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Institute of Olge W. Wasilievoj-Catholic of Economical and Socio-Cultural Researchers
Інститут економіко-соціокультурних досліджень ім. Ольгі В. Васильєвої-Католик
76000 Ukraine Box 228 Ivano-Frankivsk (Stanislaw before 1962 yr)
Ukrainian night on a farm Catholic - A.I. Kuindzhi (1876), Kallmiuska Palanka is 25 versts from Age-old Kremness - Adomakhi (city Sent. Maria - Mariupol)
To Pope Rome Benedict XYI
Dear Holy Father of the Wide World,
My tour in Rome began 19.09.2009 year, when on bulletin board Greek-Catholic Church in Ivano-Frankivsk saw communication about possibility to go in Prague on Employment GOD (Bozhiu) which should be to conduct You. Cost officially this tour 250 Euro. It is certain, for me this larger amount, but something caused me to forget all sensible arguments and to aim to see You. Called in tourist firm which arranged trip, to and me reported that in Prague already it is late, but can to me propose trip in Rome, where will 10 and 11 October 2009 yr. for 350 Euro. But me already nothing stopped and quickly began to prepare documents which to me nevertheless signed. Difficulties were traditional and about them can be forgotten.
But here is the night ambassador en route we to come in Rome which really is situated on hills, as if we have came to mountains, but to mountains in subtropics. All houses as to south are opened to sun and do not startle by number of storeys. We hit Baziliku Holy Sofia Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church. Our staff popik from Ukraine qualifies and conducts to employment to God. Everything can be withstanded. Even him the employment to God, but Bible is necessary nevertheless to read, and those parents of two young people from our group working in Italy of and met them children in Rome, so and did not can neither words to understand from that text which this popik read (but he actually did not read, and as-that oddly yоwled, because could not read on old-Ukrainian language of neither word). Excuse me GOD (Gospodi), but really very little knowledge have (but they «sincerely patriots» nowhere not aimed run) some attendants Your in East Europe!
Subsequently us withstanded of hour three on territory Sent. Sofii, for which to me managed will face Ivanom Muzychko, by 88 summer abbot in this fire-place of Ukrainian Christianity in Rome. He (real German) sincerely wondered - why memorial of Lenin in Kiev till now costs and it nobody does not take off. When reside in Rome that this really there’s seem odd and capitally savage for independent state. It is however, what larger territory have Greek-Catholics in Rome! And Why? Difficultly be rid of impression which East everything captures and captures, especial, when see entire forest with mountain which aside of Cathedral Sent. Petra belongs Russian Federation. To me 11.10.2009 yr. this forest managed self to see along with small church which lately built Russian Patriarkhat. Anecdote all it! It is especial, at the beginning XXI centuries, when are settled and to transmit as to television Shou «Battles of extrasenses», and in Europe everything sense accruing disbalance, especial, between people from Asia and Africa and by the fundamental population of Europe, and we everything fear, desperately fear, of treading on turns.
In 15 clock of us nevertheless disposed in hotel «Consul» and appointed get-together with by man conducting excursion on 16 clock. And here is on get-together with by man conducting excursion begin «Miracles». By man conducting excursion from Russian Federation, but living in Rome, have deliberated with accompanying wants to conduct us not to Vatican city, and on another end of Rome to see any ancient houses. But because I came to Vatican city and want to hit Cathedral Sent. Petra. That is why distinctly claimed that shall not go nowhere meanwhile shall not hit Cathedral Sent. Petra and main for me to visit Vatican city, rather than to study antiquity which in Rome can be studied by years, of objects are very much. Me persistently prevails upon already my neighbor to ride with all, but sense something here not so, and what do not understand. It is however, go everything to underground and I get up on stations, with which can be hitted Vatican city, and everything ride on another end of Rome. To prevent me cannot, but discontent solid. I promise that 11.10.2009 yr. to departure shall approach bus, and to see Rome will be self. This my perseverance gave to me possibility to see Cathedral Holy Petra into entire its to beauty and without irrelevant cackle unloving Catholics man conducting excursion. Marvelous Cathedral! Cathedral is and grand and very warm, proportionate. It grows from ancient traditions, but this already work our, modern Civilization. So nicely was to go as to Cathedral and to listen round German and French speech! Sensed itself in European environment and I constantly was annoyed, what do not understand Italian, on which conducted Employment GOD (Bozhiu) by evening in this Marvelous Temple. But to pray with Italians not the knowledge of language to me did not prevent. I feel itself by part Christian Wide World - this the most deep and unforgotten sensation (!!). To thanks Italian nation for the creation of such high spiritual atmosphere, for careful behavior to the intellectual-spiritual wealth of Humanity and for the creation of possibility to concern to this wealth even people from East Europe.
Larger to make neither one nation of World would not can.
