Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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     The social modernization is necessary for mankind, one of which most optimum options is carried out today in the Republic of Kazakhstan which builds Society of General Labour.
Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1436 | Author: Vasiljev Alexander | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2013-04-25

Modern position bears evidence about what society our pitches level scorching developments, despite all attempts of it stabilization.
So drops culture, stopping scientific researches …
Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1538 | Author: Valery Vasiljev | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2012-07-31

Why it is impossible complete to assent to Liuterom even through the centuries of development «Luter’s Church», as one of the most substantiated Christian flows Protestantism ?

 One of next «cervices friend» («on decision», on rub-four hour) the ambassador of fourth hour «lecture’s report», as consoling itself, exclaimed - «But You generally substantiate existing position …»...

 And if serious, then such substantiations is  necessary to make, otherwise, will not realize of even tactical problems, not speaking already про strategic. And today Luter’s Church widely is  spread in Germany, but did not become leading Christian Church, despite sincerity and the spiritual vital act of bravery of it founder. And why? Blundered Christian nations in the assessment of it significance? Adversarially influenced Rome?

Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1046 | Author: Alexander Vasiljev-Muller | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2012-07-09

Усе більша кількість передбачливих компаній міняє свою організаційну структуру для забезпечення централізованого керівництва адміністративними службами і (або) службами по управлінню. Одне безумовне: компанії, які змінили свою організаційну структуру для забезпечення централізованого (і при цьому на високому рівні) адміністративного керівництва і керівництва службами, що займаються персоналом, зробили це для підвищення ефективності і економічності методів діяльності.

Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1355 | Author: В.І. Терещенко | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2012-04-06

We can that much, how many know

«The Knowledge are force»

Frensis Bekon (1561-1626) 

From book « About dignity and the multiplication of sciences »

     In the article proceeding from The Aims Development of Millennium and the necessity of alteration economics, considered the practice of administration the law of preservation of labour for financial sector taking account of it meaning into the period of financial crisis in globalization world, and the also main principles OF NEW Approach for activizing investment activity across the creation of The international Association of Industrial-Financial Groups, and also employment and have educated  interest in acquirement by aerospace technologies on account of the creation of International rural-industrial-financial group «Space Safety». Also are  adduced the instances of the administration of the system of social-status motivation into communal scientific unions, the effectiveness of work which is ensured by Internet - technologies in Eastern Europe

Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1771 | Author: Alexander V.VASILEV-MULLER | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2012-02-01

       Likeness of processes, what be going on at gene level, with of translating activity serves as undeniable evidence of both connection of different sciences and science connection with nature.
       Theory and practice of translation it is independent science and has the laws, specific, but not simply taken to the extensive utterances of writers and, on the whole, prominent people of different epochs in relation to the "global" problems of translation, problems of achievement of adequacy.
Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 3010 | Author: Olga Alexandrovna Vasiljeva | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2011-07-17

Have made of dependence allow deeper to understand the mechanism of influence of row of alloying elements and choose their optimal
table of contents for high carbon additionally
of the alloyed alloys.   
     Выведенные зависимости позволяют глубже понять механизм влияния ряда легирующих элементов и выбрать их оптимальное содер­жание для износожаростойких высокохромоуглеродистых сплавов.
Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 2364 | Author: Александр Васильев | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2011-04-12

Main principles of creation of
instrument for moving away of the containing
a fuel of masses, which have made is needed from
high carbon additionally 
of the alloyed alloys
Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1344 | Author: Alexander Vasiljev-Muller | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2011-04-11

      To save up morals, to save up financially-credit system, to save up all that great and necessary for civilization development that to it it has been given, - here a problem of leaders of world economy. Yes, we managed to develop much, but even more we haven't made because of conscious braking of socially-spiritual development from lagging behind groups of the states.
     Today at realization of the program of creation of uniform mankind all forms of terrorism should cause sincere and active counteraction. Be it financial terrorism, or cultural terrorism (that is observed especially often), or spiritual terrorism (when it is artificial the whole groups of sects are created), or nuclear terrorism (when try to intimidate creation of the nuclear weapon through «advertized programs of peace atom») and furthermore terrorism of "condemned men" which too is realized purposefully enough.
Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1033 | Author: E. Garcia, A. Vasiljev-Muller | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2011-03-16

        Consequently, the results of the research served as a base for preparation of suggestions to State Duma of Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Ukraine about the creation of the Azov Region and were approved and supported by Presidium of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Business Activity of Russia on the 1st of December,1995.
1. Aim of Establishment of the Company.
For transportation of cargoes arriving at the Azov Sea ports by railways, roads and the river of Don: for their export abroad and acceptance of cargoes, coming from abroad to the Kerch and Taganrog Roads and to other ports on the foregn ships the Joint stock Enterprise is established: under the name of "the Azov Shipping Company"
Remark: Governors: Commercial Adviser Samuil Polyakov and the Merchant of the 1st Guild from Taganrog Yakov Polyakov
2. The Company has the right to start its activity between the Black Sea ports,
and also to effect the passenger and cargo transportation abroad.
Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1035 | Author: S.V.Prusikov | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2011-02-21

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