Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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Wasil Kozak - 80 Year -About it dayed dream the first President of Carpathians Ukraine - UNEP

About it dayed dream the first President of Carpathians Ukraine

             In 1939 year in New Year’s interview the First President of Carpathian’s Ukraine Avgustin Voloshin underlined: «We are building  New Carpathian Ukraine of and its main city Khust. We build Palace Government, University, house for students, museum, Ukrainian Nationa Theater» (lines of my. - A. V.-M.). On that time Vasiliu Mikhailovichu Cossack, native Khust’s Land, went only fourth year. And, general, boy no  thouht, did not imply that alone he of on the termination Khust’s Forest-college and Lviv’s Forest-Thechnjcal Institute across more, as sixty years will be realized the day-dream of members Government and President of Carpathian Ukraine A. Voloshina.

        He has began almost from nil. However he rested against the support of many real patriots Zacarpathians. On first pores enlisted to the lecturing of specialists Uzhgorod’s State University and the top educative establishments of Lviv. Of course,  behind plurality. At the same time he has beginning the intensive building of new educative accomodations. Hence Vasil Mikhailovich Cossack already seven years «building University» and «build house for students». Despite all difficulties, this to him very well resorts. Therefore in (invitation) greeting with birthday Presidium Ukrainian (Azov) affiliated society the Academy of economic sciences & Entrepreneurship.

         Attention that principal the Carpathian institute of entrepreneurship of  University «Ukraine» Vasil Mikhailovich Cossack «in his life did impossible created University in historical center Zacarpathian which already became well-known in World Wide by top educative pawn Central Europe».

          And it is so. What university in Ukraine can report before people, what its science-methodological seminars may find on leafs famous  in the World Wide of electronic magazine International social organization, how are You ? AND of Carpathian Institute  entrepreneurship did not only allocated report of theoretical      -methodological seminar «Future trans-regional cooperation in conditions fast include  the agglomeration of Ukraine into European Union» (passed 23.01.2007 ), but and complete content of most interesting reports of lecturers and the students (Look Document 338 on www.СІС And foremost proposal, with what will be read and in Europe, and in America. Institute  takes active participation into the programs of preservation envelopments, by  had began  United Nations, _ «Plantи for the Planet» and «One Billion Threes into 2007 year.». Successfully have making cultural-educational program  «Khust Spiritual (Dukhovniy)». And of the students  all chairs on  the conference into 2007 year did such report and on such level that they will be printed in herald the University of «Ukraine» as really scientific elaboration.

         Get ready to protection magisterial dissertation which so far name diploma’s works for new themes: «Reengineering of marketing service average business», «Reengineering of the system of department by efficiency labour» et cetera. Nine lecturers work over dissertations, and these are future man-woman of sciences of Khust. In seven local centers Carpathian Institute in Rakhov, Yyachevi, Mizhgir'I Uzhgorodi, Vinogradovi, Bergovi and Khust have making specialists out of specialities “Law-knouwn”, «Finance», ‘Accounts check”  "Accountancy», what gives real support to the development of market economics in Zacarpathians. In this also sizeable work  Vasilya Mikhailovicha and his «right hand»  Victoria Chopej.

          The ponderable progress of students of Institute in sport. And it also due to constant personal care V. M. Cossack concerning youth. That all the Entrepreneurship institute became another among educative establishments extremity from almost that all sports exponents. And this not only about traditional kinds sport. It is so, already begins to beat female football command CIE.

       Year into year enuresis Carpathian institute entrepreneurship. It is in particular are implemented most modern educative technologies. To lecturing of increasingly capable and competent lecturers are enlisted. Considerably of them out of glad go to work to Khust, first of all therefore, what local top educative pawn heads very interesting and talented  man. Long-standing day-dream Government and the President of Carpathians Ukraine Avgustina  Voloshina became the aim of life Vasilya Mikhailovicha Cossack. Is believed to, that principal of Institute entrepreneurship to build into Khust Classic University. Instance is Karlov University into Chekhii.


Alexander VASILEV, lecturer Carpathians  the institute of entrepreneurship


03.28.2016 Telegram sent, received 17-00 in Kiev, maybe in Hust on the color of the form received 03.29.2016

Victoria Chopey

Factory first, Hust, 90400

for Vasily Mikhailovich Kozak

Dear Vasily Mikhailovich!

