Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)

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Главная » Фотоальбом » Who is Who - Alexander Vasiljev (Vasiljev-Muller) » Who is Who - Alexander V. Vasiljev-Muller » Ask W.Leontjef to write a preface to monograph
Russian academy of management
of record of meeting of department of economy and organization of the economic systems of Center of problems of market economy
Moscow April, 16, 1992
Dr econ (PhD), prof. Kushlin V.I.,
Dr econ (PhD), prof. Spicyn A.T.,
Dr econ (PhD), prof. Penkov B.Е.,
members of department, graduate students and doctorants

LISTENED: Suggestion about preparation to edition of monograph
Vasiljev A.V. "Bases of economy, pricing and functions of money" (15 publ.l.).
CAME forward : doctorant Vasiljev A.V., which expounded the basic project of book and expressed opinion with the purpose of acceleration of work to do the extended editorial collective which will be able in same short term to provide high quality of future monograph. Taking into account a large role in development of economic idea of country our scientist W.W. Leontjef, to ask him to write a preface to monograph; vice-director of
Center of problems of market economy, cand.econ.scies Volgin N.A., Dr econ (PhD), prof. Lebedev V.G., supporting edition monograph.
DECREEED: Taking into account recommendation of department of economic problems of labour of Institute of economy of industry of Academy of sciences of Ukraine ­protection (protocol from 16.03.1992), and also to recommend opinion of leading specialists of department (Dr econ (PhD), prof. Lebedev V., Dr econ. (PhD), prof. Spicyn A.T., cand.econ.scies Volgin N.A. and other) to edition monograph of Vasiljev A.V. "Bases of economy, pricing and functions of money".

Chief by a department, Dr econ. (PhD), prof. V.I.Kushkin
Vice-Chief by a department, Dr econ (PhD), prof. A.T.Spicyn
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