systems of the most of countries as a result lingering crisis are  aggravated problems  by credits, dependent from state support …The system of international commerce as a result crisis became more fragmented. Weak economic growth will not stimulate demand, curbs pricing tier on raw goods, lowers of income  commercial operations. … The economics of China, Indies, Russian Federation, Brasilia, of South Africa, Turkey and other developed countries seriously were slowed down toing thank the combinations of complex exterior conditions and inner obstacles (Accentuation - our A.V., J.А., E.G., O.O.».

In the chapter of «Strengthening  International Trade economic relations and further liberalizing  Commerce» confidently are written down, what «all see  inclusion in the world economics of countries and territories, previously little participating in international division of labour. Having opened between state borders, globalization lay way to unstate figures in the world arena: To transnational corporations and banks, to various nongovernmental bodies (Accentuation - our A.V., J.А., E.G., O.O.».

Is noted, what in «conditions of last financial-economic crisis was enchanced tendency to concluding regional commercial agreements». That is why developed in 2001 yr. in Warsaw and in 2009 yr. in Ivano-Frankovk the specialists of Institute ESCR recommendation purchase particular significance. Their is  necessary to include in the project of against crisis plan.

The essence of them consists in necessity to arrange the calculations of the possible ways of the development of world economics as to three scenarios on the grounds of suggested by us general methodological and methodological toolkit (look: THE PROJECT OF THE THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF WORLD Against crisis PLAN) for all states of the members of Organising of Incorporated Nations (UN), the as general coordinated project of overcoming of the dis-industrial countries of third world and balanced reciprocal addendum the development of industrially developed countries, had restored the level the widely of advertised responsibility of the world leaders 70 years of XX century for the world fate. Actually having repeated on new level the work of appraisal group UNITED NATIONS under the leadership of noble prize winner Memory Alfreda Nobelya in economics for 1973 yr., the head of Institution of the economic analysis of City university of New York Wasil  Wasilevich Leontjef.

It is all the more, what ours exist moral right to make proposals to the heads of industrially developed states, because our team the first discussed and presented  world public The law of The conservation of Labor in 1999 yr. which formulated academician New York  Academy of Science, the doctor of commerce AES&E, cand.econ.scis., high empl.scis Valery Alexandrovich Vasiljev, the director of at the time Institute ESCR. According to the opinion of many specialist in the field of the macro-economic analysis and the economics of industry this Law (look: THE PROJECT OF THE THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF WORLD Against crisis PLAN) is real achievement in the theoretical-methodological substantiation of the dynamics of socioeconomic processes orienting scientists on studies objectively existing economic conditions without the subjective distortions of business conditions approaches that economic school. That is why exist sense shortly will stop on the behavioral sciences of it opening. The first law statement of - «all the transformation of labor in the context of one cycle always aim to retain general (summary) the level of expenditures labourа» (Mariupol, 1977yr.) hypothesized two type treatment. It is possible was to apply this law to the verification of hypothesises about the existence of information-industrial cycle (featured the critical volumes of the gained results of intellectual labor) and ethnic-socio-culture, one of manifestations which, apparent, are ethnic-living of wave (hypothesis about the existence of such wave in Priazove with length 2300-2400 years old allowed to appear on the substantiation of existence ancient Cremnes in 5 st. till Christ). Also it is possible was to treat this law bearing on the new category OF LABOR, as realisation of in practice design produced or have understand aimed at the content of needs (basis – material’s think), and on the necessities of accounting in the theoretical-methodological analysis of following factors: NATURE, OF LABOR (our understanding) of and CAPITAL NOOSFERY.

But only in 1999 yr. Academician New York Academy of Science Valery Vasiljev lent the clear definition of the basis of cycle: «The basis of cycle had took unchanged technological level of that product, this or that service». As this importantly becomes eminent, if to pay attention to what opening of every new cycle went for account understanding the necessity of accounting previously of untaken into account factors. Began with circulating capital - short-term cycle, send on capital stock - medium-term cycle (10-12 years old) and completed by the long vulgarizations of business conditions (N.D.KONDRATJEF), where took into account even expertize of employees. We in 1997 yr. proposed to take into account and ethnic factors, because  ethnic-socio-culture cycle (tradition highway).

But when on manufacturing begin to see, as on complex interaction tens constructed person technical-social rounds that this really new and perspective approach. And main - can be estimated the effectiveness of the intellectual expenditures of scientists and explorers having performed the analysis the already of carried out expenditures of all sorts of labor (using had statistics, because no the perversion of indicators due to the influence of the knowledge of the methodology of data handling; was not of this methodology).