Congratulations on the 80th anniversary of the founder of the University of Hust have made intention Augustine Voloshin

We wish Norman-Cossack Health Love of respect Native Students

Head. Department of Finance Alexander Vasilyev DonUEP

By the 80th anniversary of the Founder of the Carpathian Institute
University "Ukraine"
Vasyl Kozak

Dear Vasily Mikhailovich!

It has been many years since the day when Ukrainian family Michael Kozak was born in Khust talented boy Basil.

By the way many famous personalities obliged their achievements Transcarpathia. But true patriot madly loving the people and land of Transcarpathia could go to the great feat of life to which you unhesitatingly followed in 2000.

Filled with designs Augustine Voloshin about turning Justa a university town could have dozens of outstanding intellectuals Khust, but Vasily Mikhailovich lucky to meet Peter M. Talanchuk, founder and president, "Open International University of Human Development" Ukraine "and actually bring high university tradition in full not only Justa and Khust, but also to all Transcarpathia.

Created Vasyl institution of higher education for 15 years has provided knowledge and a university bachelors and masters thousands of Transcarpathia. But the most important is that Vasyl all these years taught students Khust deep philosophical understanding of life, the need for creative, creative thinking for the development of the Ukrainian state.

All we have heard from Vasily Mikhailovich, that thought is material. And this we independently teach students all over Ukraine. And not only this, but also all that deep democratic tradition of free thought that prevails in our region from the ninth century, when this Christian World Europe from bad people (Russ) fled Hungarians who really enriched Austria, turning it into the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Khust a source of innovative cultural and intellectual research.

And this search for personal impetus given day and provides Carpathian Institute of the University "Ukraine" that everyone understands what is born will and work of Vasily Mikhailovich Kozak. But not only Transcarpathia sincerely grateful to Vasily Mikhailovich and Donbass and combines all congratulations to the founder and the first rector of the Carpathian Institute of the University "Ukraine" Vasily Mikhailovich Kozak.

Without the work of this institution two professors from Mariupol in 2006-2008. Today at the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine have not considered the issue of revival of the Department of socio-economic analysis and promotion of innovative projects of NAS of Ukraine in the Donbass (Bakhmut, Mariupol, Kramatorsk).

And never in m.Siversk, Bahmutovskoho district, Donetsk region have not received a letter from the First Vice President of NAS of Ukraine, academician Vladimir Pavlovich Horbulin Ukraine in January 2016 A Fiscal Service of Ukraine does not have fought for the preservation of the Institute of economic and socio-cultural research ( Donetsk experimental successor scientific center and CMS Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). And there would be participation of scientists in Ukraine and UII VI Astana Economic Forum and the Congress UIII Kazenerdzhi and 30 scientific publications (n. And Eng. Language) for international communication platform G-Global, created on the initiative of President of Kazakhstan, professor, Ph.D. Nursultan Nazarbayev Abishevicha. And there would be the formation of an international academic companion Awards in 2011-2012. And a lot of things we would not be able to do without a higher education institution in Hust.

So we are grateful Congratulations Vasily Mikhailovich Kozak Happy anniversary!

We wish him Normano- Cossack health, success in writing books for young people to experience Ukraine and many happy events in his personal life. We hope that our children and grandchildren will only please Vasily Mikhailovich and it will be many years to give us wise counsel.

From the Scientific Council of the Academy of economics and business in Ukraine

Head of the Delegation of the Transcarpathian
Azov Branch of the Academy ENiPD


Director of the Institute of Economics and sociocultural



Native Earth 18.05.2008 ridna@ukrр  Newspaper issues from 3 January 1991 year

Plant its tree

Chinese wiser for 2500 years old till our days said: «If you think on year forward, those to plant seeds. If you think on 10 years old forward, then plant Garden.» Specialists in Ukraine and in Union Nations draw attention which we have very little time for preventing the changes of climate on planet. In order to fulfil this larger work, to us is  necessary to attract all economic, intellectual, the technological and innovation potential of world community.

