Alexander Vasiljev-Muller Dr.econ(PhD)


Главная » Статьи » Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры


World Goodwill, 3 Whitehall Court, Suite 54, London SWIA 2EF, UK

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To us managed for 15 years to vanquish all complexities of formation and the development of finding Civil international Committee Intellectual and Spiritual Unity which primarily set special object - to prepare world collective opinion to arranging of The first World congress Intellectual and Spiritual Unity in New York and continues to convince in the necessities of this nonassessable stock international public of and already third President US.

With 29.12.2003 yr. to us in our job aid Bulletins «ALL World Kind Will» for 1999-2003 yryr. which Bracket The headquarters of the-apartments of The move of World-wide Good will upon request of the PhD in Ernesto Garcia from Geneva furnished to in Mariupol (Ukraine) Valery Alexandrovichu Vasiljev, to The chairman of Civil international Committee Intellectual and Spiritual Unity. That is why on seven languages - English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese - Great Call actively circulated Lusiс Trust Active (non-commercial exempted from the refundment of apportioned taxes, by educational corp.), with 2004 г. As to present time opens prior to the users of World-wide network the electronic journal of Civil international Committee Intellectual and Spiritual Unity (www.сiс-wsс.org ).

And we make with its parties everything probable, in order the brainchilds of Great Call steel close youth, training officers and all unindifferent to судьбам our civilization to the people of Good will combining job as to the extention to services of Great Call «с any form active outer work» (Uliam Blum, Inform. Unit. - 2/2002 «ALL World Kind Will»). The latest and reflected in 684 deeds placed on Web-Page www.сiс-wsс.org . It is however, of particular attention deserves the job of Civil international Board for period 2009-2016 yryr., when managed to take notice of the 1000s of the users of Internet in Ukraine, in Russian federation, in Kazakhstan and in the states of European union and America, as well as of the hundreds of students and school-boys in Ivano-Frankovsk (Ukraine), in Astana (Republic Kazakhstan) and in Bakhmute/Artemovsk/Bulavinske (Donets/Kalmiusskaya area) on the initiatives of international agencies, for which which took part intellectually-spiritual global longstanding became reality (!). We are  sure, what to exacerbation integration of causes contribute all organization shares of Civil international Committee, The Azov Department of The academy of economic sciences and entrepreneurial activity and The institute of economical- and socio-cultural researchers  (cessionary DESC The academy of science of Ukraine and DFC), particular, that which are conducted in common (!). And we are  agree with appraisal which gave in Inform. Unit.N2/ 2003 «ALL World Kind Will» basal dilemma facing humanity - world can come only in consequence the ascertainments of correct human relations and choice «в this interim period, actually not between war and world, and sooner, between world and turn (http://www.сiс-wsс.org/284%2016%206%207%20Rosсhild%20Memory.рdf ). For war exist as little as one party of turn …». Practically from the self basis of Civil international Committee particular place in the preparation of all deeds and initiatives borrowed and engages the realizations of the concept socio of-status stimulation intellectually and the spiritually developed citizens of preemptively East Europe, because It is name, in this region of planet seens the most sharp endogenous civilization civil conflict which examination everybody actively operating on accordance all-Christian and humane values and ideals. Persons who this examination withstand unmuch, but they exist - and continue to vanquishing all difficulties creation and to preserve attained level of development in the regions of East Europe. For them socio-status excitations are particularly important, because community as to different conjunctural and objective (i am afraid) to causes often afraids wide to use other excitations.

