Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)

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Главная » Фотоальбом » Who is Who - Alexander Vasiljev (Vasiljev-Muller) » Who is Who - Alexander V. Vasiljev-Muller » Latter to Men of Mariupol - L.Kuzminkov, G.Macuka
Expensive Men of Mariupol !
We with you successfully fought for renewal of Christian sacred Object - Temple of Saint Olga. To us very much a great deal succeeded to be done for these a few decades.
In 1997 to all not indifferent people an appeal was addressed about the necessity of renewal of Orthodox Temple of Saint Olga for the historical center of city.
And today our appeal is addressed to all who the sources of the Greek culture are expensive in Mariupol, who is interested in the revival of spirit of hellenism and high moral values.
We will be glad to get Your responses by mail and to meet with all who a culture and future of Mariupol is expensive to address: 87500, Mariupol, 129,Строителей St., Fl. 108, Mariupol society of Greeks (tel. 0629 346213)
Manager by the department of scientific researches of Advice of Mariupol society of Greeks L.N. Kuzminkov
A founder of Medal of "Metropolitan Ignatius" Father Vasiliy
Academician of NАS of Ukraine G.V. Macuka
Chairman of Civil Committee on renewal of Temple in the historical center of city А.V. Vasiljev
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