This is all very well understand and specialists in Ivano-Frankivsk who see exit from complex situation in the support of modern projects as to the conservation of environment and the principal it composing of - forests. The that is why teaching staff of Zapadnoukrain’s Economical and Law University with interest got acquainted with the carrying out of programs IUNESKO «Plant for the Planet: Plant 1 milliard trees» which head the Laureate of Nobel Prime of the World Shangari Maatiuai from Kenya and Prince Monaco Albert II. Appears question, where to take yearlings with this end in view, in order to begin works in Nadvirnyanskomu, Verkhovynskomu, Bogorodchanskomu the areas of region. That is why leadership Ukrainian (Azov’s) of the Department of the Academy of economic sciences and business activity which co-ordinates program «Plant for the Planet» in West Ukraine applied requesting (letter of 17 March 2008 г.) to render assistance in obtaining yearlings to the chairman of Regional state administration Nikolaiu Paliichuku. We everything hope on the support of this useful activity, because planned cooperation as to program execution UNITED NATIONS «Plant for the Planet» with the universities of Germany, of Poland, Slovakia, Chekhii, Hungary and Romania.

                                                                             Alexander Vasiljev Vice-chairman                                                Ukrainian (Azov’s) the Departments of Academy ES and E


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Carpathians relatives, my the Ukraine sent by 1,5


Summary of THE RECOMMENDATIONS of practical-scientific conference the "Carpathians relatives, my the Ukraine (formation,
the economy, enterprise, ecology)"
. Khust 25-27 April, 2007.

Practical-scientific conference the "Carpathians relatives, my the Ukraine (formation, the economy, enterprise, ecology)" 25-27 April of 2007 into Khust, St. Plant 1 "A", Zacarpathian region. The comprehension of the social and economic, natural (ecological), educational and cadre problems of region, a search for nontraditional methods and technologies of instruction (remote form of instruction) and other questions were basic in the work of participants in the conference. In the work of conference participated 59 people, 75 % the professorial-teaching staff of institute, including representatives of district and local authority, students of institute.
It was heard that considered of 70 reports and appearances, in the discussion participated of approximately 120 persons. The work of conference passed through these sections:
1. economy of the Ukraine and the intellectualization of labor.

Participants in the conference defined, that basic characteristic by the feature XXI of century should be considered a change in the structure of world geopolitical space and transformation of the essence of such concepts as formation, science, the economy, particularly at the level of regions. Indeed only at the level of regions appear the sources, whose basis compose in a cultured way- national values as historical heritage, spirituality, mental of people.
Speakers led considerable attention in the appearances to the resource potential of the Ukrainian Carpathians, their rational operation and to retention. In also the time should be noted the slow solution of number of problems, in particular the development of the normative- lawful base of the introduction of differential approach to the instruction of people with the special needs, the cadre guarantee of services of social robots, higher educational institutions, the absence of the skilled workers of ecological services, psychologists on the production and others....
Participants in the conference establish on the basis of the consideration of the named problems:
the large part of the reports was focused on the concrete definition of questions of formation, economy, enterprise and ecology, the vital problems of linguistics and literature;
questions discussed at the conference, contribute to the integration of three components: steady ecological development, social development and to the protection of environment, and are also basis for introducing proposed by the scientists of Carpathian region strategies of the steady development of the mountain regions of the Carpathians;
Carpathian region it manages unique natural resources, cultural and social and economic values, which organically influence the vital activity of the substantial part of the population of Europe.
After hearing and after discussing reports and appearances, participants in the conference accepted these recommendations:
10. to management of the Carpathian institute of enterprise to support the initiative of participation in the BILLION TREE CAMPAIGN COORDINATED BY THE UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMNET PROGRAMME (UNEP).
11. to declare appreciation to Mezhgiskim foresters to the economies, which took upon themselves the obligation together with the students of the Carpathian institute of enterprise to plant 660 thousand 500 trees in 2007.
12. To support within the framework of the initiative pointed out above the execution of program "Red Book of the cultures of Europe", namely: to run program "Trees to the planet" with the participation of the students of the leading educational institutions of entire Carpathian region (Rumania, Poland, Slovakia, etc.).

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Категория: Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Добавил: Vasiljev (2016-04-11) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev
Просмотров: 1271 | Теги: Khust, Universitet of UKRAINE, Kozak Wasil, Avgustyn Voloshyn | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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