Generally this «break-through» became possible only owing to international collaboration. Moral support of New York Academy of Science and Publishers «Who’s Who in the World», as well as President AES&E and The presidium of The Union of the economists of Ukraine - turned out to be very timely and that necessary minimum, in order scientist did not omit hands and continued to work. Actually academician Valery Vasiljev made in 1999 yr. what would be carried out, like, only in 2030-2050 years, taking into account modern «Interest to methodology» (yes and that only «may be»).

Main - main theoretical-methodological conclusions became known world academic community practically all at once ambassador of the first steps as to practical use (the analysis of expenditures on service and the maintenance of the enterprises of railway transport, the calculations of expenditures in manufacturing of maintenance metal and others. This never previously was not. Passed decades meanwhile managed to make step in the theory consciousness. AND with The law of The conservation of Labor (the law of the conservation of energy for economics) occured what must be carried out with fundamental ideas in XXI st. - the high speed of spread in the environment of the specialists of world. IN Bulletin of N1 Azov’s the department of The academy of economic sciences and business activity (Mariupol, old Cremnes, 1999yr. led letter Dr Rodney W. Nichols, in which is spoken: «…for base of cycle we have taken the constant technological level of it or other product, of this or that serviсe.» And it is already fair, in order detected regularities were not betrayed forget. But the most valuable what Law already can take as proven and widely discussed scientific effect all explorers in the field macro- and micro-economical. This working intellectual achievement being the holder point for the carrying out of been suggested work.

And else a few facts. In the end 70 and the onset 80 years to us will it was necessary active to work in the field new technology and to appear on such level which began «given news» through rub-four month after the work onset in that technical area, because to work at the level of certificate ofs authorship. As we then were the annoyed work of Committee as to The protection of Copyright, yes and the final composition of claims on inventions sometimes wore anecdotic disposition. Ours exist one certificate of authorship on alloy, in which 14 co-authors (!). Was sensed injustice, what it is necessary on strange to work. We then everything were annoyed, but when came 90 years everything «steel clever». With new claim on invention (while with really efficient) already from principle went as to dozens departments, to us want to help at the level directors institutions, but everything already destroying. Here is when we appreciated that system which nevertheless was, and let bad, but worked. It is conspicuous, in this imperfect world better to divide with less industrious, than to lose interest to art general.

This, like, fair not only for creative teams but also for entire countries, - and on geopolitical level.

And as we wrote to President New York Academy of Science, Dr Rodney W. Nichols 15.01.2001 yr. in Warsaw - «first variant socio-ecology-economic model must show to where all us modern way local conflics, in particular, the reductions of Russia in the raw appendage of world economics (determining of the academician of New York Academy of Sciences, The President of Academy economic sciences and business activity, prof., Dr.econ.scis. I.P.FAMINSKiy). - We wrote these in 2001 yr. and repeat today in 2014 year which - not must fear to show the outlooks of the development of real processes, because, for example, Russia never will assent to that role which for it forms. And this such high level of international instability which all modern conflicts will there seem «by the repose epoch». And in the leadership of European Union, just like in leading USA - this very well understood».

We emphasized in letter to President New York Academy of Science, of which «from this it is impossible simply to overlook …Necessary to think, to consider and to help real recomendations». Here is by this recommendation and will show up «The Second variant of the scenario of the development of world economics, like, the most optimal». And in it key role must play industrial-financial groups - as main integrating and arranging the component of complex financial world system. It is certain, to hope on the good outlooks of work is  necessary having given to people outlook which causes necessity moral to support and «unamendable » optimists. That is why for optimists can be calculated and third variant, where much and much will ideal – most «optimistically». Will what to students study in universities.


Director IESCR                                                          Dr econ Vasiljev A.V.




Open sources, where are  published the basic evidence of researches and recommendations.


1.Vasiljev A.V. Basics and the substantiation of New Approach: Second report to Closeness of Rome as to «revolution effective». - Warsaw-Mariupol, IBMER, 2001. - 195 p.


2. Analiza bazy ekonomicznej i technicznej przetw$rstwa rolno- Spoywczego w FUTURE of RURAL TECHNOLOGY in POLAND: SECOND REPORT for RUME CLUB about "REVOLUTION of EFFECTIVE”  на G-Global




4. Vasilev A.V., Potrubach N.N. The modern system of assessment of result of labor. -  Mariupol, IESCR, 1992. - 40 p.

Категория: Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Добавил: Vasiljev (2014-03-10) | Автор: Ernesto Garcia, Alexander Vasiljev
Просмотров: 1059 | Теги: Ernesto Garcia, Rodney Nicholas, PROPOSALS TO WORLD Against crisis P, I.P.Faminskiy, Astana, Alexander Vasiljev, CIC, Dr Valery Vasiljev, IESCR | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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