Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » Статьи » Scandinavia-Bavaria-Khust //Скандинавия-Бавария-Хуст /Мюллеры-Кумпаны-Валерий Васильев

Alessandro Profumo Chief Executive Officer, UniCredit Group
Alessandro Profumo
Chief Executive Officer,
UniCredit Group
Dear Sir,
I was sincerely glad, when from the Internet knew about the actual real international character of Your investment Fund of Pioneer . The point is that when touched at Warsaw on a few minutes in Bank 26.04.2010, it was desirable to do something indeed necessary for the people of Poland. But time was not, therefore trusted the words of workwoman of Bank PEKAO SA Ann Yavorskoy, which recommended Your Fund. A mood was mournful (You will look Documents:
Yet a mood was worsened by information, that money for the studies of daughter in Cambridge (England), sent 13.10.2009 by me through Post-mail from Lignano (last city of Italy, which was passed by our group after participating in canonization to five Saints in Rome) on my account Bank of Poland did not enter. How could such happen? Wrote 10.07.2010 statement President of Interpol, but an answer while is not present.
I have understood 26.04.2010 that even in Bank and Postal space of Europe something a crackpot takes a place (probably, through no fault of Europeans). But compelled itself about it not to think.
Exactly, in Bank of PEKAO SA Poland 26.04.2010 firmly decided not to turn on these little «things» of attention, but aim to realize our with the Dr Vasiljev Valery Alexandrovich project 2005-2006. A project consisted of search of facilities for International Prime named Golika-Guli-Karimov, which with 2007 carries already the name of International Prime named Golika-Guli-Karimova-Vasiljeva-Kumpana
We with Chairman of Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity, Dr Ernesto Garcia decided it to award for the best report, done on international scientific conferences, conducted with participation Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity at illumination of this event on the pages of our electronic magazine of . But Prime must consist not only of Certificate and monographs, published Institute of Olga W. Wasilievoy- Catholic economical and socio-cultural researches but also must be let small, but real money amount. However, where was it from to take a money ? I did not succeed with 2001 after arrival from internship in Institutes of Poland to realize not a single commercial project neither in Mariupol, neither in Berdyansk, neither in Taganrog, neither in Odessa nor in Khust. Reasons those, what basis delay of correspondence even from Biographic Centers of England and USA. However to renounce our with Dr Valery Vasiljev a project did not want and does not want. Therefore, I decided to point at these aims a money, leave me by a Dr Valery Vasiljev after his care from life 12.12.2006, from which after all of inflationary processes and falling of course of grivna in relation to a dollar USA there is a sum little anymore one thousand dollars. These money succeeded 3.09.2009 to transfer on my account in Bank of Poland. For this enumeration sincerely thankful to workwoman of KREDOBANK in Ivano-Francovsk Irene Grigorchuk, which entered in my position and rendered the real help. By the way, it one of few expressed my acquaintances the real compassion concerning a tragedy under Smolensk with by air of President of Poland Lekha Kachinskiy, left our world together with his wife Maria and 94 of their comrades. Certainly, there is very little these money even for the purchase of actions, if percents to on by him to point at payment Prime named Golika-Guli-Karimova-Vasiljeva-Kumpana. That to do ? Time goes, and possibilities to realize this important for me plan for me becomes all less than (to begin to work does not give, and inflation eats all of economies). Wanted to appeal with a letter in American Bank, that his specialists prompted me what securities it is possible to purchase in order that there were more percents for Laureates of Prime, but 26.04.2010 have understood that this correspondence can give nothing. I will not simply get letters which will be sent away from the USA, but to me will not reach -«lost on a year or two». If money order from state mail of Italy «thus sages process» even in the countries of European Union, that he does not come to Bank in Poland, about what it is possible to talk. But with me 26.04.2010 there was a money in a sum little anymore two thousand dollars, which made part of sum from the sale of my apartment, given a present me by my grandmothers by Olga Andreevnoy Vasiljev (Melnik) and Aleksandroy Andreevnoy Melnik, which remained them after death their mother of Ann Grigorievny Melnik (Muller) in Winnica. This