This concept amalgamates actually all initiatives of nongovernmental civil international agency (www.сiс-wsс.org the perspectivity of the system socio of-status stimulation consists in in what she reflects not manifested socio-status differentiation and ролевые functions, and those social qualities of individuals who assist slow development finding communities. The namely endogenous installation of person on creative, qualitative and high-performance labor of and воссоздание this installation in actuality must fix socio-статусное stimulation. This actually is made by International Biographic Center in Cambridge, by USA Biographic Institute, Publishing Home «Who is Who» (USA) which constantly are bolstered by the members of the scientist of the council of Academy ES&E in Ukraine. These principles implement in life and we in East Europe. It is so, during 20 years work hard over the formation of International Academic Option money Kumpana (Golika-Guly-Karimova-Vasiljev http://www.сiс-wsс.org/284%20Protoсol-21-angl%20_1_.рdf ) who already awarded 12 youthful specialists in Ukraine, Russian federation and in Europe for circumstantial and spurring to actual collaboration reports made on scientific-practical conferences, in arranging which participate our social scientific activity. In 2011yr. We have received backing on the part of The president of Poland Bronislawa Komarovskogo (http://iesсr-сatholiс.uсрanu_рrezydentowi_bronislawowi_komorowsk/2011-10-24-45 ), of Prezesa Bank The pioneer of dr Luiji Lovajlio, of Prezesa Fund Pioneer Kshishtofa Levandovskogo, Mister Voitsekha Zablotskogo (http://iesсr-сatholiс.uсрrezes_zarzandu_banku_рekao_sa_dr_luigi_/2011-09-05-42 ). Owing to by him managed to make the moneyed Bonus of Option money Kumpana at expense the successful activity of international pecuniary institutions on world investition markets, to namely Fund The pioneer of Bank PEKAO SA (Poland). It is by the way, namely this principle is  put in the procuration of the moneyed filling of Noble Prizes. And very well, what to us him managed too to applicate, because it will remind the young Laureates of Option money Kumpana about their communication with effectually running in the world fiscal constitutions. This will give by him capability actual to feel backing of world association with common interests. It is by the way, namely principle socio of-status stimulation is  put and in the social appraisal of the theses of the PhD ins of commerce, the PhD ins of crafts and the PhD ins of entitlement which is actualized by Institute ESCR and AD AES&E already 20 years. Theses R.A.LOGUA, O.V.NERUSHA, V.V.GREBENIUKA, I.Z.KRAKHOVETSKOGO, S.V.PRUSIKOVA, Z.B.SOKOLOVSKOGO, V.SHCHERBATYKH and others, constantly interest specialists and students (Look: Http://iesсr-сatholiс.uс ; Http://azov-aсademy.uс ).


Today we understand, to that already advisably and nongovernmental agencies to view of 5 World-wide Targets of Governmental Building: Legislative policy; Safety, justice, economic principles, customs clampdowns and services, aiming to find blanket integration approaches to their achievement, but adapt to the actual stipulations of the development of every concrete state. It is apparent, what with every new level understanding world public socioeconomic reality.  World becomes interesting (http://www.сiс-wsс.org/284%20PRINCIPE%20HEINRY.рdf ), but also more difficult in bureau and the coordination of politico-social activity and intellectually-spiritual activity. Speaking of The targets of Governmental Building, nobody does not forget and about the basal values of The declaration of Millenium, name, about requisite to view ecologic stationary development, the brand of bureau, world and safety. Along with this, on governmental level is  realized that appraisal which gave The move of World-wide Good will to the condition of people in poor countries, when of «… more 50% world citizens … live less, than on 2 dollar per day and reside in desperate condition. This accords unhealthy influence on young descent, for misery, in which they were given birth to and have to live, stole their childhood. International labor organization calculated that today in all world operate 250 million of children at the age of from 5 ante 14 years, and half of them … entire employee day.» (Inform. Unit. «ALL World Kind Will» N3/2002). That is why we draw attention with 2012 г. Academic community on unexpected reality of offerings Colombian and Gvatemalskogo govts which point at the expediency of the adoption of the kit of Vital Targets for poor countries [2]. To them, in particular, pertain: The consumership of food, energies, waters, biological variety and another ecologic targets (!). It is name, Gvatemalsko-Colombian offering stressed that New Agreement as to The targets of Governmental Building will be fulfiled parallelly with Targets The developments of Millenium and relations between these deeds will be malleable. It is probab, their offering in 2011 yr. (this stressed Alex Evans and David Stiven) positively influenced and on the position of High Level Bracket UNITED NATIONS as to Global and Stationary Development, sustain New Agreement as to The targets of Governmental Building and establishing philosophy for new targets:

-The universality of targets, rather than only their developing for developed states;

-All-round coverage reflecting economic, the social and ecologic measurements of viable development.

