Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)

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Главная » Фотоальбом » Who is Who - Alexander Vasiljev (Vasiljev-Muller) » Who is Who - Alexander V. Vasiljev-Muller » A.C.Mitchel to Dr Alexander Vasiljev
Dear Dr. Vasiljev: It is a pleasure to announce the official 45th Anniversary of the American Biographical Institute. We recognize that our continued success is sustained only with the assistance of our respected and esteemed Research Board of Advisors. I want to thank you for taking the time to recommend exceptional men and women for potential inclusion in our reference volumes. Your discerning nominations are invaluable, and our Governing Board genuinely appreciates your participation in this critical role.
We are beginning our Summer 2012 Nomination Campaign, an intense search for extraordinary leaders, thinkers and philanthropists, much like you. The Governing Board of Editors of the Institute is looking for candidates who are accomplishing great things and are making a true difference in our society. As an outstanding example of these admirable visionaries, we feel confident in your ability to recognize other deserving intellectuals.
Your membership on the Institute's Research Board of Advisors is a crucial part of our ongoing mission to provide a global platform for personal recognition of accomplished individuals. As a nominator you can remain anonymous, and your nominees are under no obligation whatsoever except to provide biographical information if they so choose. We look forward to receiving your personal referrals and your ongoing assistance in our endeavors.
Sincerely, С A. Mitchell Editor-in-Chief
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Дата: 2012-08-28 | Теги: 45th Anniversary of the American Bi, С A. Mitchell, ABI, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller | Добавил: Vasiljev
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