Decided to come to Cathedral Sent. Petra next day from self morning. And the ambassador of it shutdown 10.10.2009 appeared and decided to pass round all territory of Vatican city. I have passed and saw the Museum of Vatican city and barely did not hit this most interesting museum, but fail … Sorry. When climbed hills and descended passing around medieval walls, on the one hand, of and the open windows of dwelling houses of Italians … on the other hand that felt spirit warm, ancient and loving the life of Italy which no neither in one city of Ukraine, and because as to blood nations are close. People necessary to love, rather than to search on them that primitive bridle (name, primitive is very hard). It is it is impossible to aim pressed from working everything till drop and nothing to give to, except, of bread and waters. But these regards so and will stay, apparent, by regards. Management is on critically low level.
And then going till Tiber and came till Kolizeya. Saw, as Italians have a rest together with all World and everything resides place and no neither foolish complexities, and exist spirit multilingual and ancient mega policy which connects antiquity with XXI century. This spirit and in architecture, and in planning, and in self patient to different churches Italians which will not divide people on castes and races. In them no csenofobiy, and all the more what - whether aggression as to quotient, neither to Africans, neither to Japannians, neither to Chinians - this exceptional achievement of Christian World, entered in blood and in the national disposition of Italian nation. Till such world outlook to Ukraine very away off, and about Russian Federation to speak else more difficult, yes and no need.
But main - saw Troyanov’s Pillar, of and these 200 metres bas-reliefs about the history of the struggle of Rome with Ukraine-Getto-Dakkia in 1 century of our era. And these more 2000 years old of the statehood of Ukraine, about which nobody today does not recall. Why?
By morning 11.10.2009 yr. had time to 9 clock to hit on square Holy Petra and me startled the flood of people with all World which went to Cathedral Holy Petra. People went with canticles, banners entire pillars. I felt the atmosphere of qualified celebration, but somehow thought that this celebration is not connected with Holy Prestolom. That is why I asked Gvardeitsa how to hit of at the address catholic educational establishment in Vatican city, where resided Vladyka Sofron Mudryj (Wise) and already collected to go to him, but along the road met two German clergymen who to me said that employment in Cathedral Sent Petra will conduct You. This everything decided. That is why I took at nuns Invitation and began with delegation from Spain to go on square. When I sat and read Invitation, understood the event grandeur. Canonization 5 Produced Christian - this large event! Great honor to accept in it participation. And here began have giving brochures, one of which to give and me, and in it on Ukrainian tongue all about Zigmunte Felinski! So that's why «Moscow’s man» all our Greek-Catholics coaxed to go on another end of Rome! In order nobody of them and did not learn about general with poles Holy and did not assist in canonization. As this is called? … Correct! I also think.
So here - is main - in 9 clock 50 minutes to me became the completely comprehensible purpose of my arrival in Rome. Namely - to assist in arranging of canonization 5 produced Christian along with You. And nobody, emphasize, nobody to me nothing said about it event, though dozens encircling me of people knew about it, but nothing was written neither on electronic page Greek-Catholic Ukrainian Church, neither on INTERNET The Pages of tourist firms. And why? Yes, God by him judge.
Me on square Holy Petra really led intuition and really fate (can be found and another determining). And fact stays by fact which despite all obstacles, in this Great event participated. If beforehand plan, then nothing would not managed. And because till last moment «Guardians» did not were not sure, what I know about its event to and me manage on it to hit that everything really managed. And managed on self for me high level. When of more three clock along with You and all beleivings on places Holy Petra prayed for of this Great persons Christianity, and main - understood everything what You spoke on Polish language (did not past 8 months of my probation in Poland by gift).
Hearing along You who his behavior to Labor and by appearance for me completely is associated with Valery Alexandrovichem Vasiljev (Document 65.- Document 66.-Document 123.-Congratulations for new POPE Your Sanctity BENEDICT XVI. Letter of CIC to Secretary of State of VATICAN..-Document.-177.- Legend o Rusia of the xxi century: memories of national governor and hope of the nations of the cooperation of the independent states - Mikhail Yevdokimova .-Document 201.- Christian Church in the Ukraine - Gotii in 2006 will be 1665 years " UN Youth Flash Special: Youth take centre stage at the UN..Document 228.- Letterr from Alexander Vasiljev to SS Pope Benedicto XVI. Document 262.- The Pope Benedictus XVI in Spain 2006, july,8-9.- Document 375.- Видатні українці від Інституту еклнолміко ukrainians from the Institute of the economics and Socio-cultural researchers by name Olgi W. Wasilievoj-Catholic.-Document 429.- The information activity of finding Civil International Committee Intellectual and Spiritual Unity as to acquaintances with article «Revival «Truth about Getmanshchine») - this the most Great and unforgotten for me gift of fate! To me else is necessary to deserve, or rather, to absolve that advance which to me have given superior forces.