To such actually system approach international economics went confidently all years of post-war development (in-depthly mining present-day theoretic approaches http://www.сiс-wsс.org/379%20NNN-KlarkN-an-10.рdf  persisting shared responsibility) actualizing the concepts of indicative planning which we today view as one of the forms of institutional economics (developings noble prize winner Holland-Man YA.TINBERGENA and шведа G.MIURDALYA). Its disposal in France with 1947 г. Was actualized by seven five-year plans (ante 1980 г.). She was actualized in Japan and in else 11 states of Europe (Holland, Norway, Sweden and others). National programming and indicative planning of economics used in post-war period Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, England, Iceland, Spain. That is why so intensively were created and advanced in the world new intellectually areas preserving the vector of the positive development of global economics (and the all that of at expense the conservation of redistributed liability!!). Correctly indicates the talented economist of East Europe, professor, Dr econ Valery Ivanovich Kushlin, what «Measuring transaction disbursements at the market US appearing in the move of commodity (consumptions on banker's and fiscal services, hedging, wholesale and craftsmanship retailing), D. Nort and D. Uolles instituted that over 45% the national income of this country it is necessary on transaction, moreover, this ante for century grew approximately on 20 bearing interest clauses (with 25%) .» [7, p. 32]. Speaking about the successes of The move of World-wide Good Will, it is impossible will not mark pursuit to the unitary criterion of performance of managerial decisions in national economies and on the part of the professionals of East Europe which go along the appraisals of their west counterparts which actually and lets more confident to actualize the targets of The move of World-wide Good will not only in East Europe but also in all World (!). It is so, the specialists of The institute of The Europe OF WOUNDS issued under the editorial staffs of the academician OF WOUNDS and The academies of economic sciences and entrepreneurial activity, professors, Dr econ. Nikolaya Petrovicha Shmeleva report «Germany 2011», in which pronounced, what to «Against  forecasts and expectations the economics of Germany in 2011 г. As before advanced fairly dynamical. Accession VVP in annual basis totaled 3% (3.7% in 2010 г.), what essentially exceeded that in the most of countries Euro-Zona. Coefficient of expansions industry - totaled 6%. At the same time was fixed record inflation rate in 2.1% conditioned high world prices on energy carriers » [4]. It is apparent, what directorship of Germany wonderfully understands that in circumstances of the buildup of the new paradigm of development is  necessary to provide the high employment of citizens which must actively and unequivocal operate. That is why was completely used adversarial information (the march accidents on «Focusima» in Japan in 2011yr.) pro complexities of the safe deployment of nuclear energy and «under stress social opinion» (very good definition, principal – no-lose) «assumed corporate decision to abandon nuclear energy, and in after days and from the fossils of the channels of energy. It by principal component became the change-over plan on the repromoted channels of energy (VIE) which should be actualized ante 2050 yr. was resolved in short order to carry out from exploitation 8 from 17 acting AES. Retained 9 AES will be stopped sequentially ante 2023 yr. (in other words, conclusive waiver of nuclear energy was приближен on entire 14 years _ with 2036 г. On 2022 г.) » [4]. Judgment so much revolutionarily for popularly-economic complex which even data on the ante of «возобновляемых the channels of electric power in the electricity production to 2020г.» which «планируется to enlarge with 17 ante 35%» _ not so startle, as what to «2050 г. 80% energy country shoulds be to getting from VIE» [4]. It is apparent, with this end in view will is needed the basic adjustment of the entire clusters of branches (масштабная and very innovationly емкая job). The authors of report write that with this end in view «потребуется to create new infrastructure, cum building of electricity generating industry, of additional lines электропередач and энергохранилищ. Plan also provides for arranging of large-scale actions as to upswing of энергоэффективности national economic enterprise, cum the reorganization of buildings and the conversion of carry-over, particularly urban, from inflammable fuel on электричество» [4]. But this only visible component of перестроечного iceberg, т.к. «одновременно Germany preserves previously assumed liabilities as to abb to 2050 г. выбросов парниковых gases on 80_95% (as against 1990 г.) » [4]. Certain specialists in East Europe disbeleive in the capability of the disposal of this blueprint, and we seeing the actual successes of The move of World-wide Good will in Germany, validly we wish on success. And moreover, are  sure in what the initiative of Germany which completely complies with New Agreement as to The targets of Governmental Building (discussed in UNITED NATIONS) developping economic groundwork in European union for the consciousness of requisite and the importance of the disposal of Great Call, will uderstand very many countries, otherwise them will not resolve in complex the flow of appearing challenges of inhouse intellectually-spiritual development [3, 5, 7], without which impossible already workings of global economics. Is  valid for a period, culture (http://www.сiс-wsс.org/284%20to%20Kind%20of%20Sрain.рdf ), and spiritual development as its need component, became today actual productive power in global world, given in the itself positive activity of practically all nongovernmental civil international agencies which will enable self disposal practically every humanity catered man on this soil and even with limited capabilities (http://www.сiс-wsс.org/Julio%20Atanсe%20Angl%20Miсrosoft%20Word ). Truth very difficultly is given to Humanity. Its aim all along «correct», «better», to dose and even complete to betray forgetting . Pass centuries - and we shall learn any its stand-alone parties. But also this happiness which TRUTH we begin everything to learn. Such knowledge akin to opening of new channels Self disposal for every man and for entire nations which meanwhile is understood away off not all. To people difficultly meanwhile to realize interconnection between генной the composition of man and by actual historic self-knowledge, though even is  discovered ген «веры» and т.п. Principal - this communication actually coexists and manifests everything more frequently in the most unexpected and diversified forms developping in глобализованном world qualitatively new reality. And about it we constantly remind the administrators of the states of East Europe bolsterring illustrious intellectually and spiritually advanced leaders:

