Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » Статьи » Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда

Why it is impossible complete to assent to Liuterom ...? /Alexander Vasiljev-Muller-До наукової конференції 7 березня 2012 р.

       Alexander Vasiljev-Muller


Why it is impossible complete to assent to Liuterom even through the centuries of development «Luter’s Church», as one of the most substantiated Christian flows Protestantism ?


One of next «cervices friend» («on decision», on rub-four hour) the ambassador of fourth hour «lecture’s report», as consoling itself, exclaimed - «But You generally substantiate existing position …».

And, real, what can make explorer in humanity which studies the problems of modern society? Because society potentially waits from every thinking man of rational idea for practice. Can it something basically new open? It is like, no. Not it one considered by sub analytic microscope everything little interesting and important changes in the motivational sphere as of society on the whole, of so and small apart взятого team.

It is possible, will try to indicate basically new line of activities which will use? It is too, not like. Attempt to point to possibility to unwrap on farm basis the educational program of vocational training «International the system of the security of Earth from destroy from exploitation space apparatus» (2001 yr.), despite real facts about the possibility of its realization, causes smile at the most of heading young lawyers in East Europe (they confidently cost on feet and tackle «need work») even in 2012 year.

But then, possible, it can show the work of networked structures and the outlooks of systems approach? Yes, last possible. But only end everything this «показы» by syllabus with the formulae of mathematical models which understand (or pretend that understand) the units of hearers. And that … only for problems in question in lecture’s examples, and to spread «science system idea» on the real practice of deciding of concrete problems not to only hearer, to but explorer to-lecturer practically does not manage.

It is so, what manages on all hundred per cent? Manage theoretical-methodological substantiations with the elements of the systems approach really of existing position and partially manage the same substantiations well observed with the maximally abridged external relations of socioeconomic situation in dynamics in industrially developed region (where there is the larger mass of reality labor, наколенного for centuries).

And this not «ideas of explorers-economists», or complication trick neither for what not going to reply professors. This that limitation in the cognition of objectivity which generally makes the probable novel way of the development of modern civilization. If was otherwise, then was not б neither regional, of neither world economics. Yes and aptitude to the development of интеграционных processes, of and all the more their gradual development _ was not б. But sadly what of such substantiations not only little, and very little. To astonish, to to wonder to the description of extremes to or disrespect to really working leadership («GREAT Shakhmaty» Z.BZHEZINSKOGO and ect. ) here is for the row of candidate of scienceses and «candidates Dr» the purpose of spelling of printed production which not want to name scientific. And help whether such works to the real heads of economics? Maybe they contribute «social world» in society? It is like, no.

Is absolved only partially budget salary (sometimes gained from the budgets of several states) and unmuch calms down conscience («Look how many much written»). And if serious, then such substantiations is  necessary to make, otherwise, will not realize of even tactical problems, not speaking already про strategic. And today Luter’s Church widely is  spread in Germany, but did not become leading Christian Church, despite sincerity and the spiritual vital act of bravery of it founder. And why? Blundered Christian nations in the assessment of it significance? Adversarially influenced Rome?

Yes no, simply this doctrine decided of the tactical problem of the spiritual development of Humanity, and Rome continues to decide strategic, aiming to retain in the perfect language construction of Latin language historic memory about general fairly perfect, but without the intellectual labor of people, the past and hope on willing unity of Humanity. And the statistics of supporters main Christian Church only reflects the peculiarities of the historic way of the consciousness of basic truths absolving, by the way, of honest spiritual work of Great Man of Christianity, one of which was and doctor Liuter. Only in sacral architecture essential breakaway from unconscious traditions meanwhile celebrates victory. But also this, hope, temporary.


Skhozhest the bathhouses of The churches of-violins with the form of acoustic wave - the substantiation of the direction of search


The first question - And really whether, exist sense to conduct the researches of already fairly antiquated artifacts which and remained very little? Yes, exist. And stayed quantity not only does not lower of interest, and only emphasizes the importance of active scientific search. Exist interesting moment in the history of the development of Christianity, when actually was seen returned very old with much science traditions in architecture in scales significant for the small Europe of region (look Table 1).


Startling conclusions can be maked of review these this study is under sponsorship. The first - the conservation of the alive tradition of Christianity really was carried out in Galitsii and whereat to Bogomateri and Gospodu pertained as to real close people preserving all moments of their life. Second – abstraction from real life all art and part act of bravery Messrs arose principally beyond Galitsii. Third - were not perceived in Galitsii person little  connected with christian tradition. Khochetsya to infer that Galitsiya prayed to its God, to native and well familiar nation and in Temples which provided the prayer efficacy. But from where it? From very deep  knowledge, which came  to us 4000-8000 years ago and retained by sacral tradition!

       Table 1.

The analytical group of blessed temples as to Ukraine and Galitsii in 18 eyelid.

Constructing of and beatification Christian Churches on Ukraine, in Peremyshelskoi and Lvov (Lvov, Galych, Kamenetskii) Bishoprics, this on 1772 year V.V.KOLBUKA (1998 г.), as well as in Peremyshelskoi, Lvov and Stanislavskoi Bishoprics 70 years 18 centuries (real statistics).

In honor кого is  blessed
As to Ukraine (as to V.V.KOLBUKU.
Peremyshelskoi and Lvov (Lvov, Galych, Kamenetskii) Bishoprics (V.V.KOLBUKU.
Peremyshelskoi, Lvov and Stanislavskoi Bishopric (statistics)
Rizdva   Pr.Бogoroditsy
934 (11,1%)
344 (9,2%)
247 (8,6%)

Blankets Pr.Бogoroditsy
954 (11,5%)
280 (7,55%)
231 (7,95%)

Uspeniya Pr. Bogoroditsy
540 (6,5%)
251 (6,71%)
209 (7,2%)

Sv. Troitsy
424 (5,1%)
112 (3,02%)
93 (3,24%)

Категория: Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Добавил: Vasiljev (2012-07-09) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev-Muller
Просмотров: 1047 | Теги: Luter, Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, Churches-violins, Luter’s Church, Dr Velery Vasiljev | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
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