Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)

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Главная » Фотоальбом » Who is Who - Alexander Vasiljev (Vasiljev-Muller) » Who is Who - Alexander V. Vasiljev-Muller » Sertificate of Odessa U. to A.Vasiljev
The professor of department of economy and design of
market relations
To the institute of innivation and after-diplome education
Odesa National University named I.I.Mechnikov
doctor of economic sciences, senior research worker
VASILJEV Oleksandr Valerievich
for high achievements in matters of
preparation of skilled specialists,
active educator work among
student young people and on
occasion of 140year from the day of
foundation to the universities

Rector ОNU V.A. Smyntyna

Head of trade-union L.H. Kalustian
to the committee
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Дата: 2012-08-18 | Теги: Odessa, V.A. Smyntyna, Dr Alexander Vasiljev-Muller, ONU, L.H. Kalustian | Добавил: Vasiljev
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