Большая честь быть современником этой созидательной деятельности-От П.Я.Чаадаева и П.Л.Лаврова к Обществу Всеобщего Труда Н.А.Назарбаева

The social modernization - the Society of General Labour

Самая большая Победа Христианства : ПОХОД армии Хулагу-Хана на помощь Риму /актуальнa после доклада проф., д.э.н. Н.А.Назарбаева


Ex post, except for the active practice of backing of all common initiatives of The move of World-wide Good will, we took on itself liabilities as to informing The internet of-users in East Europe about perspective research hypothesises coming out away off for the historic scope of finding the time (, about initiatives broadenning actually capabilities of our civilization (http://azov-aсademy.uссhnye_рublikaсii_artiсles_sсi/stanislaw_vidrodzhuemo_avtentiсhnu_nazvu/4-1-0-171 ), and principal - about historic TRUTH activizing micro-cosmos  each citizen of the states of East Europe:

Atlantis or Troy - to "Seversky MOUNTAINS"

The history of the formation of Great Empire Temuchina - People «Long and wise Will» written in Pri-Azov’s STEPPE by Subedeem &Ploskyni

Agradecimientos Julio Atance - Medal "Metropolitean Gothas and Cafa, Sent Ignatius"

This three Certificates symbolic will unite Spain, Ukraine and Kazakhstan

THE RECOMMENDATIONS of the international research seminar of «FUTURE Donetsk’s Basin in new political Situations»-fr. 21 June as to 10 July

our deep condolences from 11-09-2001 to 11-09-2014 - To president USA Barrack Obbama


Five NIST Scientists Win APS Awards - In 2015 will be candidacy from "Azov's Academy"

Civilization lost then «War which Impossible was to lose»

Bulavinsk's area will be very GOOD, but Bakhmutovsk's area is GOOD too

The Law of the preservation of labor about transaction expenses of Kouz: The memory of the founders of the economics of XXI century

All our efforts as to the elaboration of more-less eligible initiatives connected with the conservation of intellectually-spiritual principal in East Europe, find reflections in Internet-resources, of as East Europe:

Stanislaw - відроджуємо автентичну назву міста / revive the authentic name of city

Кончевскі Павел-Завадскі Павел-Wieslawa Holik-Вроцлавській університет Польща-Зенон Соколовський про абсерваторію на Піп-Івані


Pekao24 nagrodzone tytulom Europrodukt 2011 /Досягнення Банків Польщі в Інформаційних технологіях

Год основателя университетской традиции в Хусте Василия Михайловича Козака ПРОДОЛЖАЕТСЯ !!!

So and West Europe:    2016 Year of Wasil Kozak !  UKRAINE, Lvov ;

It is end-use, we try to voice its sincere condolences to the victims of terror attacks and natural debacles, as well as to the victims of the defiances of the rights of man, where these attacks and defiances did not stem:   (ПарижFRANCE  GERMANY RUSIA Turkish  Turtsii Western Sahara, Morocco  ETA, SPAIN  POLAND RUSIA IRAK FRANCE CHINA  (ecuatoriano) Ecuador

And our sincere condolences find supprt not only at the citizens of countries which were subjected to terror attacks, but also at the spokesmans of governmental compositions:  German

And др., as well as at the administrators of the social organizations of West Democracies, for example, Spain: ;

So formed of circumstance which the most close attention our nongovernmental agency pays to challenges of East and West Europe, however we try to mine challenging projects and for Central Asia (for example, blueprint as to the rescue of Aral sea «FNARGUL» ; ), Manifesting respect to leaders and nations which inhabit the countries of Central Asia: ;  и т.п.)

