Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)

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Главная » Фотоальбом » Who is Who - Alexander Vasiljev (Vasiljev-Muller) » Who is Who - Alexander V. Vasiljev-Muller » C.A.Mitchell to Dr A.Vasiljev-February 17, 2012
Dear Dr. Vasiljev:
i hope your New Year is off to a strong start and this campaign request finds you motivated and energized by the strength and talent surrounding you. Our Governing Board has asked me to thank you first-hand for the quality of nominations you provided last year. We very much appreciate your time and effort in helping us keep our reference titles prestigious, reputable and on the leading edge. We could not do it without you.
We have a very busy editorial schedule for 2012 and are looking forward to meeting and discovering the new talent you will introduce us to. Our new title, International Dictionary of Professionals, has been well received. Your nominees will be delighted when they receive an invitation to have their biography listed in this forthcoming publication.
As you know, your membership on the Institute's Research Board of Advisors is an important part of our ongoing discovery of talented and successful individuals around the world. Your
nominations are invaluable and for this, I thank you wholeheartedly. -
C.A. Mitchell Editor-in-Chief
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