apartment Ann Grigorievny Melnik got from German authorities in 1941yr., and her son Feodor Andreevich Melnik, written down a volunteer in the army of the USSR, after the care of German administration from Winnica, thus saved an apartment in a center Winnica after Ann Andreevnoy Melnik (there were the special privileges on habitation for volunteers). Therefore simply transferred all of cashs which were with itself and money on a bank account in Your Fund with hope, that they will bring a benefit my dear Poland. The most considerable argument which at once convinced me was that the employee of Bank said about the companies of the USA which participate in this project. Considered that a money would be utillized on purpose and with a mind for blessing of Poland. By the way, there is nothing special in my act - the same way acted my grandmother Evdokiya Timotheevna Chernyavskaya, feeding the Romanian officer with a striker and hungry soldiers of the Russian army, and here did acid of wound to the neighbourly girlies, that they were not taken away on work to Germany. And rescued She and all of Her Family solders of German (!). Mercy it is ordinary for Christians. Interestingly, that Evdokiya Timotheevna Chernyavskaya carried me to baptize. Only every my step is fixed today enumerations on the Bank account in Poland, and Evdokiya Timotheevna about the acts even told nobody. Knew everything from Her daughters. In fact Her daughter, and my mother Olga Vladimirovna Vasiljev got through under the barbed wire, where held captive Russian soldiers and helms them that was prepared by Evdokiya Timotheevnoy, and solders of German helped she (!). Simple people did not want both in Germanium and in Ukraine to militate and kill. Why is not it talked today about it ? But was sincerely pleasantly surprised, when saw that actively participated in a management Fund Pioneer Boston (THE USA). Exactly, therefore I write You it letter. At first, 24, 25,26 04.2010 I succeeded to visit Warsaw specially in an order to put flowers in Koshchol Pod Wezwaniem sw. Karola Boromeusza from public organizations and our little institute. You can see all of this information on the followings electronic pages:
Secondly, remembered all of good, that was in 2000-2001 in Poland. Remembered how transferred a money for itself and for a Dr Valery Vasiljev in New York Academy of Sciences for membership in NYAS and for membership in Society «Legacy» 1817 to New York Academy of Sciences. Remembered all of sponsor payments which I considered it necessary to do, executing this promise the former congressman of the USA Bill Green. I grieve deeply, that in 2002 Bill Green, this Great American, went away from life (!). Remembered a great deal. In the third, in this difficult, but exceptionally interesting World all is done with a purpose. Mainly are these aims to understand and instrumental in their realization. Probably, all of events with me in 2009 and in 2010 is not a chance. It grounds me to ask You to give a consent to the first translation of percents for my actions in Fund of Pioneer, which are purchased actually for the money of Dr Valery Vasiljev and Ann Grigorievny Melnik, as money Prime named of Golika-Guli-Karimova-Vasiljeva-Kumpana to the scientist or scientific. Personally personality will be certain the decision of Chairman of Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity, Dr Ernesto Garcia (Zaragoza, Spain), which will be directed to You from Spain. For us would be Great Honor have known that Prime named of Golika-Guli-Karimova-Vasiljeva-Kumpana are general with You, by Fund of Pioneer. And if You consented with that it was handed by the representative of Your Bank of Founder or Bank which co-operates with Bank Founder of Fund, our to You gratitude would be yet more, and in the scientific world Your authority would rise grounded. We will be instrumental in all of forces it.
With sincere and deep respect,
Alexander Valerjevich Vasiljev Vice-chairman,
Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity ( ), Dr econ. (Ph.D.)
P.S. You see – We have given Prime of "Golika-Guli-Karimova-Vasiljeva-Kumpana” to Real Good Persons:
 You can find current information about Oleg Ogirko
It would be desirable to turn Your attention on possible commercial projects, but also so a letter is long and it is overloaded information. At first it is expedient to decide one, but main question.

Категория: Scandinavia-Bavaria-Khust //Скандинавия-Бавария-Хуст /Мюллеры-Кумпаны-Валерий Васильев | Добавил: Vasiljev (2010-12-14) | Автор: Alexander Vasiljev-Muller
Просмотров: 1389 | Теги: Dr. Valery Vasiljev, Gulia, Golik, Alessandro Profumo, Kumpan, Fund PIONEER, Karimov | Рейтинг: 5.0/2 |
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