Much high moments spiritual turbulences for this Great Day managed to me to perceive that only today comes the consciousness of received Prize. I aimed not of feather to pour that great sensation of have made useful MATTER which at my place remained and stays after this Great Canonization. Of cause tokens with You – but without Dr Ernesto do not want to attain its. The beatification of Great Man is necessary to us and for its is necessary to me else to qualify. This very serious and responsible step which must natural to comply with of our fate. If only will be its to have possibility to receive, then all for nothing was not the attention of to me intellectual persons from Zaragosy. My Friend Dr Ernesto Garcia, by his labor and prayers deserved meetings with You - for me evident. And here is relatively itself unique to say cannot. Believe, what itself on the whole know rather fairly well and not always in admiration from this knowledge. But highway will pass going, will working and hope.
But else one phrase about that Christian World, in which I have sanked 11.10.2009 year. I seated aside of Spain’s people on square Holy Petra aside of young, by very young Spanish girl who, like, soon will give birth to child, and her is active and too young mummy actively aimed everything to see and everything to show daughter. It is name, this girl of me photographed and I her too. If am not mistaken, they from Valencia and specially came on canonization, and the ambassador of Your beatification when You appeared to us by everything on square Holy Petra, all at once would ride home. But what good and kind people! It is by the way, general, on square was so much of umbrellas from rain, but its used from sun to and this me was closely and comprehensible. It is like, only conversation on the different languages of us detached and that part. Hundreds of simple and very good people was round me. I by him sincerely wished and wish kind and world. They all are my people and likewise for me close, as my students. And I this do not exaggerate. It is name, of this sensation, of it birth in people fear «Showing Rome from Moscow» and «Accompanying» from Ukraine. Man with such feeling not can hate World, to hate Catholics, antagonistical to relate to You and to make beastlinesses to this World (but as then to bully? All is destroyed!).
Met the sisters of Mother Terezy from India, saw, like, all Africa and Latin America _ magnificent. What Great and common Christian World! As spoke to me Vladyka Sofron Mudryj (Wise) - «Nine years old one milliard two hundred millions Catholics prayed for the exemption of people in East Europe». So that's why sniped at of Ivan Pavel II (!). It is by the way, 11.10.2009 year to me showed prison, where seated the scoundrel sniping at of Ivan Pavel II already ambassador of get-together with Sofronom Mudryj (Wise), from which heard much interesting and important, what this already separate, exclusively interesting topic.
For me trip really no forgetting. To me managed to feel Austria - German World, Italy - Successor Antiquity, and The CULTURE of Hungary. And this purely tourist aspect.
Relatively visits of Rome and participation in Canonization which You spent, five Great Christian - that this the most significant and important event in my life, in the activity of the Institute of economical and socio-cultural researches named Olga Wasilievoj-Catholic, in work the Azov’s Departments of Academy ES&E and our with my Friend Dr. Ernesto of Civil International Committee. With every month and year understanding of the significance of this event will for each of us grow. I will to recall all new and new moments, to this Holy will apply in prayers to and gladding our successes after handling to canonized by us Holy. All that will and should be. Christian Tradition only begins constantly created in global scale to and nobody from schismatic its will not stop.
Yours Alexander Valerjevich Vasiljev-Muller
Vice-Chairman of Civil International Committee (CIC, http://www.сiс-wsс.org/ ), Director of Institute of Economical and Socio-Cultural Researchers named Olga Wasilievoj-Catholic From Stanislaw – city when live Sofron Mudryj (Wise)
IN Rome all time in the memory of are recalled line Alexandra Sergeevicha Gannibala fon Sheberkh Pushkina from letters to wife, granddaughter Doroshenko (Gettman of Ukraine-Gothia), about what to father entrusted governor to watch son (as for not blessing reliable), and that have to was to agree. Yes of this Great Ukrainian, in blood which flowed blood of and the aristocrats of Africa and Great Gothas, so and did not release in Europe - Rome and Paris. As Russian Empire stole the better half this World culture! How many could create developer and the main author of new-Ukrainian language (catchword title - «Russian») Alexandr Gannibal fon Sheberkh! Document 186.- Getto-готско-Cossack’s language: The gift of the states of South to north neighbor - New-Ukrainian/Russian language .Doсument 361.- Way of Freedom. - Way to THE DISENGAGEMENT of Europe and all World Civilization: The beginnings of the ideas of professor Liudviga Erkharda. Источник: http://kumpan-muller.ucoz.de/publ/holy_z_felinski_f_gutart_j_de_veuster_baron_arnaiz_joanne_iugan_adjure_to_pray_god_for | |
Категория: Scandinavia-Bavaria-Khust //Скандинавия-Бавария-Хуст /Мюллеры-Кумпаны-Валерий Васильев | Добавил: Vasiljev (2010-03-05) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev-Muller | |
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