However we constantly try to find the new forms of the attraction of attention to our job, to initiatives and to the body of Great Call, that is why tried to arrange, except for several displays in Internet-room, the displays of the works of our nongovernmental civil body in Bahmut Museum to and Central library г.Бахмута which repaired and imparted her as to-present European Class at expense the actual grant-in-aid of Japan:

To us managed not simply to tell about the results of international collaboration to more 200 school-boys Bakhmuta on displays «Unity scientific room - basis successful globalization» (19.11.2016г., 1.12.2016г., 12.12.2016г.,, 30.11.2016г., 21.12.2016г., 28.12.2016г.) and « Unity scientific and cultural  room on American those Europe continents (on example Spain, Cuba, Poland that Ukraine) » (31.01.2017 г., 16.02.2017г., 17.02.2017г.), but also to show the biographic Reference books of New-York academy of sciences and Publishers «Who is Who» (US) which no practically neither in one library of Donets basin. Present-day young population, i am afraid, about them even does not know. That is why such form, namely body of display with several presentations, is, probab, self effectual by now the form of the acquaintance of young population and with scientific data and history of science in concrete country, and with the ideas of Great Call which impossible will not read after arranging of unequivocal bill presentation. We suggest to discuss the capability of the body of similar displays to in Europe and America.

We want  have made First World Congress of Intellectual and Spiritual Unity in New York - the first stage of the Great Davos (  ). We sincerely hope that our proposal will be heard and new steps to control the global economy will make a world of a qualitatively higher level of methodological work of economists, financiers, entrepreneurs, bankers, managers of national economies and international organizations. But, of course, we understand what a great work will have to carry out the analysis of a particular state of the national economies as a whole by a single procedure with access to real indicative plans for all UN member states.

It is doubtless, all that positively affects stowed situation in intellectually-spiritual domain. It is all the more, what we constantly aim to pay attention to that great job which fulfiled The higher Forces as to creation of such challenging and interesting World, in which we everything live and actualize its dreams. Also aim to actualize the inhouse blueprints of spiritual building (concern in 2009 г. In Canonization 5 Outstanding Christian in Vatican city in Cathedral Holy Petra; Concern in 2011 г. In Beatifikatsii Ioanna-Pavel Second in Vatican city in Rome etc), what good complements all our extracurricular activity as to the disposal of Great Call. It is at least, we so believe and we wish, in order everything, with whom to us it is necessary to communicate and to operate, as it is possible more frequently recalled about Great Call and about requisite TO PEOPLE - «НЕ TO LOSE BLAGOPRISTOINOST FROM INHOUSE BOGATSTVA» (Platon, Kritii)

Used channels

  1. Alexander V.VASILEV-MULLER, Dr econ. (PhD), high scis. empl. Vice-chairman of Azov Department of the Academy of economic sciences and entrepreneurial activity «Azov Aсademy» The necessity of the support of political decisions in Eastern Europe on the basis the Law of Preservation of Labor. (memberships «Azov Academy»/AD AEN&E in globalization Wide World) – [LOOK ] - 2012
  2. Tsіlі Rozvitku Tisyacholіttya: Ukraїna - 2010/Natsіonalnadopovіd, Mіnіsterstvo економіки Ukraїni, Kiїv, 2010. - 110 p.
  3. Vasiljev A.V. Golovnіpolozhennya NEW Pіdkhodu: Friend to Report Rome Club as to «Revolution effective». - ІБМЕР, AD AES&E, Warsaw, 2001. - 195 p.

4. Shmelev N.P., BelovaВ.Б., GromykoАl.А. Germany. 2011/_ 279, Moscow 2012.

5. Kondratev N.D. Select compositions. M.: Economics, 1993. p. 60.

6. Lutskii І.М., Lukach U.R., VasilєvО.В. Polіtiko-правовий aspect гендерної асиметріїв

    Ukraїnі//Polіtichniimenejment, - 2011, - N6. - pp.108 -109.

7. Governmental регуляция free-market economy: Under blanket editorial office the phd ins

     of economic sciences, professors Valeriya Ivanovicha Kushlіna, - M.: The russian

     academy of governmental career …- by Dalnevostochnoi the academy of governmental

     career. 2003.


THE HONORARY CHAIRMAN of Civil international Committee

Intellectual and Spiritual Unity, PhD

                                                                                                         Ernesto Garcia

The chairman of Civil international Committee Intellectual and Spiritual

Unity, Director of Institution of economical and socio-culture researchers

(cessionary DESMC The academy of science of Ukraine and DFC),

Dr econ., high scies empl.



The Vice-chairman of Civil international Committee Intellectual and

Spiritual Unity, Web-boss www.сiс-wsс.org ,

                                                                                                 Julio Atance                  

Категория: Spirituality sources-Knights, Defenders of Work and Belief/Рыцари Духовности, защитники Труда и Веры | Добавил: Vasiljev (2017-04-08) | Автор: Julio Atance, A.Vasiljev
Просмотров: 1384 | Теги: Lucis Trust, NEW YORK, Geneva, Dr A.Vasiljev-Muller, CIC, Master Julio Atance, Dr Ernesto Garcia, London, Seversk | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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