Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


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Всего материалов в каталоге: 179
Показано материалов: 101-110
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Development Priorities of the national system of state management of the economy are in the planes: the regulatory, institutional, organizational, managerial. For Ukraine, it is advisable to carry out the evolutionary -modernizatsionnye methods of state regulation of the economy in a liberal model of social development.

Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 890 | Author: R.G. Smirnov | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2014-11-09

We everything sincerely greet The citizens of European union with Larger Celebration - by 25 anniversary OF THE DROP of Berlin WALL!!!

This CELEBRATION in Ukraine is perceived as symbol of Hope and Willing Victory of Democracy and Progress!

Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1081 | Author: E.Garcia,A.Vasiljev | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2014-11-09

MAIN - In this town live MY FRIENDS  Dr Ernesto Garcia

and Mr Julio Atance !!!


... advisably on legislative level to fix the preservation of all artifacts which can help creation this high-efficiency technology. It is it is impossible to dismantle the basements of ancient technological installations which in studies can prompt explorers the principles of the operation previously of working equipment. This today can be carried out on legislative level. 

Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Просмотров: 1541 | Author: Ernesto Garcia&Alexander Vasiljev | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2014-09-14

        The article shows the possibility of providing economic education throughout life, drawing on the analysis methodology evolution of incentive schemes in the light of the law of preservation labour and in keeping with the outstanding authorities of Economic Thought of Adam Smith, F.Liszt, V.Witte, P.Samuelson, M.Tugan-Baranovsky, N. Stolyarov, A.Chayanov, Dzh.Klark, P.Struve, V.Nemchinov, I.Fisher and others who wanted to help humanity to optimize the socio-economic development and socio-economic growth of civilization management responsibility of national states.

Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 910 | Author: A.Vasiljev,Bersutskaya-Sedelnikova | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2014-08-13

Formed modern situation, to deep regret, supposes the search of nonstandard decisions not that what to development of those school ofs science in East Europe and Eurasia, and to the elementary conservation of attained level. To us by everything really was lucky, for last decades developed and was lifted on modern level the science of Republic Kazakhstan which, in the first place, was carried out toing thank the Great work of professor, Dr econ. (PhD) Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev and all insisting scientists of this young country with ancient and deep culture. That is why we aim to make, with its side, everything possible, in order to retain the tempo of intellectual-spiritual growth in Euro-Asia for the account of the broad attraction of the scientists of Republic Kazakhstan to the discussion on of our researches, of reports and developed recommendations.

Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1950 | Author: Alexander Vasiljev&Ernesto Garcia | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2014-07-28 | Комментарии (4)

We on behalf of all members of the Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity to prepare world public opinion for the first World Congress of Spiritual Unity in New York express to you and all the great nations of the British Commonwealth, our sincere condolences to prematurely deceased citizens of your ...


Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Просмотров: 977 | Author: Ernesto Garcia, Alexander Vasiljev | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2014-07-25

"The role of civil international initiatives in shaping public opinion against terrorist actions" / / Chairman of the Civil International Committee of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity, Dr. Ernesto Garcia (Spain)

Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Просмотров: 1158 | Author: Dr. Ernesto Garcia | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2014-07-22

Nuevo informe para unas Academias. *

La ética moderna en Europa.
Se está hablando en estos momentos de principios de siglo XXI de la conclusión que hay en la sociedad la ética capitalista y burguesa, no funciona en una economía global, hay una crisis económica a nivel mundial, sin embargo de lo que va de siglo países mergentes como China, India y Brasil en estos países.
Está surgiendo ahora, una clase media nueva y no estamos hablando de sectores pequeños de la población, estamos hablando de millones de personas que tienen ahora unas rentas que les permite entrar a los bienes de consumo; Ello ha creado unos conflictos totalmente nuevos en los mercados, habiendo también una nueva forma de distribución. El poder económico y político se está desplazando hacia Oriente, China va a suponer a nivel mundial, una nueva forma de entender los negocios. Solo tenemos que verlo en nuestro país España (En cualquier rincón del barrio, hay una tienda del venta al pormenor que la llevan personas de la etnia China, 
cuando no el bar de la esquina, lo lleva una familia de la misma nacionalidad) Ello supone que esas personas, están aprovechando nidos económicos que los naturales del país no utilizan, a demás cuentan con fuentes propias de financiación, el capital es Chino y pagan a toca teja, eso supone que no pagan impuesto de tráfico de monedas y no se sabe muy bien el volumen que tiene. Es casi una economía sumergida, sin embargo genera riqueza en la zona donde está. Aportan bienes como ordenadores, herramientas y productos de bajo costo, que son más susceptible y baratos que los de la economía nacional ampliando su propio mercado. 


Law-Preservation-labour / "Все богатство из Труда"(Библия) по Закону Сохранения Труда | Просмотров: 1237 | Author: Julio Atance | Добавил: Vasiljev | Дата: 2014-07-16

1-10 11-20 ... 81-90 91-100 101-110 111-120 121-130 ... 161-170 171-179
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